Operator file: Spuria

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A native of Laterano, real name Serpilia. Spuria was dispatched to Rhodes Island alongside Executor Richele by the Sixth Tribunal of the Lateran Curia following the Ambrosii Incident.
She is an expert in firearms technology, and proficient in communications and mechanical engineering. She is currently a visiting associate of the Engineering Department.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Spuria
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Spuria shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.11u/L
Operator Spuria has a strong sense of safety awareness. Her blood Originium-Crystal density is so low one suspects she does not leave home at all.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Spuria
Based on her training data, Operator Spuria demonstrates well-above average shooting accuracy, adaptability, and proficiency at firing on the move against other moving targets. However, she seems to consciously avoid overreliance on firearms, unlike most Sankta operators from Laterano. Instead, she actively employs drones and information warfare in combat.
Although she has declined to explain why she prefers not to rely entirely on guns, she is happy to demonstrate her proficiency in engineering and firearms technology. She often spends her free time in her room, working on drones and other gadgets. At Closure's recommendation, she began to visit Rhodes Island's workshop, sharing her knowledge with other engineers. Today, she is considered a trusted partner by both our Sankta operators and the Engineering Department, and their go-to if the engineers of Repair Workshop 3 are absent–which they often are. In case Spuria declines–perhaps claiming to be too tired to visit the workshop or that she has not washed her hair–operators are advised to promise to sign-in for her at the next regular meeting, and to bring the equipment in need of repairs directly to her room. Operators should also note, however, that her modifications have been known to cause other "issues" from time to time.
It took considerable time for Spuria to build up her good relationships with others by repairing their equipment. She began by accepting online or phone commissions, and drones could often be spotted delivering broken equipment to her room, or repaired equipment back to their owners. As no one had seen her in person at the time, rumors began to spread that she was too overweight to leave her room.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Spuria
[Audio Log]
"Hey, did you hear about how a bunch of operators in Medical called in sick?"
"A pathogen leak? Or just overwork from having too many patients?"
"No, I heard there was something involving some rarely used medical equipment in the old storage room..."
"Old storage room? You don't mean the one that used to..."
"Exactly, which is why no one's been in there for ages. Anyway, it was bad enough to have to go into that dark, scary place, but then they started hearing strange voices."
"Not only that, the white cloth covering the equipment started swaying eerily. One of them even saw a semi-transparent figure in a corner!"

[Announcement from the Medical Department]
The Medical Department has completed its preliminary investigation into the rumors surrounding the so-called "Mystery of the Storage Room." To protect the privacy of those involved, no public report will be issued. However, in order to prevent similar incidents in the future, the Medical Department hereby announces the following regulations:
1. Without express permission, no drones or other appliances with voice or holographic projection functions are permitted into restricted areas, including surgery rooms, intensive care units, and equipment storage rooms.
2. Non-Medical personnel who wish to study the medical equipment may submit a request to Dr. Kal'tsit in writing. Or just come to the surgery room. Don't use hacking and drones for this sort of thing!
3. Don't use "studying medical equipment" as an excuse to scare people with drones!
4. Don't deliver your written request via drone! Come in person!
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Spuria
Operator Spuria previously worked as a communications engineer at the Laterano Municipal Office. She currently works for the Sixth Tribunal, which is responsible for civic matters, education, and health. Although she is known to be eccentric even by the standards of our other Lateran operators, she is quite willing to use her tech skills to help people solve small issues in exchange for repayment, such as rescuing trapped pets, manipulating traffic signals and school bells, or other "interesting" problems.
While she was a student, she was repeatedly disciplined for hacking the school bells. In one case, a sociology teacher showed signs of dehydration after lecturing for five hours straight, without a bell to signal the end of the period. Investigations revealed that Spuria had disabled the school's timekeeping system. When questioned, she answered, "I just wanted him to take up the classroom a little while longer so I wouldn't have to go to tech ethics class. How was I supposed to know he could talk that long?"
Despite numerous incidents, Spuria was never expelled. While she rarely attended class, she helped the school develop a highly efficient system for teaching and administration, greatly reducing administrative workload. This is also why she was able to remove any disciplinary action from her record. The headmaster even waived her attendance requirements after she secured him the best seats at a popular singer's concert. While the school may have turned a blind eye to her eccentricities, she did receive "discipline" from other sources, such as Lemuen, the head prefect of the student council. While no record remains of their interactions as students, the two of them are known to be close, even now.
Interestingly, Spuria was recommended to the Curia not long after Lemuen recovered from her injuries and joined the Seventh Tribunal, responsible for intelligence, foreign affairs, and national defense. Spuria was first offered a post at the Seventh Tribunal as well, but surprisingly she declined, preferring to work at the civic-focused Sixth Tribunal.
"Technology exists to be used. It's only fitting that my drone goes to class in my place!"
"You want to skip class, and I want you to attend.
"So how about this: Either you get up in the next 10 minutes, or I give your teacher and classmates a call, and let you explain to them the little drone you invented."
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Spuria
Inquiries with Operators Spuria, Insider, and Executor have helped us piece together a picture of what happened at the Sanctilaminium Ambrosii. After expressing our condolences for what the inhabitants had been through, we determined that the tragedy could not have been averted by the efforts of a few, and that Spuria and the others present would benefit from moving on. While we do not believe that she is responsible for Fortuna's fall, it was apparent that she continues to feel guilt over it.
We were concerned that, after witnessing the fall of a Sankta from up close, Spuria would associate what happened with the "unusual choice" she made. However, from what we've observed, she is not trying to shoulder responsibility for the entire incident herself. Indeed, her feelings of guilt have actually had a positive influence on her.
Since her student days, Operator Spuria has devoted her full attention to the study of precision technology, but only out of curiosity and laziness. Lemuen helped her realize that the technology she knew had little practical application, which led her to join the civic-focused Sixth Tribunal. Then, the fall of Fortuna made her rethink her responsibility towards guns as a Sankta, and she realized that her expertise in firearms technology could help more Sankta fulfill their own responsibilities and prevent future tragedies. This was the practical value of technology she had sought.
Operator Spuria takes regular shore leaves, revealing little about the purpose of these trips other than that she is helping out the Sixth Tribunal. We have strong reason to believe, however, that she is visiting Fortuna and carrying out her "duty of oversight."
Promotion Record
Promote Spuria to Elite 2
[System Log]
Welcome to the Rhodes Island human resources database. Authenticating...
Authentication successful. You have full access permissions.
What may I help you with?
Parsing request...
Request: Operator Spuria's field mission records
Total records: 22
Rated as "exceeded expectations": 19 times
Operator Spuria's mission performance has been excellent. Although she has indicated that she prefers not to take field missions, when she does, she performs at a high level.
Request: Operator Spuria's regular meeting attendance
Total instances: 54
Personal attendance: No data found
Drone attendance: 36
s identified to be by proxy: 14
Despite her lack of attendance at regular meetings, Operator Spuria downloads and reviews all meeting minutes and conforms to all resolutions.
Request: Operator Spuria's shore leave requests
Total requests: 10
Shortest: 6 minutes
Longest: 73 days
Operator Spuria's recent shore leaves have gradually increased in length, and she has requested sick leave upon returning each time, citing leg pains. Increased attention to her physical condition is recommended.

"A health checkup? No, I don't need one, really, I've just been walking a lot."
"Fortuna has actually settled in with those Sarkaz, so I can finally take my eyes off her for a while. Taking a walk around their new home and eliminating any potential threats is a kind of oversight, right?"

Weibo introduction

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