Operator overview: Shamare

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There is an island in western Siracusa reputed to be a haunted, cursed place linked to many supernatural phenomenon. With their rational minds, Rhodes Island did not believe in such rumours and launched an investigation on the the island. It turned out the place was filled with large amount of active Originium, and the island's supernatural phenomenon was, in fact, the byproduct of a powerful Originium Arts subconsciously casted by the island's resident, a little Vulpo girl named Shamare, through a somehow animate doll nicknamed "Morte". She has since been taken under R.I.'s care to understand her unique case of Oripathy.

While she was mature beyond her years and often babysits other younger R.I. personnel, Shamare gives off a creepy impression due to her apparent schizophrenia and the supernatural phenomenon that frequently occurs around her; in fact, Shamare is able to deliver literal curses/hexes on others, primarily bad people and R.I.'s enemies. Unless you're in for a world of hurt, you'd better not be getting into Shamare's bad side...


Shamare is a 5★ Hexer Supporter who specializes in Debuff. As with other Supporters, Shamare's attacks do Arts damage similar to Casters with a rather unusual range of an adjusted 3×4 tiles (like that of slow Supporters at Elite 1) with a 2-tile extension on both sides at Elite 1. Shamare also has lower ATK but higher RES than other Supporters.


Omen of Defeat applies the Fragile debuff to enemies within Shamare's range whose HP has fallen below 40%.

  • Compared to Pramanix's Weakening which has the exact same function, Omen of Defeat is available as early as Level 1 with a slightly lower effectiveness of 10% but has a slightly higher effectiveness of 20% in Elite 1.


  1. Malediction permanently buffs Shamare's ATK and makes Omen of Defeat's Fragile more effective once charged.
  2. Cursed Doll allows the namesake to be deployed once charged.
    • The Cursed Doll reduces the ATK and DEF of enemies in the surrounding tiles to it and will self-destruct 15 seconds after being deployed or when Shamare leaves the map, whichever comes first.

Operator Module

The UMD-X Module, Fabric Apples, causes Shamare's attacks to apply a 10% Enfeeble debuff to the target for 2 seconds in addition to increasing her ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, Shamare receives a second talent, Bad Tidings' Wake, which gives her Negative Taunt after being deployed for a while.

Base skills

Shamare's base skills improve Trading Post efficiency with some drawbacks while she is assigned to one.

  1. Tailoring α makes high-yield LMD.png LMD orders more likely to appear the longer Shamare is assigned to the Trading Post and reduces her morale drain rate by 0.25 per hour.
  2. Whispers negate the order acquisition rate increase of all other Operators in the same Trading Post as Shamare but increases the order acquisition rate by 45% for each other Operator in the same Trading Post as Shamare, and increases the morale drain rate of all Operators in the Trading Post Shamare is in (including Shamare herself) by 0.25 per hour.


Shamare is a good Hexer Supporter who can hasten the deaths of her enemies by making them less of a threat and more susceptible to incoming damage with her assortment of debuffs.