Operator story: Mr. Nothing

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Once an ordinary peasant and a protégé of Mrs. Lien Tzu-hsu from Kou-wu City in Yan, Mr. Ch'u was forced to challenge an opponent in a martial arts duel after the descending Lien clan was preyed by the local authorities. Unawaring that the match was actually rigged, he accidentally killed his opponent. As a rule to the match, Mrs. Lien was forced to commit suicide, leaving her poor disciple behind in self-blame.

After this tragic event which resulted in the disbandment of the Lien school, Mr. Ch'u tried to escape from Kou-wu City and reach the imperial capital or Lungmen under the guise of a feng shui master and soothsayer with the pseudonym "Mr. Nothing" (more appropriately "Mr. Naught/Nought"; see Trivia for details) or Ch'u Wu-yu/Chu Wuyou based on his surname and a Yanese proverb "nothing but fictitious." On his journey, he was rescued by Lava and Kroos. Grateful for their help and seeing them as his "benefactors," Mr. Nothing was later taken under the Rhodes Island wing in the aftermath, where he is lending his martial arts skills to its aid.


Mr. Nothing: Drowning

Who is Real

Invitation to Wine