Operator file: Morgan

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Morgan, a member of Glasgow, was dubbed the "brains of the operation" by Siege. While at Rhodes Island, she assisted her in managing all affairs related to Glasgow, and now works part time for Rhodes Island, managing related affairs at the Victoria branch.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Morgan
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Morgan shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Morgan rarely comes into contact with Originium.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Morgan
When a Rhodes Island librarian tried to approach this boldly-dressed operator, she couldn't help but inquire about the thickness of the books he was clutching to his chest.
"Hope they can take a boot."
The librarian first heard of Glasgow's reputation following their onboarding from his close colleagues running the training grounds. Apparently Indra, who had practically set up camp in the training grounds and fought like a beast possessed, was sent over by this dark-skinned Feline.
Expecting this group of city slickers to obey the rules probably wouldn't do him any favors.
"Hello, Operator Morgan. These are the rules for using the library, so please be mindful of them when enjoying the facility. But do not worry– for operators with special circumstances, we have a more personalized approach to handling matters."
In one breath, the librarian recited the script that had been prepared long in advance, while internally greeting the coworker taking over the next shift again and again.
"Perfect! Actually, I had a list of books here, but couldn't make any sense of these codes!"
"Why of course– that's our personalized approach to... Huh?"
The librarian obviously didn't expect for this Feline to hold up a list of books taller than herself. The handwriting on the list was unmistakable – after all, the well-reputed Ursine lady it belonged to was already one of the library's regulars.
"Are you sure about this? These are all fairly dense historical documents."
He immediately regretted his decision the moment those words left his lips, and quickly took a step back.
"I'm looking for some inspiration for my new book! My friend told me that the stuff on this list might have what I'm looking for, completely different from that hogwash I had to read to show my merit to those musty old aristocrats."
The librarian finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that what his colleagues in the training grounds said were all rumors, and that Glasgow actually had educated people who could follow the rules. He then set down all the books he was holding in shame, before enthusiastically helping Morgan search through the collection.
"If you guys in Glasgow need it, I can help you apply for a library card with more privileges so you don't have to run back and forth all the time."
The librarian admired this thoughtful Feline from the bottom of his heart, but was so enthusiastic that he didn't notice the sly smile on the corner of her lips.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Morgan
A loose leaflet left in the corner of the boxing gym, its paper yellowed and ink smudged, read:
[April 1st]
Hannah hasn't noticed.
Ronnie took a real savage beating from her. The demolition crew from the toy factory on the corner is under our protection now, but I would've preferred that they never showed up.
Baird and I still don't know how to console Vina. Why's she so down all of a sudden?

[April 4th]
What's going on with Hannah, that dolt! Why hasn't she figured out the problem yet? Apparently, she sent one of Ryan's distant relatives to the hospital, so they probably won't be messing around on our turf anymore.

This joke's not funny anymore. I have no illusions that scrappy old Hannah's gonna sit down in the gym with us and listen to us all day.
Vina's worried about the rough plan that Baird and I came up with. Hopefully Hannah can accept it without too much fuss. (If not, Baird said she'd be in charge of holding her down.)

[April 15th]
Hannah's already been busy for a good half month in preparation for that one day. Vina's well aware of the prank I'm pulling on Hannah, but also doesn't have the heart to let her down after seeing how hard she's been working. So, Vina's cooperating with me to put on a little show, and avoiding Hannah for the time being.
However, her worries are gradually becoming realized. More and more logistics companies have been pulling out of Norport Borough, and I heard the last few staff members maintaining the railway are also about to be transferred away. Rumors have also been going around that there've been lots of foreigners out and about the borough, so we can't wait around much longer.

