Operation story: IC-8

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Female Zeruertzan icon.png
Excited Durin
Male Zeruertzan B icon.png
Relaxed Durin
R3-E3 icon.png
Strange Machine
Zeruertza Forum
Zeruertza Reception Room
Stitch's House Room

Before operation

Avdotya's speech reaches the hearts of the people of Zeruertza. Gavial goes to see Stitch, who is suffering under the pressure to catch up to his teacher. He once again chooses to run.
<Background 1>
[Edge walks in front of the Zeruertzans.]
Edge Eartheart Ahem. Citizens of Zeruertza, I am your environment and climate representative, Edge Eartheart.
We are here today to discuss the future of Zeruertza.
The survey results are back, and the representatives have discussed a few possible solutions. We will make our choice from these options today.
We also hope to come up with an answer for how the city will move forward.
However, today's meeting will be officiated by Avdotya.
<Background 2>
Croque Diamondface Are you sure about this, Avdotya?
Sure, you've lived in Zeruertza for quite a while, and the people in town know you. But this is the first time you'll be standing before everyone, right?
Avdotya Yes.
Edge Eartheart Alright, you're up, Avdotya.
Avdotya I might take some time, Master Edge. Is that okay?
Edge Eartheart Don't worry, you won't break my record of putting half the city to sleep.
Avdotya I've never heard that story.
Croque Diamondface Oh, I remember. Master Eartheart went into a long discourse about geology.
He went on and on until the sun went down, and only stopped when he wore himself out.
Avdotya I probably won't go THAT long.
Edge Eartheart Go, Avdotya. This is the culmination of the time you spent here as our resident surface-born.
Avdotya Thank you. Here goes.
[Avdotya walks out with the Zeruertzans welcoming her with a cheer.]
Voice from Far Away It's Avdotya!
Avdotya! I'm with you, no matter what you say!
Edge Eartheart Why don't my speeches get the same reception?
Deculture Silvermint It's not just your record-breaking speech. All the other meetings you officiate last for ages.
Edge Eartheart I know you're always the first to fall asleep.
Deculture Silvermint Not today. Avdotya looks different this time. What does she have on her mind?
<Background 1>
[Avdotya steps before the Zeruertzans.]
Excited Durin Fantastic. I respect Master Edge's knowledge, but his meetings are torturous.
Relaxed Durin Avdotya's voice is as beautiful as she is. I could listen to her all day.
Avdotya Greetings, citizens of Zeruertza. I am Avdotya, literature representative.
Today, I officiate over this meeting that will determine Zeruertza's future.
We have discussed with Master Edge and believe that there are three practical plans to carry out Zeruertza's evacuation.
Before discussing the plans, however, there's something else that I want to talk about.
It's about my past.
Not the past of Avdotya Razorpen, but the past of Avdotya Nikolayevna Ivanova.
When I first came to live among the Durins, I created many stories, and shared mine with many people.
This, however, I've never told anyone.
I want to share it with you today.
I was born to a noble family in Ursus.
Voyna i Mir.png
Avdotya thought she would struggle to find words.
But she found her memories pouring out as soon as she opened her mouth.
It was not that she did not know what to say; it was that she had too much to say and did not know where to start.
The Durins do not know what it means for her. But she does.
This is the first time she's looked back on her past since coming to the Durins.
She thought time would let the past fade, let her forget that she was once a woman of Ursus.
Now, though, she realizes that the past never truly goes away.
But meeting Gavial and the people she brought with her helps her realize–
That is not so bad.
The past pulls her down bit by bit, along with the Durins listening to her story.
But she no longer feels pain from it, and thus neither do the Durins.
<Background 3>
Stitch sits in his room, trying not to think about it.
But he can't help it.
He knows this is his last chance.
Let it go, and he will never surpass his teacher.
And he has a feeling that if he does not win this time, he will always be second-best, though to what he cannot describe.
He knows.
But he can't do it.
He puts his arms around his head.
Knock knock.
There is someone knocking on his door.
Stitch Canvas ......
Gavial I know you're in there.
Stitch Canvas Leave me alone, Gavial!
Gavial We need to talk.
Stitch Canvas Talk to Catch if this is about the dome.
Gavial No can do.
Stitch Canvas Why?
Gavial Because this is your job.
Open the door.
Stitch Canvas You're not coming in here!
Gavial That's not up to you.
Breaking the Self-Abasement.png
The door and the walls around it collapse with a bang, and Gavial walks in casually holding her great axe.
She sees Stich sitting by the desk with his arms around his head, his expression hidden.
A few blank pieces of paper lie by his hand.
A few more pieces of paper lie by his feet, either torn to pieces or crumpled up.
Gavial Design sketches for the dome.
You wanted to do it, didn't you?
Stitch Canvas Can't you give me a break, Gavial?
Gavial It's not so much that I'm not giving you a break...
Look at you, shutting yourself in this room staring at sketches, holding in everything you're thinking.
You're the one who's not giving yourself a break, Stitch.
<Background 3>
[Gavial walks toward Stitch.]
Stitch Canvas You don't know anything...
Gavial Right, which is why I'm not taking you back by force.
I don't know. So I gotta find out.
Stitch Canvas Why did you smash my door then?
Gavial You wouldn't have talked if I didn't.
Stitch Canvas You're just threatening me...
