Operator dialogue: Horn

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Appointed as Assistant I'll sort out your battlefield reports for you. My officialese isn't too shabby. I'll stand guard during your rest hours. Anything else required...? I'd prefer you don't keep me idle.
Talk 1 Has Bagpipe kept up her habit of humming around you? Me? I'm more the type to appreciate music in peace. The only thing a horn can play is the order to charge–I'm joking of course, Doctor.
Talk 2 The name "White Wolf" goes as far back in history as the Aslan monarchy. Why are you interested, though? ...Ah. You saw... my fangs? I'm sorry, I lost control of myself then. I won't let it happen again.
Talk 3 I have beautiful handwriting? Thank you. It just comes with the facade when you're raised noble, which I've never been keen on. But sometime these days, I'm grateful for it–whenever I pick up a pen, everything else leaves my mind, and my focus is only on how I write every letter in the proper way.
Talk after Promotion 1 As that city spat great black crystals from its gaping wounds, I thought there could be no hope left for it... Is this place familiar with those made Infected not by Catastrophe, but by human hands, Doctor of Rhodes Island?
Talk after Promotion 2 Rhodes Island Operator Misery managed to rescue me twice, and I'm sincerely grateful for it. I won't ask why I was the one he rescued. Those who live on are to carry forth the wishes of those who didn't make it.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I always feel stifled by gloomy indoor atmospheres. Do you want to go out and take a walk, Doctor? It might be overcast, but at least there'll be a breeze. There are times you can hear singing on the wind too, not just the echo of your own words.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I can vaguely remember the portraits of my ancestors decorated with medals in the hall. I also recall the épée carved with the Lion King's orders, and the maples my father planted in the front courtyard... but that's all that comes to me. I haven't returned home in a long, long while. In Her chaotic theater, Victoria's soldiers have no time to file for leave.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, does a commander as outstanding as you ever feel sorrow? Or anger? Or... hate? I try as hard as I can not to let personal emotions sway me, but I can't forget. I promised them I would never forget.
Idle How do you sleep, after having witnessed so much cruelty...? If I could do the same as you, with a simple shut of my eyes, would I feel any better?
Onboard Tempest Platoon Leader Horn reporting in, Doctor of Rhodes Island. I've already borne witness to your own tactics, and the fighting spirit of Rhodes Island's operators. Under our ensuing cooperation, I and my troops will heed your orders.
Watching Battle Record No amount of training can ever suffice.
Promotion 1 Thank you. I'll regard this as a commendation of my performance, and not a reflection of my status.
Promotion 2 Confer your emblems of rank on me. I'm willing... No. I must bear the hopes of more. Of those past, now, and to come.
Added to Squad Victoria's servicemen should take pride in their own discipline.
Appointed as Squad Leader I trust in my platoonmates at any and all times. I'd like you to put that same trust in me.
Depart We have no time to hesitate. There are souls waiting for us, behind the firing line.
Begin Operation I'll put up my shield. Don't stand in front of me.
Selecting Operator 1 Allow me to study your command style in this battle, Doctor.
Selecting Operator 2 At attention. Ready to fall in.
Deployment 1 Orders received.
Deployment 2 I will complete my assignment.
In Battle 1 The Tempest must wipe out all that blocks the way.
In Battle 2 Come! Best me if you can!
In Battle 3 I'll impart on you all the cries I've heard.
In Battle 4 You want to topple me? By what?
4-star Result One victory may not be enough to impact a whole war, but it can at least give more people a chance to see the open sky.
3-star Result Target has been suppressed.
Sub 3-star Result Any mercy on the enemy is a potential disaster. Let me lead my troops to settle this.
Operation Failure Not a worry, Doctor. Until you've gotten everyone away, I will not fall.
Assigned to Facility It doesn't resemble Victoria here, but... it reminds me of when I studied at the Royal Guard Academy.
Tap Sorry, I'm not used to setting down my weapons. Did I bruise you?
Trust Tap Hm...? I'm just reading an ordinary novel. I've gone an awfully long time without reading something new. All the written word went up in the fires of war.
Greeting Hello, Doctor. Have you rested well?
Title Arknights.