Mizuki & Caerula Arbor ending: Precious Days

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IS3 Cliffside Day
After talking to the old bishop, Mizuki invites Highmore to share a hearty meal with him.
<Background 1>
[After her transformation is reverted, Highmore walks toward Mizuki and collapses in front of him. A bishop is revealed to have watched everything.]
??? You've done well, Mizuki.
Mizuki Sir.
Cicero She simply was not as perfect as you.
She was so eager to change. Even if the Herald's gift led her astray––
That was nevertheless what she hoped for.
Mizuki But what about her memories and her song? She seemed as fond of singing as ever.
In that form, all she can manage is sounds that terrify her.
Cicero I only provide a choice. As for where the individual ends up, I don't think anyone else can make that decision.
Mizuki You don't care at all about what she has become?
Cicero Individuals like that are indeed uncommon.
Most humans have no idea what they are seeking, or are easily manipulated by some burst of emotion.
When they swallow the gift of the Herald, their consciousness is subsumed by the instincts of we many and they turn into a Sea Terror, or some kind of incomplete Seaborn, eager to swim out into the ocean.
Highmore was able to revert back from this state, presumably because she wished from the bottom of her heart to capture those human qualities she so cherished.
Just like you, in a sense, Mizuki.
Mizuki ......
Cicero But, you did not undergo that process. Even if you accepted your Seaborn form, your cognition of yourself would still shape you into what you are now.
You accepted becoming Seaborn in its entirety, and decided to become human – just like I once did.
But she failed.
Because of fear, or loneliness? I can't say for sure.
As a result, she is trapped somewhere between success and failure. Though she accepted the gift, her refusal to have anything else excised from her naturally created a dissonance.
Mizuki If the blueprint for the future drafted by your experiment rejects those who aren't resilient enough, then it can't be a successful adaptation or evolution for humanity.
Cicero True, my dear child, true indeed. I must return to the drawing board again, seeing as that is the answer you've given me.
Do you still remember the question I asked you?
"How do you become a better human?"
You've given me a very good answer.
See? Rightfully accepting this power has opened your mind, and it seems you've already fully understood my goal.
Perhaps if I work hard enough, all humans who taste the fruit of the gods can become as wise as you.
Mizuki Can a lifeform like that still be called human?
Cicero A true human would know how to utilize the strength of will that transcends physical matter to overcome the side effects of their trappings.
And at that stage, those who are unable to overcome, or only able to lament the weakness of their mind and body, are unfit to bear the weight of the title, "human."
Mizuki ......
I will let Highmore live.
Cicero A benevolent decision, but you are free to do as you see fit.
Your every action will serve as an example to those who come after you.
I'm very glad to see you, Mizuki. Just as I said before, as long as you do not stray from your path, our fates will intersect eventually.
We shall meet again.
[Cicero leaves...]
Mizuki Hmph... He is as stubborn as ever.
[...just as Highmore regains her consciousness.]
Highmore *sniffle*... *sobs*...
Mizuki You're awake?
It must've taken a lot of energy to turn to that form. Want me to whip something up for you?
Highmore Okay...
Wait, hold on, what's that?!
Fireside Party.png
Mizuki Oh, these? They're your limbs.
Highmore Huh?!
Mizuki You weren't able to complete your Seaborn metamorphosis, so most of that proliferated tissue ended up falling off.
I helped remove the rest of the stuff that was stuck onto you, so you should look like a completely normal person now. Nobody will ever know the difference.
C'mon, dig in while the meat's still fresh. You'll recover some of your strength, at least.
Highmore Err, umm... Uhh, I don't know about this one...
Mizuki Pfft.
[Mizuki roasts Highmore's detached limb.]
Mizuki Don't worry about it, this one cooks fast.
Highmore Th-Th-That's not what I meant.
Mizuki Huh... Maybe I overcooked this first batch a little. Guess I'll try it first.
Highmore ......
Highmore Mizuki...
Mizuki Hmm?
Are you hungry now?
Highmore No!!!
I-I wanted to ask about something else...
Sir Cicero left. I proved how blind and incompetent I am...
I have nothing left...
Mizuki That might be true.
But as long as I have good stuff to eat and drink and games to play, life's pretty comfy for me.
Those hobbies that let you reject the Seaborn can also give you a purpose to live on, I'm sure of it.
Are you sure you don't want a bite?
Highmore I'm good...
Mizuki Hmm, alright.
I didn't bring any dry food with me, but I do know a good place with lots of nice people who can cook all sorts of delicious food.
Might even be able to help you get a sense of humanity again.
How about it? Want to come with me?
Highmore ......