Operator file: Rathalos S Noir Corne

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After the mission, Noir Corne has returned from Higashi clad in all-new equipment forged by the Felynes. Despite laying down the shield and picking up an imposing long sword, Noir Corne is still that most dependable rock, hitting the frontline to clear the way for his teammates.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with (Rathalos S) Noir Corne
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 12%
No surface-level Oripathy symptoms visible as of yet.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.29/L
After returning from Higashi, Noir Corne's infection has intensified, and is now effectively under control following treatment.

"Operator Noir Corne, we can't do your follow-up checks while you keep lugging that sword of yours everywhere!"
–A Medical Department Operator
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with (Rathalos S) Noir Corne
It's plain to all that Noir Corne is obsessed with his new equipment.
We've learned from operators' conversations that the ways his infatuation manifests include but are not limited to: eating with one hand while caressing his armor with the other in the cafeteria, drawing his long sword without warning and throwing moves at the air while walking, sleeping without taking off his equipment, and insisting on hugging his long sword. Further rumors claim that in a single day, not only does he thrice polish his armor, but five times sharpen his long sword, and applies six coats of oil.
The most unique rumor originates from an Engineering Department operator. According to them, Noir Corne was exceptionally unwilling to take off his armor for Engineering to run tests. Even so, Engineering's operators would never let such unprecedented equipment go after catching a glimpse, and so came the comedic spectacle of Noir Corne being mobbed by a crowd toting a cavalcade of apparatuses, the Oni's wails echoing off the laboratory walls.
Such an abundance of rumors might testify to how much Noir Corne cherishes his new gear, but his tune in battle tells a different story. He hasn't renounced one bit of his former combat style, still charging to the frontline to face the most fierce of offensives, guarding his teammates behind him in his sturdy way. More astounding is how his grasp of his new weapon has grown leaps and bounds in such a short time, squarely landing hit after blazing hit. His suppression of the enemy is immediately noticeable.
After combat is over, some curious operators may ask Noir Corne how he can charge into enemy lines with no concern for the state of his gear, to which he replies: "Yato told me I'm only gonna protect you guys better if I learn to use this gear as fast as possible. And I've always been a slow learner, plus I'm not too used to going without my shield yet, so being with my equipment 24/7's the only way."
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with (Rathalos S) Noir Corne
Many operators have caught wind of the incident that befell Noir Corne and Yato while carrying out their mission in Higashi, but few know the concrete details. Most have noted Yato's transformation, directly observable as it is, but only an exceedingly small number of astute operators have seized on how Noir Corne has subtly changed as well.
The first thing they noticed was that he is now a better conversationalist. He had always loved to get along with others, but mostly went with the flow of conversation, not being so keen to raise his personal opinions. Now, he expresses his own view from time to time, but his phrasing often leaves people scratching their heads and laughing it off. Days or even weeks pass by before people recall the conversation, only then realizing what he meant, and are further shocked to find that everything unfolded exactly as he said it would.
Another difference is that he shows up in the library quite a lot more than he used to. You can often see him musing and fidgeting over a book, or consulting our more scholarly operators with a notebook out. Noir Corne himself says that he's realized the importance of knowledge, and is stocking up on it for missions from now on. The great number of children's encyclopedias in his borrowing history can attest to this.
Beyond that, there is one more tiny thing worth mentioning–the novel popular among our younger operators as of late: "The Tale of the Two Oni." Some operators who frequent the bar have mentioned having heard parts of it before, but have zero recollection of the most popular chapters, such as the latest one wherein the two Oni challenge the mysterious Rathalos beneath a Catastrophe. The plot point of one Oni sacrificing himself to create an opening for the other has become a great topic of discussion.
"Not bad... but did it have to pile on the melodrama here?"
Such was Yato's appraisal of The Tale of the Two Oni's latest chapter.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with (Rathalos S) Noir Corne
What has most surprised people is that after making it through such adversity, Noir Corne and Yato's relationship has seemingly remained exactly the same as before.
