Operator dialogue: Rathalos S Noir Corne

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Appointed as Assistant Alright, I'm here to help! Chill, I'm all good with this gear now. Bumping into everything? That's the old me!
Talk 1 Out in the field, it's pretty important to watch what you and your teammates eat. Just a while ago, I learned how to use this simple BBQ spit to treat raw meat. Here, lemme demo for you right now!
Talk 2 I've hauled butt all across Terra, and I've never seen gear both as sturdy and as comfortable as this. Feels like when I wear it, my attack power gets boosted, plus I can hit enemy weaknesses way better, and my fire attacks are stronger too! Yeah, uh, I figure that might just be me? Haha.
Talk 3 The Felynes say the more experienced the hunter, the more thorough the pre-mission prep. Packing all your potions and tools is just as key to the hunt. Still, Yato loves to chew me out, saying I'm always bringing too much stuff on missions. Rock and a hard place, y'know?
Talk after Promotion 1 Feels weird, honestly, not having my ol' reliable shield on hand. Still, the Felynes say if I get good enough with this long sword, I can basically fend off every attack under the sun. Guess my training's got a long way to go.
Talk after Promotion 2 You only really master combat technique after taking on enough enemies. I guess no shortcut to getting promoted after all, huh? Especially for dummies like me, haha.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I get that whetstones aren't thrilling, but they're a tool you can't go without. Even a blade with sharpness this fine is gonna need nonstop polishing its whole life.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I just wanna do my job as a guy in the background, even now. Us nobodies, we've got our own duties, our own worries, and our own things we wanna protect.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Ditching the shield, using a long sword like this, it keeps reminding me of the old days. Bad times I hate to remember. But without our past, I guess Yato and me wouldn't be who we are today.
Idle Get your rest on, Doctor. Leave the place to me.
Onboard Operator Noir Corne, back under your command with all-new gear! Alright, Doctor, don't care if it's bandits or nightmare bizarro creatures, you leave it all to me!
Watching Battle Record Lemme scrub back a sec, I want a closer look. Yeah, mm-hm...
Promotion 1 I've gotta give thanks to my kickass gear for carrying me this far. But obviously, the biggest props go out to you and everyone around me for all your help!
Promotion 2 This is Operator Noir Corne, everyone's shield through hell and high water! And hey, I guess I can handle being everyone's sword too!
Added to Squad No prob. I'm all readied up.
Appointed as Squad Leader You want me to lead, without Yato? You sure? I think it'd be better if you got her on.
Depart Everybody done eating? Alright, go time!
Begin Operation Mission start! Target position is a lock!
Selecting Operator 1 Which area am I heading to?
Selecting Operator 2 Primed and ready!
Deployment 1 Draw!
Deployment 2 Nice, right here!
In Battle 1 Haah! Hey!
In Battle 2 I'm going in!
In Battle 3 I see through you!
In Battle 4 That's my window!
4-star Result Now THAT was a good battle. Take pride, everyone, and good work!
3-star Result Mission complete, perfect job! We gotta get back to Rhodes Island, because I'm looking forward to celebrating!
Sub 3-star Result Good work, Doctor. We'll do better next time, don't you worry.
Operation Failure Doctor! Got your Farcaster from the Felynes? You need to ditch, fast. I'll come right after you, no worries!
Assigned to Facility Whoa, whoa, steady. Lemme put my sword away first.
Tap What's up, Doctor? Need me to head somewhere?
Trust Tap Haha, what do you say, Doctor? How about a round of drinks?
Greeting It's another fine day. Take care of yourself, Doctor!
Title Arknights.