Operator file: Shamare

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In the Siracusan region, an enigmatic girl had become a bit of a local legend. Further investigation determined that the root cause was an Infected girl who could not control her Originium Arts. She was subsequently taken in by Rhodes Island. She is allowed to take part in some minor tasks as an Operator while receiving treatment to help her learn to control herself.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Shamare
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 9%
At Shamare's young age, there are no obvious signs of crystal deposits.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.23u/L
Shamare has spent a long time in Originium-dense environments without adequate protection or treatment.

By extrapolating the degree of infection shown in above data to adult patients, the infection is currently under control. However, considering Shamare's young age, the fact that she was infected even earlier, the effects of prolonged exposure, and the tendency for her Originium Arts to get out of control, each department should closely monitor the situation.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Shamare
"That island is a fearsome place, where the living and the dead are but one door apart."
"They were all tortured by inexplicable pain. Gouges. Stab wounds. Burn marks. Nobody saw who did this, nor does anyone know why."
"The island is cursed, its master and servants all despondent to the point of madness."
"After one night, all that remained was the lunatic who cried and begged for anyone to ferry him back to the mainland. Anyone who refused would be subjected to a flurry of fists, and this went on for so long that in time, few dared approach the island."
Similar legends to the above were once sung about a town built around a lake in western Siracusa. This is not a legend in the sense of a superstition passed down, but rather a summary of chilling events that occurred one after another over a period of 3-4 years in a mansion built in the middle of the lake. After fully exploring this "cursed island," a few courageous investigators and explorers were only able to bring back a young girl who seemed to be a blood relative with the island's owner, along with some attendants who had been shocked into a near-comatose state.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Shamare
The truth behind the curse is simpler than one would think. The island, which was auctioned off as a luxury estate, has a notable underground area. More accurately, this area isn't actually underground, but refers to a depth that can be easily reached through plowing or farming. Present here is a large amount of active Originium. Prolonged exposure to this Originium-dense environment unknowingly awakened Originium Arts within the young girl, and prolonged contact through potable water, food, wound sites, etc., further exacerbated her rampant and uncontrollable Arts. After learning about this situation, Miss Shamare was quickly transferred to the Rhodes Island landship for medical treatment and management. Although the locals were more than happy to send away this "plague god" as if they were saved, we know that Miss Shamare is but another victim of this incident.
Miss Shamare is still a child, even younger than Amiya is. I hope all of you keep this in mind. Her rampant Originium Arts is vastly more noteworthy than her experiences as an Infected. Originium Arts that can manipulate the consciousness of others often comes with a greater burden upon the user. We would do well to keep thorough records while investigating.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Shamare
Miss Shamare's personality clearly displays abnormalities. Compared to children of the same age, she is taciturn and indifferent. She often uses the doll she always keeps on her, which she calls "Morti," to express her thoughts. In addition, Shamare also demonstrates interests that are incomprehensible to others, frequently talking to herself using antiquated jargon. At first, Medics thought this was possibly a symptom of contracting Oripathy at such a young age. Later on, when visiting the attendants who were responsible for taking care of Shamare, we found that many of them did not blindly heed the myths and rumors, and even after becoming aware of the various possibilities, still chose to regard Shamare with malice and ill will. While most of them have expressed regret for these sentiments, the truth is that every time they would leave the island, they would quietly plead with the ferrymen to take them away. When they got into town, they were often viewed as accomplices to some horrific crime even though they were merely shopping, a testimony to the unfair treatment they would receive. Understandably, no amount of good intentions can offset the withering bombardment of negativity.
Over time, the townspeople who didn't know the truth came to establish the dominant narrative, and even the attendants who had stayed with the young girl for many years started to view her in the same light. Overall, it can be said that the effect of the environment and her upbringing played a far greater role in the development of Shamare's character than Oripathy itself.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Shamare
Shamare's daily activities are a source of concern for many; for example, how she has little regard for when a doll is supposed to be sewn up, or her attire which always appears scorched. She still attributes everything that happens around her to evil spirits, or the words and deeds of "Morti." Gradually, some of the younger Operators began to wonder if the supernatural phenomena that frequently occurred around Shamare actually had some credence... Although our current understanding of Originium is not enough to explain all the secrets of Terra, it is nevertheless highly undesirable to simply categorize the unknown as "curses." We hope that all Operators will try their best to remain sensible and approach Miss Shamare with a normal mindset, as this too provides valuable guidance to her education. We should all think rationally about the "supernatural events" happening around Shamare, and believe that there are naturalistic explanations for these phenomena...
Addendum: So far, no one has fully elucidated Shamare or the mystery of her Originium Arts. Yet nevertheless... all we can do is believe that these are indeed due to Originium Arts. Looking back, yet more rumors circulate regarding that Siracusan lake... and there are discrepancies between what those stories describe and what we've managed to test Shamare for. The truth... may be further away than expected.
Promotion Record
Promote Shamare to Elite 2
Although Shamare's past is full of misfortune, the more we learn about her Originium Arts – and I once again must apologize for this – the more our curiosity overwhelms our sympathy for her. At first, we thought that her references to "divinations" and "curses" were coping mechanisms to deal with her environment over time or perhaps due to the fact that her Arts subconsciously harmed others in the area, resulting in her attributing everything to the work of evil spirits in order to understand what was happening around her.
But based upon Shamare's performance in some missions, as well as bits of data gathered from Originium Arts tests, we were all surprised to find that Shamare's Originium Arts do far more than strongly influence the consciousness of others. Notably, she borrows the spells of "Morti" to inflict observable physical damage to enemies. Are mental suggestions strong enough to cause deviations in a target's brain function, enough so to cause rupture and hemorrhaging? Although this hypothesis is quite tantalizing, it is fundamentally a fantasy from the perspective of modern Originium Arts technological research. Even more strikingly, her predictions and divinations are sometimes surprisingly accurate. For example, the last time we secretly replaced the Originium fiber filling inside Morti with ordinary cotton, she very unhappily divined the misfortunes that would befall a number of us. Some of these predictions included taking a fall from a chair breaking, getting hit by an unknown passing-by Sankta, and getting lacerated by broken test tube fragments – all of which came true! There's a bruise on my head, you say? Hm? And this is because we're supposedly already affected by her spiritual suggestions...?
That... can't be right, can it? Ahem... We've got to have a bit more trust in our patients, don't we! Even if Shamare can't fully control her powers at times, there's no way she'd be able to influence the entire research team without our notice, right? At least the recorder should be able to remain objective about this!
More importantly, whose dumb idea was it to give her a doll with that weird Originium stuffing anyway? Don't you know it's dangerous to give Originium-based products to Shamare? ...I approved it? Seriously... I did?

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在叙拉古的某座城镇里,流传着一个关于诅咒岛屿的传说。传说前往那里的人们都会看见恐怖的幻影,脑中所臆想的寒冷与炎热都会变为现实,流血的伤口像是抽芽的嫩枝一样突兀地出现在手臂上,虚弱的人们仿佛能清晰地感受到诅咒本身......而造成这一切现象的元凶,是一名在不知情的情况下被感染,也不能控制自己源石技艺的可怜孩子。 听明白了吗?听明白了就不要问我怎么受伤的,我哪知道,赶紧把库存里剩下的苹果给我,我还得试试看能不能哄巫恋小姐开心......