Operation story: IC-9

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Female Zeruertzan icon.png
Cheerful Durin
Male Zeruertzan A icon.png
Heartened Durin
Male Zeruertzan B icon.png
Rational Durin
R3-E3 icon.png
Strange Machine
Zeruertza Reception Room
Stitch's House Room
Zeruertza Forum

After operation

Stitch finally confronts himself as the Durins decide Zeruertza's future. They will head to the surface and begin a new life there.
<Background 1>
Croque Diamondface Eh, now that you mention it, this is starting to ring a bell.
A few years ago, I participated in a couple Dome design contests with him and Catch.
Master Finch had just left not too long before that, and our rising new stars both wanted to prove themselves with their Dome renovation plans.
Catch was an incessant one at the meetings. He kept selling his ideas and the advantages of his design.
As for Stitch, all he ever did was lay his designs on the table before standing aside. It seemed kind of like he would rather we see his ideas for ourselves instead of wasting his energy to explain them.
Some preferred Catch's detailed way of thinking, while others acknowledged Stitch's confidence, even egotism toward his own work. Both of them were undoubtedly rising stars.
This rivalry continued for several years, and neither of them was able to truly obtain the recognition of the majority and get his designs passed.
Until one day... when Stitch stopped showing up.
Edge Eartheart Finch actually brought it up to me before back when he was still around. He told me he was worried about his student's future.
But those problems you can fix by talking sense into him. He has to think things through himself and set his ego aside. Only then will he hear another opinion.
Otherwise, forget Catch. Not even someone as strong as Gavial could do anything about him.
Croque Diamondface Not even if Gavial really wanted to help him from the bottom of her heart?
Edge Eartheart If there was a way around it, Finch would've tried it a long time ago.
But... who knows? Catch and Gavial couldn't be more different, personality-wise. If the two of them tried to help him together, a miracle might just happen.
<Background 2>
[Gavial hesitates to attack the R3-E3s.]
Gavial *sigh*, these are Zumama's friends. It's such a pain when I can't just wreck them.
Hmm? Okay, you guys know Zumama, right? I'm her friend.
Strange Machine Zumama... Confirming identity. Zumama's friend: Gavial.
Zumama told us we can't hurt Gavial.
We won't hurt Gavial.
Stitch Canvas What?!
Gavial Haha, I saw you guys chumming together and thought you were really hitting it off. Didn't expect mentioning her name to actually do anything.
Stitch Canvas Gah!
[Stitch runs away.]
Gavial Help me surround him, won't you?
Strange Machine We cannot allow Zeruertza's citizens come to harm.
Gavial Relax, I'm just taking him where he should be.
Strange Machine Understood. We trust Gavial. We will help Gavial.
[The R3-E3s move out and blocked Stitch...]
Stitch Canvas Out of my way!
[...as Gavial approaches him.]
Gavial Stitch Canvas, I've got something to ask you.
[Stitch angrily replies,]
Stitch Canvas I have nothing more to say to you!
Gavial You've said plenty, but in the end, do you hate the people of Zeruertza?
Stitch Canvas ......
Gavial No, you don't have to answer.
If you hated them, then you should've stayed on the surface after you made it there. You could've hid the danger your tribe is facing.
But you told us anyway.
You didn't want to fix the Dome, but you couldn't give this place up. That's why you brought Tomimi and Inam down here.
Stitch Canvas Yeah, so what?
Gavial I'm just curious.
Have you ever talked to the ones who voted against you and asked them why they didn't like your proposal?
Stitch Canvas No... I haven't.
Gavial Yeah, I thought so. Just like you definitely haven't ever told anyone the stuff you just said.
And actually, you still haven't told me how you truly feel.
I know. Some things are difficult to bring up.
I have lots of patients who would rather die than open up.
They don't want to make trouble for people, they don't think anyone understands them, or they're just too stubborn to actually say it... You name it, I've seen it.
But whatever the deal is, if you keep it to yourself all the way to the day you die, no one's going to know.
I'm not gonna say you've done anything wrong.
But I need you to give it a shot.
Stitch Canvas How I really feel? Not even I know how I really feel anymore!
Gavial Then I've gotta at least...
??? Hold up!
Gavial Huh?
[Catch interrupts Gavial from trying to beat the crap out of Stitch.]
Catch Lightrace Gavial, wait, please.
Stitch Canvas Catch? What are you doing here?
