Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables endings

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Unofficial English translations provided by PHOTON563.

A list of endings in Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables.

The End?
Goodbye, Goodbye.png
The unfinished story was harshly interrupted by the Lord of Liches. Instead of appeasing the Revenants, he hopes that you rather build the bricks and stones in the present.
Choose "Ouch!" in Prophecy: The Last Page that appears as the second-to-last node in 5F and simply clear the Dreadful Foe that succeeds the said Prophecy, Urgent Teaching.
Twin Crowns
A Dream Came True.png
Your daring assumptions and imaginations ultimately led to this outcome, which shook your soul and left you in a trance for a long time without being able to recover.
Complete a run with The End? ending and do the following steps in a single run:
  1. Choose "The two crown each other" in Prophecy: Coronation that appears in 2F to obtain Thought-Wish 1.png Pure White Petals and Thought-Wish 2.png Empty Deed.
  2. At an Idea Filter node before entering Prophecy: The Last Page in 5F, interpret Pure White Petal and Empty Deed to receive Pledge of Babel.png Pledge of Babel. This will cause the "Tell the King's names" option to become available in Prophecy: The Last Page, which will change the 5F Dreadful Foe to Audience if chosen.
    • (Optional) In Encounter: Garden of the Departed, which will only appear while the player has Pledge of Babel, the player can obtain Ten Commandments.png Ten Commandments by choosing "Amiya", which will halve the HP of Master's Shades in Audience.
  3. Clear Audience.
City of Angels
The Law Above All.png
The Sarkaz are the Sankta, this bizarre story drew you in so deeply that even the wrath of the Revenants and the intervention of the Lord of Liches couldn't pull you away...
Complete a run with The End? ending and do the following steps in a single run:
  1. Enter a Lost and Found (must be unlocked in Historical Reconstruction first) and choose "A box" to eventually obtain Horn of the Prophet.png Horn of the Prophet, which will cause Prophecy: Truths to be Told to always appear in place of the next refreshed node.
  2. Enter Prophecy: Truths to be Told and choose "Make up for the shortcomings with ideas" which will expend 2 Thought-Idea.png Idea. This will cause the player to enter a unique secret floor where Prophecy: Knocking the Dissonance is guaranteed to appear.
  3. Enter Prophecy: Knocking the Dissonance and choose the option that gives Time and Light.png Time and Light, and clear the secret floor. This will cause the player to enter 6F after clearing 5F instead of ending the run.
  4. Clear the 6F Dreadful Foe, Civitas Sancta.