After coming back from Higashi, the two returned to their original posts, and still seemed, to the average observer, to get along and work together as they always did. However, some particularly gossipy operators have seized on wisps of a story, or come across a chance scene that provided some useful dirt, and have speculated that things have warmed up between the two of them. But afterward, they made the mistake of acting on that speculation and asking Noir Corne to confirm it. After he scratched his head and said "I don't really follow," new clues would henceforth elude them.
Some time ago, a new memorandum drew the gossip-lovers' attention: Noir Corne and Yato both applying for a vacation at the same time, not to mention disembarking practically simultaneously. There was no evidence to prove the two were traveling together, but this discovery was enough to excite them nevertheless.
[Voice Log]
Yato, huh? Lemme think back a sec. She didn't seem to be doing too hot a couple days ago, working dawn to dusk. Had to be stuff on her mind. I thought about what happened at Roka Village, and figured she was probably remembering what she went through in the past. Couldn't think of any surefire way to help her–all I came up with was asking if she wanted to go back and see. Didn't expect her to instantly say yes.
We set out from that harbor we left Higashi from all those years ago. Went back up the route we'd fled down, all the way back. Some sights along the way were different, some weren't, and we saw real old acquaintances from afar too–good thing they didn't recognize us. We were pretty lax since, y'know, we weren't running this time, and I could see Yato's mood picking back up.
At the end, I remember we stepped back inside the ruined temple where I first met her, and I gave her a couple flowers I'd picked along the way. Watched her gently place them on the ground.
And she asked, now that she'd protected all these innocent lives together with me, if she might have become a better person.
'Course I was gonna tell her. I said, she was doing great, but with so many people's lives still unsafe, we had a lot more work ahead of us... and no matter what happened, I'd always be there by her side.
She looked back at me, and in the end she didn't say anything. But for me, I think, that's enough.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with (Rathalos S) Noir Corne
Lately, Noir Corne has truly had his plate full.
His new equipment has been a meteoric boost to his combat capacity, and in its wake, he has taken on more high-difficulty combat missions. Outside of that, on his rest days, he pitches in with construction work for New Roka Village. Big stuff like getting in touch with companies and finding new jobs for the villagers, small stuff like carrying materials, plowing farmland, telling stories to the kids... him bustling about is a familiar sight no matter where you look. Though he says it was their fault the Catastrophe that destroyed the village arrived so quickly, and that they should do what they can to help rebuild the place, his deeds have nevertheless garnered heartfelt appreciation from the villagers.
As the one who referred and introduced the Felynes to us, Noir Corne has to keep tabs on the three of them as well. Whether being interrogated on Terra's features by the Scholar, or being dragged off to collect new materials by the Artisan, it's all standard fare to him at this point. The worst part is still the Felynes lacking knowledge of Terra yet brimming with curiosity, frequently leading to massive and unwitting chaos, and perpetually forcing Noir Corne to follow their tails, picking up the pieces.
Despite being so busy, he's never had any complaint. On the contrary, he manages to be as steady a helping hand as ever while aboard. Not only can operators seek his assistance with any trouble, he will identify problems they haven't even noticed and ask if he can help. Asking him for help has thus become a habit to many, and the figure of "ol' reliable Noir Corne" is ingrained as common knowledge among all operators.
But hearing of this moniker, he simply gave a chuckle, turned around, and headed off to work. Sure enough, no matter how things change, even if Catastrophe looms, Noir Corne will always be Noir Corne.
Promotion Record
Promote Rathalos S Noir Corne to Elite 2
[Classified Log]
Let me emphasize once more, we have no need to investigate Operator Noir Corne's past.
The Bloody Hunt of Nine in Higashi's civil unrest? A notorious family's gambling house? None of this is ours to concern ourselves with.
Everyone here has their own secrets, and what demands our attention is not their past experience, but what they presently do, by which we determine whether or not they will walk with us in the future.
Noir Corne's deeds up until now have proven he belongs here. He is passionate, he is wise, and his courage is noted by all. His existence is a necessary one to us, and that suffices. I trust the experience detailed by his resume amounts to the whole truth.
You need only remember that from here on, he will carry on with us.

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