Operator dialogue: Whislash

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Appointed as Assistant You hear about burdenbeasts who don't even drag themselves to work until they're whipped. You're not like that, Doctor. You're smarter than a beast, aren't you?
Talk 1 Doctor. Just to put any scary little misunderstandings to rest, let me say this now. Maria might call me her aunt, but that's only because I'm higher in the family. I'm not much older than her. I'm still young. I'm still not married. Clear?
Talk 2 A spat between me and Dobermann? Oh, don't worry, she's a top-of-the-top instructor, I know that. We've just had a bit of a... bit of a difference on how we like to train our people, that's all.
Talk 3 There's plenty at Rhodes Island packing personality AND strength, hm? You could pick your fancy, turn them into competition knights and grab everyone in there by the eyes... Mm, well, or maybe let's not stir that pot.
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, can I borrow you? I just want you to help me carry some things. If you're asking, well... er, just... all sorts of random things I buy when the mood strikes me.
Talk after Promotion 2 Oh, my injury...? I'm not setting foot on that stage ever again, and I've long since learned to get along with my right, so let's not worry yourself, okay. Or maybe you're just being polite, Doctor? Tiptoeing around saying I can't fight at operator standards?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Honestly, Maria. She runs away to the Engineering Department any time she's free. You get used to it fast. *Sigh* I wonder where her education gave her those ideas... Well! Compared to forcing herself to arm up and do what she doesn't want to, I think things are fine this way.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Hm? Hello, Doctor. No, I've just been feeling a little empty. Margaret never wants fussing over, Maria's found what she's wanted to do here, and what about me...? Oh, god, what am I doing talking to you about this? Don't you worry about me, let me make that clear.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, we don't get along half bad, but you don't just lie there and leave it all up to me, not in your wildest dreams. I hate danger plenty, but layabouts leave another bad taste in my mouth. Though, when your back's against the wall... *cough* Well, we can talk about it then!
Idle Someone's easygoing, aren't you? Well, I can let you rest for ten minutes or so.
Onboard Ahh, this is Rhodes Island, is it? I'm Zofia the Whislash, then. As a former competition knight of Kazimierz, trust me when I say I'll whip your operators into shape.
Watching Battle Record These are ways of fighting I've never even heard of before!
Promotion 1 So this is a Rhodes Island promotion, then...? Why not. I don't pay much attention to my wages, but being compensated for my troubles isn't all that bad a feeling. Thank you.
Promotion 2 Hmm, thinking about it carefully, the pay's not bad, life is good enough here, and I get to see Maria and Margaret all the time. Staying here as an instructor sounds nice.
Added to Squad Let's take a look at how you all deploy.
Appointed as Squad Leader Leave the team to me, then.
Depart Turn up the heat! We're going out!
Begin Operation You haven't forgotten what you need to do, right?
Selecting Operator 1 My time to shine.
Selecting Operator 2 Well-timed, Doctor.
Deployment 1 Assess the battle first.
Deployment 2 Zofia the Whislash, attacking!
In Battle 1 Don't underestimate me!
In Battle 2 Perfect chance!
In Battle 3 Pushover!
In Battle 4 You're finished!
4-star Result Really, I was going to have a word with you about taking such a dangerous mission, but seeing you tie things up so beautifully, I'll just let it slide...
3-star Result A perfectionist, then... well, nothing wrong with that.
Sub 3-star Result We won, and that's enough, no? Don't obsess over it.
Operation Failure Doctor, don't just stand there! Follow me!
Assigned to Facility Well, this interior's got taste!
Tap Eek?!
Trust Tap Doctor, focus on your work.
Greeting How do you do, Doctor?
Title Arknights.