<Background 3>
The forum is dead silent.
All the Durins are attentively listening to Avdotya tell her story.
Though her story starts off warm, it slowly deteriorates into something more sinister as it progresses.
When the story gets going, the audience holds their collective breaths, only for Avdotya to explain how she survived, sending out a collective sigh of relief.
But that's only where it starts, it's the beginning of her hardships and tribulations, and she goes through much more as she recounts the story.
Avdotya When I reached the end of the cave... for a moment, I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Had it not been a golden, shining lift, I would've mistaken it for a staircase carrying me to death.
At that very moment, I even felt joy. I thought my hardships were coming to an end.
I thought I could enjoy a moment of respite within death's embrace.
I never expected that lift would open the door to a new life.
And that was everything I went through before I made it underground.
[The Zeruertzans ponder on Avdotya's tales.]
Avdotya This is the life on the surface that I can share with you.
It's hardly what you would call a wonderful one.
But, looking back, it wasn't actually as hard as I remember it.
Anyway, I'm sure that the smarter ones among you already know what I'm getting at.
It's true.
Based on our discussions, we've arrived at three possible evacuation plans.
First, we could evacuate via the tunnels.
According to the calculations, even if we start evacuating right now as quickly as we can, we will likely only be able to evacuate seventy percent of our population to our sibling city on the other end before the explosion.
If that is the plan we are going with, we must start immediately, without delay.
The second plan would require us to immediately use all our resources to excavate in the opposite direction of the tunnel. In other words, dig toward the hole on the other side and open up a safe shelter for our temporary refuge.
As it stands, this proposal gives us a higher survival rate than the previous one, but the tunnel is our only connection to other cities.
The disaster will destroy most of our facilities, and under those circumstances, let's not mention the issue of whether this newly-excavated shelter will be able to hold everyone in the city...
Even if we managed to save everyone, it's questionable that we would last much longer after disaster strikes.
As for the third proposal... It takes us to the surface.
[The Zeruertzans ponder on Avdotya's third proposal.]
Avdotya The industrial representative estimates that after a short extension, the lift will be able to take everyone in the city to the caves above before the explosion happens.
The guests who arrived not too long ago are from the lands directly above Zeruertza.
That area is a lush rainforest named Acahualla, and as their administrators, they are willing to provide all Zeruertzans living space and other assistance.
When the crisis is over, after we settle down, we can choose to return to this place or make other arrangements.
So far, the third proposal carries the least risk and is the most likely to keep everyone alive.
However, we must make a decision that might just be unprecedented for the Durin people–
We must head for the surface.
That is also the reason why I told you my story.
We still have other options available, and I don't want to influence your decision.
Allow my story to help you determine for yourselves.
Okay. Per usual, we will vote on the three proposals in ten minutes.
<Background 2>
Catch Lightrace I have something I need to talk to Stitch about.
Gavial Alright.
[Catch walks toward Stitch.]
Catch Lightrace Stitch, I...
Stitch Canvas Isn't it just perfect that you're in charge of the dome?
You're the design representative, and everyone loves you. With you in charge of the new dome design, everyone's going to be happy with the result.
This rivalry we've had for all these years? You've won it fair and square.
Catch Lightrace Oh, that's not what I'm here for.
I'm here to say goodbye.
Stitch Canvas What...?
Catch Lightrace You see, I've only been ACTING design representative since Master Finch left us.
And after I took up the burden, I gradually began to think that maybe my skills weren't up to the task.
Actually, I've been thinking about leaving to look for Master Finch. I mean, he's the only one who can really be our design representative.
Stitch Canvas You...
Catch Lightrace And after I'm gone, as his disciple, you're the most suitable one to take the job.
I just went back to the design department and handed my work over to the others, and I'm ready to get my things packed and leave.
Stitch Canvas But why now?!
Catch Lightrace I heard we're all going to the surface. I caught Avdotya's speech when I passed by the forum just now.
I'm sure the proposal will end up passing.
But Master Finch should be hiding out in some other Durin city. That's why, while it's still possible, I want to settle down in the one next door before I figure out my next steps.
So, sorry, buddy. I probably won't get to help with the dome's design.
Stitch Canvas You... You think I'd be happy about this?!
Catch Lightrace Of course not.
But I really think you are up to the task.
All you need is a chance to let people get to know you. Seriously.
Stitch Canvas How dare you?!
