Operator story: Noir Corne

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The Oni codenamed "Noir Corne" has a rather up-and-down life journey. He hails from an infamous clan of Higashi who has been trying to dissociate himself of the clan's past. But during the Higashi civil war, he was conscripted to be an assassin who was involved in numerous battles such as the "The Bloody Hunt of Nine," the "Kujin-gari", and he was quite unpleasant with his job. However, his life changed when he encountered his opponent Yato who too shared the same target. Following his surrender over her, there was a rather "romantic" moment – the two decided to desert the army after sparing their target and fled the country forever.

Now a senior combat personnel of Rhodes Island, Noir Corne is currently a member of the Op Reserve Team A4 along with Durin, Rangers and, most importantly, Yato. He is well-known for wearing his mask all the time without taking off, but to him, he is doing that all for Yato's sake likely as a sign of friendship. As it turns out, Noir is a a very friendly person who can get along with others, especially his juniors, just fine. Perhaps one day, he is even willing to share with you the mystery behind his mask.

Noir Corne's alternate version Rathalos S Noir Corne was introduced alongside A Flurry to the Flame.



The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Noir Corne: The Other Side of the Deck

Ptilopsis: Deep, Dark Dream

A Flurry to the Flame

Yato: Tachihaki