Operator trivia: Rathalos S Noir Corne

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  • True to his title, Rathalos S Noir Corne is the eponymous Operator who is wearing the Rathalos S armor (specifically the Blademaster variant) rather than the anthropomorphized version of the monster in Monster Hunter.
    • Rathalos itself has been a mascot of the MonHun series and is always present in every MonHun collaborations with other franchises.
  • Rathalos S Noir Corne uses an ōdachi, which is a nod to his abilities being designed after the mechanics of Long Swords in MonHun.
  • Many gimmicks Noir Corne performs directly parallel game actions in MonHun, specifically the Long Sword's moveset:
    • His Spirit Gauge talent is a replica of the mechanic of the same name, where consecutive Spirit Blade attacks or other actions will build up a 3-stage meter that increases attack power. Noir Corne's basic attack animations notably follow a defined cycle that directly mirrors that of the Spirit Blade Combo that serves as the main way to build the Spirit Gauge.
    • The Iai Spirit Slash is a direct reference to the Long Sword ability of the same name, where the user sheathes their blade and can counter an incoming attack to negate the attack and retaliate with a series of slashes, increasing the Spirit Gauge by one stage as well. The user can immediately sheathe again if the Iai Spirit Slash successfully counters an attack, mirroring how Noir Corne can reset the ability when defeating an enemy.
      • If he manages to defeat one after another enemy with this skill, his dialogues will be played everytime he does so, in a similar manner with Chongyue's Anatta before the patch update for A Flurry to the Flame.
    • The Spirit Helm Breaker is a direct reference to the Long Sword attack of the same name, where the user consumes one stage of Spirit Gauge to deliver a powerful diving attack that deals multiple slashes in rapid succession. The Spirit Helm Breaker is noticably sped up in Arknights for convenience.
  • Iai Spirit Slash's description in-game currently has an oversight: its damage and number of attacks are switched.
  • Noir Corne is fully unmasked in his Rathalos counterpart's Elite 2 artwork, making this the first time his face is fully visible.
  • Like Kirin R Yato, Rathalos S Noir Corne is not drawn by his original illustrator Ryuuzaki Ichi/竜崎いち, but by Jiuri Jihuhao/九日九号 who illustrated Czerny.