Operator story: Sharp

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Sharp the Columbian Pythia is a skilled swordsman and a member of Rhodes Island's Elite Operator whose family are mercenaries serving several Padishahs of Sargon. For more than twenty years, Sharp had been a ferocious warrior through his swordsmanship and was gradually promoted to become a guard for the Sargonian royal court. Following his retirement, Sharp eventually found his way to R.I. and became one of its earliest members like Warfarin and Elysium. Due to his mercenary past, Sharp treats every duty sternly and will not show pity to anyone when he needs to get his business done. While he appears to be a cold man on the outside who once questioned R.I.'s ambition in the early days, he is actually a nice person in the inside who loves making jokes and befriends others.


Break the Ice

Sharp is first seen conversing with Aurora where she mistook his intention in asking her opinion regarding Kjerag in the present as checking for the comms station installation. He then told her to visit her family which she hasn't seen for a long time instead of accompanying the team, assuring her the Doctor will be fine with him. Sharp is then seen boarding the train to Karlan with Cliffheart and Courier acting as the Doctor's guide. During the ride, he's impressed by Kjerag's internet content. After they arrived, they were confronted by Gulo and his troops where he tried to divert the attention from the Doctor to himself by pretending to be them but Gulo saw through his ruse and it almost resulted into a battle had Degenbrecher not arrive in time. Sharp refused to put his weapon away as suggested by Degenbrecher affirming his resolve to accompany the Doctor wherever they go but alas, Degenbrecher won't allow it. He contacted Aurora to break the news of the Doctor's capture by the Paleroche family and asked her to come immediately. They then discussed over what has transpired and the situation in the Paleroche estate. He told Aurora to set herself straight as an operator of Rhodes Island before Kjera surprised them both where he almost attacked her.

When Aurora went to scout the route to the factory she contacted Sharp to let him know that the Doctor's guess is a hit and he told her to keep following them. It's revealed later that the factory is in the process of handover to the Arctosz and they faced heavy opposition from the workers. Before the conflict escalated, Sharp and Aurora managed to get the Doctor out to safety. He then scolds the Doctor for getting themselves into dangerous situations. He and Aurora then briefed the Doctor about their investigations and told them they still don't have enough information regarding the incident so far. He suggest the Doctor to get out of the region as a whole for their safety and even goes as far as proclaiming his distrust towards Courier, Matterhorn and Cliffheart because they're the main reason the Doctor is involved.

He told Aurora who was flabbergasted at her brother's involvement in the factory incident to prioritize her task. He's seen next reporting the aftermath of the train bombing committed by Gnosis to the Doctor. He disguised himself as one of the Kjerag warriors during Monch's assassination attempt towards SilverAsh and managed to protect him. When Matterhorn arrived later to aid SilverAsh, he was surprised that Sharp is there asking him if the Doctor saw through this. The Doctor then told him about SilverAsh's plan where he argued that the Doctor is too idealistic in their plan and they assured him that it will all be fine, which he accepts. When chaos erupted after the Elder was poisoned and the Tschäggättäs are deployed, he managed to knock several of them out and fought them for awhile, injuring himself in the process. He told the Doctor later that the respective clan's leaders managed to get back to their own territory safely and elaborated their plans to Kjera. His next task is to keep Arctosz from getting into trouble where he lamented that Kjerag's mountainous terrain would benefit Blaze more. He was then seen after Ratatos was rescued from her burning estate where it's revealed he was the one who rescued her and Sciurus.

When Cliffheart told the Doctor he wants to stop her brother's plan and rescue Pramanix, Sharp led one of the squad from the Paleroche family and faces off with Degenbrecher. Degenbrecher identified his Sargonian origin and talked with him about their past during their battle. They then prepared for a final assault where they discarded their previous equipment and started a full-power assault. The match resulted in his defeat though he admits that he's just there to waste Degenbrecher's time. After Pramanix showed up with a supposed "miracle", both of them exclaimed their surprise at the event. In the aftermath of the event, Sharp exclaimed that while everything ended safely he's not helping the Doctor with writing the report to Kalt'sit which requires "extra effort" . He can only stay silent when Dobermann managed to deduce the Doctor's involvement when she came to pick them up.