Operator file: Mr. Nothing

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Mr. Nothing, a man of Kou-wu City, Yan. Learned martial arts from a young age. Became quite skilled, but was forced into exile after offending local powers. Came across Rhodes Island Operator Lava, and upon reaching a mutual understanding, he sought a post at Rhodes Island.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Mr. Nothing
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Mr. Nothing shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Mr. Nothing very rarely comes into contact with Originium.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Mr. Nothing
An unfocused man from Yan with a penchant for angling, and a side business helping operators out with uniquely Yan amateur services. They include but are not limited to "Reference-Only Palm Divination," "Dormitory Feng Shui," "Martial Arts Exercise Courses Even Originium Slugs Can Burn Off Fat With: Beginners' Edition" and "Traditional Liberi Tui Na Massage," etc. He makes and calligraphs Yan folding fans himself, which became a trend amongst some Yan culture enthusiasts for a time.
Which led to Mr. Nothing being lectured by Miss Closure for over three hours... and becoming one of her able assistants in business aboard the landship.
"It's weird. How's this guy so clued in about stuff? What kind of life did he even lead in Kou-wu City?"
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Mr. Nothing
Mr. Nothing was born in an ordinary town in Yan, his father and mother ordinary peasants. Thanks to some fateful coincidences, Mr. Nothing had the fortune to be picked out by a woman from Kou-wu City, surname Lien. He was brought to the city to learn martial arts, and there he settled down.
Some cities in Yan have traditions of martial arts establishments, ever since ancient times. However, following the expansion in scope of nomadic cities, and the formation of communication links between city-states and even whole countries, the feel of these 'martial arts of the people' underwent much change. A great deal of youths nowadays practice them, many to keep themselves fit, with self-defense as an aim. Martial arts tournaments held by establishments all over, with grand stages, come to make business activities a primary concern. Still, a tiny proportion hold to the attitude that "martial arts should halt a war,"[note 1] and silently pass on those genuine teachings. Certainly, Mr. Nothing's school was one of those.
"My only issue was learning it wouldn't earn me much. Times of peace, eh." —Mr. Nothing
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Mr. Nothing
Mr. Nothing is not an Infected. It was only "to find a good job and duck out of my enemy's sights" that he came to Rhodes Island under Miss Lava's referral. Obviously, he doesn't avoid bringing up his so-called "enemy" at all.
Going by a simple investigation, and inquiries with Mr. Nothing himself, the dispute at Lien's can be seen as a deliberate conspiracy – they set things up for an unidentifiable "boxer" to die in a contest at Mr. Nothing's hands. This gave all the local powers an excuse to pressure the Liens. Come the end, his master bled dry, and he was forced to go incognito, fleeing far from his homeland.
According to Mr. Nothing, his master was old. Not only that, but her disciples numbered few, with no real money or power to their names, nor any show they could make of ability.[note 2] The Liens was situated in Kou-wu City, yet not lively enough to match even next door's gymnasium. Why all sorts from all corners would come to target this tiny little school, and why people are still out for Mr. Nothing's life while he poses no threat so far away from home, those are the mystifying points.
Questioned directly, Mr. Nothing gave a bitter chuckle, and then a rather evasively phrased reply: such is martial arts.[note 3]
Afterwards, Mr. Nothing began expounding knowhow on growing rice in the paddies, diverting from the topic.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Mr. Nothing
Mr. Nothing's approach to combat is "if you can run, then run." Realistically, it seems all operators, Lava and Kroos excepted, treat Mr. Nothing as a brazen rascal of a man. Besides his actual job, it's like he can do anything. We don't know why, but Lava and Kroos both have a certain degree of trust in Mr. Nothing's abilities.

Reports say it was while personally tasked by Miss Nian that Miss Lava came across Mr. Nothing. Concerning archives of that mission, we will not give details. However, we trust Miss Lava and Miss Kroos, and so we will... continue to survey Mr. Nothing's conduct, and supplement records accordingly.
[Report Addendum]
Report addendum, uh, I just saw Mr. Nothing use his fan somehow knock down that drunk Sarkaz. What kind of Arts is that?
[Report Addendum 2]
Report addendum, I asked Mr. Nothing myself if he was hiding some talent, and he volunteered to be the bait, and then the bandits nabbed him into their stronghold, and then get this, he came running out all by himself! And he only had light injuries!
[Report Addendum 3]
Report addendum... the bounty hunters are already rounded up. When we got here, it was just a mess of guys all knocked out on the floor... d-did Mr. Nothing do this all by himself? They were armed, right? And they had Casters?
[Report Addendum 4]
Mr. Nothing said he just got caught, then luckily he noticed the bandits' boss had an opening, then luckily his ropes came undone, and then luckily he knocked 'em all out... also, he said because no layman ever sees fans and umbrellas as weapons, that was the only reason he had any chance, and, uh, "it's scarcely imagined that even chopsticks can kill." Jeez. I'm scared of him.
[Report Addendum 5]
I was starting to believe Mr. Nothing was the real deal, but then I went to go consult him today, and he just tossed me this crumpled-up exercise dieting manual whatever, and he even asked me if I wanted to become a member. I didn't wanna lose weight!

Promotion Record
Promote Mr. Nothing to Elite 2
Nothing, Nothing. Nonexistent and Nothing. He must have thought fast to come up with that alias. And he seems plenty proud of it. See, he used 'Nothing' directly as his operator codename.
I know what he went through was kind of rough, but it's not exactly a rare case, either. The path he chose was the path of beast-eat-beast, a cheat for a cheat. Right now, though, I have no clue if any of his quote-unquote 'fellow' disciples could have anything wicked against him.
But he doesn't bow to people like that. Keeps his head held pretty high, which, yeah, good on him. He might've broken the rules, but 'broken' is a... well, those rules didn't look that good to me anywa

You think he doesn't seem like the guy I'm talking about? Huh. Figure it out yourself, then.

—Anonymous Yan operator

Weibo introduction

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  1. Written as 以武止戈 (Pinyin: yǐwǔzhǐgē) in the Chinese text, which refers to an idiom that means "to end the war is a true (military) accomplishment (i.e. stopping wars without fighting is a great feat)."
  2. Written as 锋芒毕露 (Pinyin: fēngmángbìlù) in the Chinese text, which refers to a Chinese idiom that means "to fail to show restraint and display one's talent or vigour to the fullest extent (i.e. someone who loves to show themselves off and expresses themselves well)."
  3. Written as 江湖事,江湖了 (Pinyin: Jiānghú shì, jiānghú le.) in the Chinese text, which refers to an idiom that basically means "everything have their own rules and should not involve anyone else."