Operator dialogue: Spuria

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Appointed as Assistant No problem. Just leave the documents here, and I'll filter out anything that isn't worth you reading... Can't do it that way? We have to take each one seriously? Fine, fine, whatever you say.
Talk 1 I guarantee that field op will be cleared without a hitch, so– I can't dump it on another operator? Come on, It was a long trip for me to come here, and I'm better off spending my time in the workshop while I'm on the ship. Work with me here, will you?
Talk 2 How's my stay? So far so good. Here I can focus on reviewing my designs without headphones on my head. No need to block everything out with music. Feels kinda refreshing. Still, I haven't modded any of the equipment in the dorm myself, so it does feel kinda like we're missing some features here. For example, something that automatically orders cactus tarts takeout at preset times.
Talk 3 Do me a favor and tell me when Lemuen shows up, Doctor. I help maintain her sister's gun every now and then, so my guess is she wants to have a few words with me. Why don't I just go see her? Uhmm... The way I put it, one can't be so proactive with everybody. Sometimes, you need to keep a certain distance. You know what I mean?
Talk after Promotion 1 Laterano has tons of magazines covering the combat attire of other countries. Their designs seem to have drawn inspiration from a variety of sources, all of which I'd like to try out. Oh, just so you know, I'm more of an order-by-phone kind of girl. I don't go shopping unless I'm invited by some very specific people. So, you gonna ask me out?
Talk after Promotion 2 I'm more willing to go on field ops than before? That's because I'm after inspiration for firearms upgrades. When I stand in war-torn ruins, where there's none of the ear-rending ruckus of Laterano, I get this weird sense of fear. I have to find a way to use my technology to combat that somehow.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 If the Lateran Curia ever asks for me, make an excuse and turn them down, will you? I don't wanna go back to listen to my boss nag about faith and standing. She thinks she can talk me into recognizing my mistakes, but I don't ever think that much when I do stuff.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I study firearm assistive technologies, but I don't fundamentally understand what a gun means to a Sankta... Hm? Oh, nothing. Just a friend of mine who told me she's starting to use a gun again. Anyway, I'll be going on a trip soon. Be sure to approve my disembarkation when the time comes, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You look like you're in a bad mood, so I grabbed you a snack from– Hey, what's that surprised look for? Yes, you're no Sankta and I can't feel your emotion, but that doesn't mean I can't care about you. Alright, eat up now. I wanna see if this is from the tainted batch.
Idle You asleep...? Hehe... Well, well, seems like a good chance to release a drone in the hallway and stream someone's sleep-talking... No response? Looks like you're actually asleep.
Onboard Spuria, liaison from the Sixth Tribunal of the Lateran Curia, here for cultural exchange. Oh, right. To prevent any safety inspections, my luggage has a self-destruct mechanism. Yep, the stuff inside isn't necessarily all safe.
Watching Battle Record You want to watch combat records together? You aren't gonna complain that I'm not serious enough when I watch the videos, right?
Promotion 1 If you're giving me more permissions, I won't have to check with you the next time I want to do something, right?
Promotion 2 We Sankta know how to shoot just by the instincts we were born with. Then, after seven years of schooling, we've mastered advanced shooting techniques and learned the basics of maintenance and retrofitting. After that, we may spend our entire lifetimes without ever realizing... guns hurt people.
Added to Squad Yep, no problem. I've got the objectives all memorized.
Appointed as Squad Leader Relax, just leave it to me. What kind of havoc can I wreak?
Depart Aww, I prefer combat strategies without so many twists and turns.
Begin Operation Perfect opportunity to observe the battlefield.
Selecting Operator 1 Comms online and stable.
Selecting Operator 2 Go ahead. Tell me your plan.[note 1]
Deployment 1 Hello, on-site service.
Deployment 2 It's about time we switched to a frontal assault, no?
In Battle 1 Come on, don't be such a drag.
In Battle 2 Just a smaaaall test.
In Battle 3 Take a guess. Am I holding my gun to pray?
In Battle 4 Uh-oh, you got it wrong.
4-star Result What a surprise. It's been a while since I had so many casings at my feet. You really know how to put on a show.
3-star Result Just as promised, the mission's a success. What was I doing? Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's hurting. Nobody likes a Doctor who pries too much, yes?
Sub 3-star Result No worries, it's not a big deal. Just act like you're all remorseful, and nobody will press it too hard. But I still saw every mistake you made with my own eyes, better keep that in mind.
Operation Failure Uh, you're not gonna fix the part of the perimeter that got blown up? That wouldn't fly in Laterano.
Assigned to Facility Woo, I love this icy, modern feel.
Tap Careful. My gun might go off.
Trust Tap How much do you know about Sankta guns? There's no way you'd ever be able to fire one, but I don't mind explaining things to you.
Greeting Hey, Doctor, you're finally here. While you were gone, absolutely nothing happened.
Title Arknights.


  1. "Incipere. Quid consilium est." in her EN voice line, meaning "As a starter, what's the plan?" in Latin