Horn of the Prophet

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
This Collectible's name and description are tentative translations which may not represent the official English localization and will be updated when Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables is announced or released in the Global server of Arknights.

The Horn of the Prophet is a Collectible in Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables.

Item description
A Prophecy appears after a node is refreshed, will not take effect in Bizzare Fragments



Causes Prophecy: Truths to be Told to always replace the first node refreshed after the Horn of the Prophet is obtained, unless if the player is in the secret floor.

Entering Prophecy: Truths to be Told and choosing "Make up for the shortcomings with ideas" (expends 2 Ideas) will cause the player to enter a secret floor where Prophecy: Knocking the Dissonance that may give out Time and Light.png Time and Light will appear.


The Horn of the Prophet may be obtained by choosing "A box" in a Lost and Found, which must be unlocked in Historical Reconstruction first with the said option only appearing after the player had completed a run, thus it is impossible to obtain the Horn of the Prophets before then.