Operator story: Rosmontis

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A quiet and absent-minded young Feline and one of Rhodes Island's Elite Ops, Narcissa, codenamed "Rosmontis," is known for her immeasurable Arts aptitude and potential which manifests in the form of physics manipulation/telekinesis where she could control and effortlessly send large, heavy objects flying into her foes to crush them with immense force, filling in the "giant killer" role (i.e. someone who could take on a mighty enemy) in R.I.'s force. As a matter of fact, she is only deployed by R.I. when the situation calls for the complete and utter destruction of hostile forces, or when a foe is almost impossible to be taken down by conventional methods, since her Arts is simply too strong for most mundane operations; it can easily cause severe collateral damage! For all her might, she is given the "Annihilation Specialist" moniker by R.I.

Rosmontis' past turns out to be a harsh one. As an orphan, she could have lived a normal life together with her brothers. But both Loken Williams, the mad Columbian scientist who adopted them, and the Columbian Department of Defense tore her siblings apart by forcing them into becoming the subject of several extreme Arts-related experimentations in the Loken Watertank Laboratory. These include turning Rosmontis into an Infected by implanting Originium inside her organs while keeping herself "uncontaminated" and a "mind transplantation" that costed the life of Rosmontis' brother and fragmented her memories. Their intention was simple: to turn her into an "non-Infected" caster without relying on Originium devices, thus accelerating Columbia's military might which fulfils the D.O.D.'s ambition. Eventually, Rosmontis' powers went out of control, resulting in the destruction of the laboratory. As Maylander tried to cover up such a heinous crime from the public, she was quietly deported from Columbia through an illegal child labor smugglers in Minos before she was luckily rescued by R.I.

Despite her memory issues, Rosmontis tries her best to remember as much as she can about her past. She greatly values her friends and colleagues, like a lost kitty might. In order to remember them, she carries a tablet that records their names with her at all times. If they are severely injured by her enemies, the little girl will not hesitate to avenge them, even if it means total bloodshed and destruction.

Rosmontis first appeared in Episode 06 before being introduced as an Operator with the release of Episode 08..


Episode 06

Episode 07

Episode 08

"Power... overwhelming!"
Rosmontis, being celebrated for her contribution by the Shieldguards

Beyond Here

Lone Trail