Template:Operator dialogue cell/doc

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This template is used to create a table cell showing the dialogue of Operators on their respective Dialogue subpage in conjunction with {{Operator dialogue head}} and {{Table end}}.

Please pay attention to the following file naming convention before adding the files so that they will be displayed properly in the template. Also, as stated in the image and video policy, only use .ogg audio files and not any others due to copyright and technical concerns.

  • Japanese: [operator]-[no].ogg
  • Chinese: [operator]-[no]-CN.ogg
  • Dialectical Chinese: [operator]-[no]-CN-[dialect].ogg
    • Substitute [dialect] with shorthands pertaining to the language (e.g. "CAN" for Cantonese, "HOK" for Hokkien, etc.)
  • English: [operator]-[no]-EN.ogg
  • Korean: [operator]-[no]-KR.ogg
  • Other languages: [operator]-[no]-[language].ogg
    • Substitute [language] with shorthands pertaining to the language (e.g. "IT" for Italian, "DE" for German, "RU" for Russian, etc.)

For dialogues #1 to #9, add "00" before the number (e.g. "001"); for dialogue #10 and forth, add "0" before the number (e.g. "015").

For dialogues unique to certain outfits, add the outfit's name between [operator] and [no] (e.g. "W-Fugue-001").


Add {{Operator dialogue head}}, at least one {{Operator dialogue cell}}, and {{Table end}} following the example below:

{{Operator dialogue head}}
{{Operator dialogue cell|1|You work so hard, Doctor.}}
{{Operator dialogue cell|10|Doctor, I'm so glad that we're back together. And we'll walk this path together! I've got your back if you've got mine.}}
{{Table end}}


Variable Parameters
{{{1}}} Set to the following numbers to indicate when the dialogue is spoken.
  1. Appointed as Assistant
  2. Talk 1
  3. Talk 2
  4. Talk 3
  5. Talk after Promotion 1
  6. Talk after Promotion 2
  7. Talk after Trust Increase 1
  8. Talk after Trust Increase 2
  9. Talk after Trust Increase 3
  10. Idle
  11. Onboard
  12. Watching Battle Record
  13. Promotion 1
  14. Promotion 2
  15. Added to Squad
  16. Appointed as Squad Leader
  17. Depart
  18. Begin Operation
  19. Selecting Operator 1
  20. Selecting Operator 2
  21. Deployment 1
  22. Deployment 2
  23. In Battle 1
  24. In Battle 2
  25. In Battle 3
  26. In Battle 4
  27. 4-star Result
  28. 3-star Result
  29. Sub 3-star Result
  30. Operation Failure
  31. Assigned to Facility
  32. Tap
  33. Trust Tap
  34. Greeting
  35. Title
{{{2}}} The dialogue text.
crossover Set to "true" for crossover-specific Operators who do not have multilingual dialogues (e.g. Team Rainbow, Nine-Colored Deer).
dialect Add the Chinese dialect to this variable to show the CN dialectic dialogue file.
File name format: [operator]-[no]-CN-[dialect].ogg
otherlang Add the shorthand of the language name to this variable to show the other language dialogue file (e.g. "IT" for Italian).
File name format: [operator]-[no]-[shorthand].ogg
skin Add the outfit name (case-sensitive) to this variable to change the dialogues into outfit-specific ones.
File name format: [operator]-[outfit]-[no]-(CN/EN/KR).ogg
unused Set to "true" to mark the dialogue as unused (only for skill activation dialogues).