In his anger, Stitch raises his fist against Catch.
But it stops in its tracks midair, before falling down powerlessly.
Stitch Canvas I know Master Finch left because he wanted me to become independent.
And I know you're doing this because you want me to give it another shot.
Gavial, too. I know all of you are doing this out of the kindness of your hearts.
Of course I know!
But... Master Finch, you, and Gavial... Why do you have to force me down this path?!
Why can't all of you just leave me alone?!
Why can't you just let me keep hiding?!
Why do all of you have to be so kind?!
Catch quietly picks up the design sketch next to him and hands it to Stitch.
Catch Lightrace Because you tried so hard.
You can do much better. I know it.
Gavial Since when do you need a reason to be kind?
And since when do you need a reason to want to keep someone from falling like that?
Now, get up.
Stop crying.
First, you lied to my tribesmen, and now you're making trouble for all kinds of people.
So, I'm going to sock you.
Grit your teeth. It won't hurt too bad.
The Great Chief's Iron Fist.png
Stitch looks at Gavial's fist.
In an instant, many things flash through his mind.
The joy he felt when he listened to his teacher's lectures.
The hatred he felt when his teacher left.
The disappointment he felt every time he walked out of the design department after losing a design contest.
Before he knew it, whenever he looked at the dome above him, it was anger that he felt, not excitement.
He thought the feeling was his alone and that not only could no one understand him, he did not need to be understood by anyone.
But, at this very moment, now that he's finally learned that there are those who truly want to understand him and help him...
He realizes that perhaps it is time to set that something down.
He then thinks to himself... he should take this punch.
Yet, even though he was anticipating the pain, he doesn't feel a thing.
<Background 2>
He looks down to find a deep, fist-sized pit in the table.
Gavial Hah, now you're scared?
Relax, my fist's only for the bad guys.
You're not a bad guy. You're just a knucklehead. Why should I beat you up?
Stitch Canvas You're the knucklehead!
Gavial Well, look at you. In such a good mood that you can still talk back, huh?
So how about it? Wanna come along now?
Stitch Canvas Fine.
<Background 3>
Avdotya Okay, let us proceed with the voting.
If you are voting for the first proposal, please raise your hand.
A sparse number of hands go up around the forum.
Those with their hands up appear very calm, as though they've made up their minds, even though they know there wouldn't be many people voting for this measure.
And Avdotya knows that those who would vote for this proposal are always the ones who are willing to give their lives.
Avdotya Record keeper, please record the number of votes for the first proposal.
Okay, please put your hands down.
If you are voting for the second proposal, please raise your hand.
This time, there are a lot of people with their hands up. Some of them even have bottles in them.
Most of them have rather sturdy builds. Undoubtedly, they are very confident in their excavation skills.
Avdotya Record keeper, please record the number of votes for the second proposal.
Okay, please put your hands down.
If you are voting for the third proposal, please raise your hand.
The forum is dead silent.
No one has a hand up.
Avdotya knows that this outcome is only to be expected. Heading to the surface is a big decision, and her speech alone could hardly be enough to persuade them.
When she looks at the Durins whispering among themselves, she knows that her story has had no effect on them.
The Durins are not afraid. All they need is an opportunity.
They still need a push.
She also feels guilt deep in her heart.
The old her definitely would have been leading the opposition against moving to the surface.
But now she is doing other Durins' work for this.

Her guilty feelings quickly disappear, as she knows she is doing what is right.

Avdotya I have a few things to add about going to the surface.
Acahualla is a humid rainforest. It is hot there, no matter the time of the year.
Even without any temperature control, we should still be able to get used to life there.
[The Zeruertzans ponder on Avdotya's description of Acahualla...]
Avdotya Besides, Acahualla is rich in lake water resources and is home to a natural waterfall. In other words, it's an all-natural "Great Aquapit."
[...before showing interest...]
Avdotya Furthermore, Acahualla also has a large amount of mineral resources and land. If we wish to, we can build a new city there.
Of course, we will also have the pride of Zeruertza, a new landmark that will once again put smiles on everyone's faces!
[...and eventually excitement.]
Avdotya Though we will have to discuss this with Acahualla's leader before we can make a decision.
Gavial Inam will agree to it.
Avdotya Gavial?!
[Gavial shows up with Stitch in tow.]
Gavial Hey, Avdotya, look who I brought here.
