Operator dialogue: Mr. Nothing

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Appointed as Assistant Hm. The office of the vaunted Doctor, then? Marvelous, truly. Allow me a brief moment to consult my feng shui crash-course guidebook...
Talk 1 I'm no mere braggart! Beyond a little kickboxing in a scuffle, I can rustle up meals, practice acupuncture, divine with feng shui, work masonry, tend to rice and angle fish alike– I'm a maestro of all kinds! Doctor, you need only give the order, and I'll see everything through!
Talk 2 D-Doctor, I was a little idle, see, and went to make myself useful at HR, and by carelessness glimpsed at a few operator files, and... er, well, could FEater be the very star of "Fiends of the Gods Reincarnated Immortal" herself? Truly? Could I go get an autograph?
Talk 3 Who was my master? Hmm, a question as complex as a showdown of Yen cuisines. Normally I'd refrain from answering that, as slipping up would get me beaten sideways. That said... you need only know, Doctor, I'm the last descendant of the Lien line. Ah, but my family name's not Lien. I'm a Ch'u.
Talk after Promotion 1 M-Miss Dusk really did... come to Rhodes Island with us, then? My, um... what was it now? My recollection's quite fuzzy now, yet I have the vague impression that within her painted dreams, I had a peek into my own miserable future. Ah, let's never we mind. Dear, oh, dear. You be quite careful too, Doctor.
Talk after Promotion 2 Now, now, Doctor, don't worry about me. I and the Infected do get along well. Back at my old place, a Catastrophe once struck not too far away. It frightened all of us, seeing the world go pitch black. My master remarked then that Catastrophes were Heaven's false charge against the human realm. Ah, truly a bitter thing.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Benefactor Lava? Yes, I call her my benefactor. She once saved me, and as time went on, it became second nature. Throughout my life I've been saved thrice, and every time, I engrave it upon my soul. The gloompincer incident, you mean? No, not that. She showed to me a path, and that was true grace beyond all.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Say, Doctor, are people able to brush the past away as they live? Certainly not, hm? If the bonds you once left behind still hold fast, what ought you do? You've no idea either? Well, then. It seems we're companions in our misery. Here, what say we crack some sunflower seeds?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Countless, they were, the ancient parasol trees about Kou-wu City. Oh, just reminiscing all of a sudden. I remember the leaves scattered across the ground come fall, when my parents would visit me from the country. Only then would my strict master speak nothing but good, and her other disciples, my brothers and sisters, wouldn't bully me. No, well, just reminiscing.
Idle Hmm. I've been pondering a fan for you too, but what ought we write on it?
Onboard My codename? "Mr. Nothing." The latter man of Tzu-hsu and Wu-yu;[note 1] Nonexistent and Nothing indeed. And you, fine soul, are the Doctor? That is to say, my new boss? Well, then, would you like me to massage your back? Loosen up your legs?
Watching Battle Record Ho, what a hundredfold bouquet of martial prowess. You've got my eyes wide open now!
Promotion 1 A promotion and a raise?! Ohh, ohh, I thank you, Doctor, in all respects possible! Be it for you, I would brave the greatest fires and waters, I would not hesitate to... well, that said, how much might my wages be growing by?
Promotion 2 Sooner or later, I plan to return to Kou-wu City and set every debt in my books straight. My only worry is I may invite trouble and sweep others up in its path. You know this, dear Doctor, and yet you still wish to bestow such partiality on me...? Your kindness toward me is a grace, and I will never, in eternity, forget it.
Added to Squad Very well! Doctor, I'll see to it that you have nothing at all to worry about.
Appointed as Squad Leader Me, the captain? Hold one moment, just let me find my secret tomes for the art of war, now...
Depart As they say, all have their own methods, whether arms against a force or earth to a waterspout. There'll be a way!
Begin Operation I'm witnessing fiends, one and all! Quite frightening!
Selecting Operator 1 Might you need me?
Selecting Operator 2 Here! Right here!
Deployment 1 Very well! Leave this to me.
Deployment 2 The Doctor, you are! What a sagacious decision!
In Battle 1 Compose yourself. Collect yourself!
In Battle 2 A perfect technique makes freedom to act!
In Battle 3 The moon waxes and wanes. The fan opens and shuts!
In Battle 4 Let's have you make a move first, now.
4-star Result More hands bring more fuel for the fire. When we concert our efforts together, yes, we truly can burn the sky a red to rival sunsets. Not bad, not bad.
3-star Result As they say, those of just ways have much support, and those of lost ways find little. Seen as such, our victory is assured.
Sub 3-star Result Pursue not the cornered. Suppose anything troublesome should happen, we'll just bear it together.
Operation Failure Go on ahead, everyone. No worries. My runaway act is first in class. I'll be just fine.
Assigned to Facility Oh-hoh, Rhodes Island truly is a wondrous land. I feel quite dizzy just looking.
Tap Hoh? What's this for exactly, Doctor?
Trust Tap Doctor, what say I teach you a thing or two about some moves?
Greeting Well, if it isn't the Doctor! What a happy coincidence!
Title Arknights.


  1. Hanzi: 子虚乌有,Pinyin: Zǐxū Wūyǒu