Haven't seen the boxing gym this busy for quite some time; just about everyone and their mothers showed up. Everyone was hollering Vina's and Hannah's names, and I couldn't help but place a little bet on the long-awaited duel between them.
Of course, Hannah, who had conquered just about everyone in Norport, was certainly qualified to challenge Vina again, but reality can often be cruel. At least, seeing them both in the ring again made me not feel so guilty.
Tomorrow's the day we leave. Hannah unexpectedly didn't have any issues with Vina leaving Norport Borough. We all know that the place has no future, now that the railways have been abandoned.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Morgan
Morgan didn't ask Siege any questions. She knew that she would need some time, so she took the initiative to drag the visibly agitated Indra to the back.
Dagda also stood silently behind Siege as always, neither too close nor too far.
Morgan surmised that Siege understood this too – that Glasgow's members had more or less figured out her true identity, just that the gang's leader hadn't yet figured out a good excuse to broach the subject with everyone.
All along the direction of the railroad tracks, Glasgow saw the once-bustling factories and logistics stations, now all deserted. From within their shelters, a few homeless people watched this procession from nowhere with vigilant eyes. Just ahead is the checkpoint to Sudean Borough. Many homeless people gathered in front of the checkpoint to look on enviously at the construction team going back and forth on the other side, but the impassive border patrol squads cut off any hope of them slipping into Sudean Borough in search of a new life.
Morgan had seen this play out before. When she was young, the homeless people outside Norport once looked upon their brand-new homes with such envy.
"Can't pass through that checkpoint there. I know a way out of Londinium from Auchterigg Borough."
This was Morgan's first time setting foot in Auchterigg in her life. She quickly discovered that even the loud and brash Indra could only keep her mouth shut in shock at the scene before them. Time has left an indelible mark upon this section of Victoria's most historic area, but the tranquility established by its construction has still been preserved to this day.
Now, this was civility.
Such was the first thought that crossed Morgan's mind. She even hoped that she could live here, among civility. But, the faces of the homeless people back at the factory floated into her mind's eye and made her shudder.
What is it that keeps "civility" alive?
It is all of them, and all of her people.
The fate of Norport Borough is also the fate of Sudean Borough. The cycle of prosperity and recession means nothing to the people living among civility. The fate of the outer urban areas will never be more than a lingering afterthought to the "civilized." Food will always be food, even if the brand changes.
Somehow, Morgan ends up at the end of the line, and seems to notice the regretful look in Siege's eyes.
Though she has countless inspirations to put pen to paper at this moment, she nevertheless does not know where to start.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Morgan
Become a knight? The thought never crossed my mind. That's the issue that's always eating Dagda up. I'm just Morgan, a native of Norport, and following Vina doesn't change that fact one bit. Hannah and I have our plan, and once this shite is all sorted out, we're going back to our gym, drinking in the morning, and kickin' it in the afternoon. Nothing's gonna change.
Vina? Vina, huh... Who is she going to be at that point – Her Majesty Alexandrina, or Siege of Glasgow? I certainly hope that everyone can return to our old boxing gym, but I also respect whatever Vina decides!
Afraid? Of course not. Even if you ask Hannah, she'll agree without a second thought that I'm the steadiest and most courageous member of Glasgow.
Alright, I'll admit, I've been a bit concerned lately about what we've gained, and what we've lost. We used to be a bunch of street ruffians, and our biggest battles were fought in the underground black market. But things are different now. All of Londinium has become a battlefield, with enemies we've never seen before and an unimaginable number of casualties. This isn't anything like a street brawl! I try hard to put on the same airs as before and become a pillar of strength for them, but the truth is, I also need a pillar of my own.
Vina? That's right, Vina. Vina, who led me through hell and high water in the fight for our survival, is that pillar. We've had similar experiences and grew up under similar conditions, so Vina should understand how I feel... But now that I know who she is, I'm not so sure anymore.
No, I'm not worried that she'll grow further and further apart from us, nor am I mad that she hid her identity from us all this time. Anyone would do the same. I'm just worried that she'll be pulled away from us by the people she fears and loathes, while I'm powerless to protect her. After all, I'm just a lowlife who grew up on the streets. What ability do I have to fulfill the promise I made to the girl who wandered onto our turf?
Chowder? When'd she learn to make chowder? She already brought it over too? Okay, fine. Doctor, forget about everything I just said! Let's call this session for now.

––Incomplete interview record
Promotion Record
Promote Morgan to Elite 2
From a dusty file in Norport Borough's destroyed police archives
File Number: LBD 209
Review Progress: Complete
Reviewer: ■■■■■
Subject(s): Involved persons are the members of the Glasgow Gang of Norport Borough, and Howard, a trainee police officer in the Norport Borough Police Station (now retired).

Preliminary Case Description: In the vicious brawl that broke out in the cinema hall, "McClaren's Place," Glasgow members were involved in a physical altercation with outsiders. Damage to the cinema hall was relatively minor, and the altercation was determined to be non-fatal. Due to the intercession of McClaren, the cinema hall's owner, the court decided to hand down a lighter sentence and had the Glasgow members detained for three days. Morgan, a member of Glasgow, paid for the bail, and Howard, a former trainee in the police force, closed the case.

Case Review Application: An outsider died half a month later due to serious injuries. Because the deceased was a resident of Auchterigg Borough, the Royal Police Station of Auchterigg Borough filed an application for review and requested for an officer from Headquarters to supervise the investigation.

Case Review Description: [Confidential]

Review Results: Howard, a former trainee police officer, deliberately contradicted the officer in charge of supervision and assisted Morgan, a member of Glasgow, forge important evidence. Suspected of helping Siege, the leader of Glasgow, and under suspicion of interfering with the review process, he was removed from his post and taken into custody at Auchterigg Borough Headquarters.
Morgan, member of Glasgow, voluntarily submitted relevant evidence and surrendered herself as the only participant in the malicious incident. Due to insufficient evidence, the other Glasgow members retained their original sentences.

A vague note on the back of the file reads:
As a notice to all officers who access this file, the review decision has been forwarded to Headquarters for processing, and I am not authorized to accept any appeals. And just to be safe, I don't want to hear anyone in the police department praising Morgan or any other Glasgow member. This will land you in serious trouble.

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