Operator overview: THRM-EX

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Modified and retrofitted from a Raythean Challenger Hellcat six-wheeled robot by Closure with assistance from Mayer for use by Rhodes Island as a "battlefield deterrent robot", THRM-EX (short for "Thermal-EX") has a masculine A.I. that, like his "brother" Castle-3, is — again — programmed to adore his creator when not performing its tasks. However, THRM-EX is known for usually showing a great degree of enthusiasm even amidst the heat of battle as if he is, literally, on fire.


THRM-EX is 1★ Executor Specialist who specializes in Nuker and awarded as one of the first clear rewards of 7-2. Otherwise, THRM-EX is only available from recruitment where he is guaranteed to appear by combining the rare Robot tag with the Specialist tag (and setting the recruitment time to at most 3:50).

THRM-EX has better stats than other 1★ Operators, including a higher DEF and an unusually high RES of 50, but does not attack and has a block count of zero. Additionally, 1★ Operators cannot be promoted, so THRM-EX is stuck at a maximum level of 30. However, he has a very low DP cost of 3 and is not counted towards the Unit Limit, at the expense of having a very long redeployment time of 200 seconds, defeating the purpose of THRM-EX's branch.


Delayed Detonation causes THRM-EX to explode 3 seconds after he is deployed, dealing Physical damage to enemies in the surrounding tiles and applies Fragile on them for a short time, but forcibly retreats THRM-EX (despite appearing as if he had been knocked out in-game) afterwards, with the damage and Fragile debuff increases in every Potential improvement.

Base skills

THRM-EX's base skills improve the efficiency of Power Plants while he is assigned to one.

  1. Backup Power, increases Drone.png Drone recovery rate by 10%.
  2. Enthusiasm reduces THRM-EX's morale drain rate by 0.52 per hour.