Avdotya Hm? Who is it?
Gavial It's Stitch. I see you guys are pretty much done with that discussion. So, the dome repair's next, right?
Guess I came at just the right time?
Avdotya You came at a terrible time!
Gavial Oh, alright. I mean, I may not be the leader of Acahualla, but let me say this on her behalf. Acahualla welcomes you all!
Avdotya Get off the stage!
Gavial Hey, I got more to say!
Avdotya No way!
[Avdotya tries to get Gavial off the stage, but she refuses as the Zeruertzans watch the bickering.]
Heartened Durin It's true, Gavial and the surface-dwellers are all interesting.
Rational Durin Word. Besides, not only are they kind, they're strong, too. Making friends with them sounds like a fine idea.
Cheerful Durin I think so, too! Besides, they've got a bigger 'Great Aquapit' in Acahualla! What could be better?
Rational Durin But let's calm down and think it through. This is going to affect the future of the whole Durin race.
Heartened Durin I don't see anything wrong with that future though.
Cheerful Durin Right, I'm with ya. I mean, even though a lot of bad things happened on the surface in Avdotya's story, just like we've always heard–
Rational Durin But if all those bad things shaped Avdotya into the kind person that she is, I don't think there's anything to be afraid of.
Cheerful Durin Besides, I've heard rumors that "Stranger Things" is still running on the surface!
<Background 1>
Avdotya Gavial, do you know how much time and effort I spent to prepare for this moment?!
What if they decide to stay down here because you had to butt in?!
Gavial Hm... but I just took a look around, and all of them seem to be looking forward to it. They're gonna vote for it.
You persuaded them already.
Avdotya How can you always be so optimistic...?
Edge Eartheart By the way, Gavial, how is Stitch doing?
Gavial He says he's willing to give it a shot.
Hm? Where did he go?
Edge Eartheart I saw him in the forum. That's why I'm asking.
And looking at him now, it looks like he's really going to do it.
Let me give him a hand, then.
<Background 3>
The crowd of the forum is bubbling with talk of going to the surface.
This seems to have nothing to do with him. He should have gone inside with Gavial. He has never been comfortable with situations like this to begin with.
But he stays where he is.
He knows he isn't afraid.
He knows that there is an urge inside of him to say something.
But he has no idea how to begin.
[Edge steps before the Zeruertzans.]
Edge Eartheart Right, I have a piece of regrettable news I forgot to share.
After he learned of Zeruertza's impending disaster, our design representative, Catch Lightrace, has decided to resign from his position and part ways with us for the moment.
He's going to seek out our previous design representative, Master Finch Canvas, whose whereabouts are unknown.
I understand and respect his decision.
Furthermore, before he left, he appointed Master Finch's disciple, Stitch Canvas to take his position.
And I know better than anyone that Stitch Canvas is a talented architect. Which is why I accepted this request.
Now, let's invite him up here to say a few words.
Stitch, the floor is yours.
[Stitch steps forward.]
Stitch Canvas ......
I... I'm aware you don't really know who I am... Just that my teacher is the famous Finch Canvas.
M-My style is very different from my teacher's. His is more about resisting materialism, while mine is more leaning toward–
Sorry, that's not what I wanted to say.
I want to talk about the proposal, the one about going to the surface.
I know this isn't an easy decision to make.
But I think it's the safest option available.
And if we choose this plan, we will still have time to dress our doomed city.
There's not much that I can do, but I'm willing to spend the last bit of time we have to come up with a plan to repair the dome.
And, if at all possible, I want to make the dome even sturdier.
Even though it's impossible to keep an active Originium vein from exploding, that should still buy us some time.
So please, everyone. Let's head to the surface. I'm sure my teacher... would've wanted it too.
The audience is silent.
Stitch Canvas (Quietly) Master Edge, did I say something wrong?
Edge Eartheart No, you did very well. Good kid. I knew you could do it.
Very well, then. Let's take the votes again for the third proposal.
Voice of the Durins.png
As though Stitch's speech has unified their opinions, the very next moment, the Durins start raising their hands one by one.
All of them are chanting something different; Stitch is unable to make it out.
But he can just barely hear some of them complimenting him.
He notices that, on a platform high up above in the distance, Catch is faintly waving to seemingly congratulate him.
It feels as though an electric current suddenly surges through him.
For the first time, he realizes just how exhilarating it feels to be acknowledged.