Gavial I'm a reasonable woman. I could even be convinced to help you, if you have a good enough reason.
Stitch Canvas ......
Gavial I realized something, on my way over here.
You weren't happy with the whole dome repair thing, were you? From the very beginning?
Stitch Canvas ......
<Background 2>
Croque Diamondface Life on the surface can be so colorful. I never heard Avdotya talk about it... right, Master Edge?
Edge Eartheart Huh? Mm.
Croque Diamondface It's nothing. Rare to see you drift off like this, though. What's the matter?
Edge Eartheart I was thinking about Stitch.
Croque Diamondface Stitch? Aren't Gavial and Catch looking for him? Ought to be fine, right?
Edge Eartheart The question isn't fine or not.
Seeing him today made me realize I may have pushed him too hard without realizing.
Croque Diamondface You're talking about the dome repair?
Edge Eartheart Yes.
Of course, I was in agreement about not repairing the dome.
But I was also anxious about the broken survey equipment.
You know how Stitch has been since his teacher went missing.
He submitted a series of proposals for the dome that got rejected. At some point he stopped coming to design meetings, shuttering up in his room.
I thought I could push him a little... if he could come up with a new plan to repair the dome, it would be an opportunity to bring it up.
I could help him.
Croque Diamondface He ended up going up to get surface-dwellers to fix the railway.
Edge Eartheart Yeah, I didn't expect him to go this far to avoid fixing the dome.
So I thought, forget it, the Originium vein takes priority.
If he's so reluctant to repair it, just let it be; there will be more chances in the future.
Little did I know there would be no more chances.
Croque Diamondface This isn't your fault. If anything, it's Stitch's for running away.
Edge Eartheart But if this dome is so important to him–
He'll regret it for the rest of his life, if he doesn't seize the opportunity.
<Background 3>
Gavial Why are you so against repairing the dome?
Stitch Canvas Because of the job my teacher left me.
Gavial Teacher? Job? Didn't Catch say your teacher went missing?
Stitch Canvas It wasn't... a sudden disappearance.
Though he didn't tell anyone else, he did leave me an assignment.
I have to win everyone over with my dome design, and make the dome of Zeruertza my own.
Only then will he come back to find me.
Otherwise, he'll never come back.
Gavial Your last name is Canvas too. Are you related?
Stitch Canvas No, I changed it later.
Eight years ago, I survived an Originium vein explosion. I had no home to return to, but my teacher took me in.
Gavial So your Oripathy...
Stitch Canvas Yes, that was when I caught it.
On the surface, people with this disease are called the Infected and cast out from society.
That's not the case among the Durins, but we can't fully cure it, only keep its symptoms in check.
Gavial It's the same up there.
Stitch Canvas So I changed my name to that of my mentor and studied architecture under him.
Gavial I hear he was pretty famous?
Stitch Canvas Of course! Finch Canvas was the design representative of Zeruertza.
Surface-dwellers would call our style "minimalist".
We oppose elaborate and flashy designs, seeing them as the unchecked spread of desire, the product of a slothful life.
At this rate, we will inevitably be swallowed up by our own desire.
That's why we advocate a lifestyle that emphasizes the true nature of things.
Gavial True nature?
Stitch Canvas How things are in their most natural state. We oppose all unnecessary functions, trying to keep things the way they are.
This is our rebellion against a life of desire.
Gavial Like the simple design of your room?
Stitch Canvas ......
No, my style is not exactly the same as that of my teacher.
My style came from his, but in some ways, we go in opposite directions.
Allowing the city to welcome destruction while looking its best is a luxury that comes only from our excess productivity. It is arrogant and wasteful.
One's time is limited, and my clock is ticking!
You're Infected too, Gavial. Don't you understand?
You only have so much time left. You need to spend your efforts on something more meaningful.
Gavial Of course. That's why I study medicine, so I can heal myself and people like me.
But if that's how you feel, why not seize this last chance?
Stitch Canvas You think I don't want to?
Do you see the sketches here?
They are proof of my failure over the years!
I made proposal after proposal, only to see all of them rejected!
After that, I couldn't even come up with a passable sketch.
I don't know who is the problem: the Zeruertzans, or me.
All I know is that the mere sight of the dome fills me with fear.
It's like a cage that my teacher has locked me in, trapping me forever.
Even if it's my last chance.
I can't do it anymore!
Even if I came up with a new plan, there's no hope of it getting through.
And you tell me how I'm going to come up with a new plan that can pass review in such a short time?!
Gavial ......
Stitch Canvas I'm not coming with you, Gavial.
I'm a failure.
Tell Master Edge that if he wants the dome fixed, he can have Catch do it.
He'll undoubtedly do a better job than I can.
Gavial Alright, I get it now.
All the more important for you to come with me.
Stitch Canvas Haven't you been listening?
Gavial Yep.
But you're the one who's got to explain it to the gang.
Stitch Canvas Ugh...
[Suddenly an R3-E3 interrupts the conversation between Gavial and Stitch...]
Strange Machine A Stitch is in danger. Stitch is in danger.
[...as more shows up.]
Strange Machine B Protect Stitch. Protect Stitch.
Gavial Hey, where did these bots come fr–
Stitch Canvas –!
[Stitch runs away.]
Gavial Stop right there!