ISW-DF: Civitas Sancta

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
Unofficial English translations provided by PHOTON563.
Civitas Sancta
6F – Shimmering Zenith
Civitas Sancta map.png
The Civitas Sancta is magnificent, harmonious, generous and solemn. Guardians of the Civitas Sancta examine every person who enters the city equally and mercifully. The Civitas Sancta accepts all who accept it.
Paladin Automata have greatly increased ATK


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 91
6 Scutums are summoned by Buldrokkas'tee, Paladin Gun-Knight whenever he enters his second and third phases.


Normal Dublinn Flying Squad Leader ×15, Touch of Benevolence ×12, Paladin Automaton ×14
Elite Sarkaz Greatswordsman ×18, Sarkaz Crossbowman ×5, "Gate" ×2, Pathfinder Ballistarius Prefect ×24
Boss Buldrokkas'tee, Paladin Gun-Knight
  • "Gates" have 0.35 MSPD.
  • Paladin Automata have 2000 ATK.
  • Pathfinder Ballistarii Prefect have 20000 HP and 0.35 MSPD.
  • Additional Paladin Automata and Gates summoned by Buldrokkas'tee are excluded from the enemy counter.