Operation story: 9-12

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RI Operator icon.png
Operator Fred
RI Guard icon.png
Operator Oliver
Reserve Operator - Sniper icon.png
Operator Shredder
Reserve Operator - Melee icon.png
Operator Will
Dublinn Soldier icon.png
Dublinn Soldier
Victoria RI Office
Hillock Square Aftermath

Before operation

A dirty bomb detonates in the city, leaving countless dead and wounded. The Rhodes Island operators decide to rescue the local residents before their evacuation, with Jane joining their rescue operation. Bagpipe finds that the Messenger has perished and decides to make her way through the city to regroup with Horn.
<Background 1>
Outcast Is everyone okay?
Operator Oliver We took cover in time, thanks for the warning... *cough*, Janie, what about you? You in one piece?
Janie I'm okay. Outcast covered me proper.
But... what happened outside?
I hear lots of screaming... and the children...
Outcast Jane, don't go outside yet! All of you, stay low and stay in cover. Get away from the windows!
An explosion of this scale always comes in waves–
[True to what Outcast says, the shelling continues.]
Operator Fred Aarrrggh! M-My leg... The bookshelf's got my leg pinned...
Outcast Will, give Fred a hand!
[Will rushes toward Fred and help Outcast pull the fallen bookshelf away from his legs.]
Operator Fred Ha... thanks, mate. I can move now.
Outcast Are you bleeding anywhere?
Operator Fred I'm fine. Just a little bit.
Outcast Do we have a first aid kit? Take that acute infection inhibitor right now!
Operator Fred Huh? Lass, I got a gash on my leg 'cause of the splinter, that's all.
Outcast No, you don't get it.
Right now, you're at the highest possible level of infection risk. Did you see the black crystal that smashed through the windows?
Operator Fred M-My god... I...
Operator Shredder Is that Active Originium...?!
Outcast That it is.
Janie You mean, all the black stuff that's blanketing the streets... All of it?!
Outcast I'm afraid so.
Janie I... I can't believe it...
Operator Oliver D-Doesn't this mean the whole city's in terrible danger?!
Dammit! Lass, we've gotta hurry and rescue the townsfolk! We're short on time, but we need to save as many as we can!
Outcast Any objections?
Operator Shredder I figured Oliver would raise his hand.
Operator Oliver Mock me all you want later, but get your arse moving now and get that first aid kid packed! Fred, you're hurt. Stay here and coordinate the rest of us! Will, go home and check on your parents–
Operator Will I can go with the rest of you...
Operator Oliver Don't be an idiot, boyo. Family's more important than work! Bring some medicine with you, and check on your neighbors once you're done helping your family!
Operator Will Thank you, Boss...
Operator Oliver Shredder, old mucker, looks like you and I've got a few more streets to take.
Outcast Don't forget about me, Oliver. It may only be a temporary arrangement, but I am an operator under your wing nonetheless.
Operator Oliver Lass, don't be absurd.
Outcast I'm being serious. Leave the District Ten and its surroundings to me.
Operator Oliver That's the epicenter. It's way too dangerous...
Outcast Do we have a choice? Give me a temporary set of comms too. We'll give each other progress reports.
Janie I'm going too...
Operator Oliver Er, Janie, this rescue op's not a playdate, and you've not gone through training like the rest of us. You don't need to put yourself in harm's way.
Whose bloody idea was it to dump all this Active Originium on a town anyway?! They've got to be out of their minds!
Outcast They bombed so much land in such a short period of time... Whoever planned this attack must've at least ten brand new ground suppression howitzers.
Janie That much artillery...
Outcast I watched the battle over the past two days from afar, and there are some formidable Casters among the so-called rioters. That gives their force a certain degree of stealth capability.
–But that's not enough to hide so much materiel coming into town, especially not from the garrison's watchful eyes.
And they're not stupid enough to point their cannons at a city block they finally managed to bring under their control. As if they'd blow up all the locals, their own men included.
Janie You–you mean...
Outcast Jane, you know the answer.
Janie No, it can't be...
You mean our men annihilated a city block? It was us... who killed all those townsfolk, condemned countless more to death by Oripathy?
Outcast It's the barracks.
They know they can't win a war with the Tarans on the other side. With no way to tell friend from foe, they'll take them all down in one shot, even the common folks.
And they used a dirty bomb precisely because it saves them the trouble later on. The Infected get rounded up, and that gives them the most righteous excuse to dispose of the Tarans.
Janie They used... the people as a tool like that? Isn't the Victorian Army meant to protect its citizens?
Outcast You're agitated. I can tell. That's because you've got a kind heart that most soldiers lack.
Over the last few centuries, the Victorian Army has trampled all kinds of nations and peoples across the world, and it was never out of the goodness of their hearts.
Janie ......
Now I see why the townsfolk thought the rioters were in the right...
Outcast But they're just as ready to use innocent lives for their own gain. They got different masks on, but the faces under them are just as ugly. What's the difference?
Janie Then–Is Rhodes Island the only side doing what's right?
Outcast How well do you know Rhodes Island?
Janie I trust Uncle Oliver and everyone else here, and I've known to trust you ever since the day we met.
Outcast And how well do you know me?
Janie ......
Operator Oliver Lass, why be so intense? Janie here needs some time to take this all in...
Janie It's okay, Uncle Oliver. I know what Outcast is trying to tell me.
I really am... thankful you took me in when I had nowhere to go.
And I really am–still confused... Whenever I pick a side, someone tells me I don't belong.
But, at least for the time being, I know what I have to do.
Please let me come with you. I want to help the injured outside as best I can.
Outcast Even if some of them were throwing rocks at you, chasing you away just a minute ago?
Janie It's just as you said. I can't stand by and watch evil happen over and over–This has nothing to do with what side I choose.
Outcast You hear that, Oliver? You're the officer-in-charge of County Hillock. Will you let Jane Willow join our ranks, if temporarily?
Operator Oliver I–I've got no problem with that!
We've got all the first aid kits packed. Janie, you can come with any one of us.
Janie I'm going to the central block too...
Operator Oliver Haha, so you're going with the Lass? Phew, and I thought you'd be scared of her after all that just now.
Outcast Hmm?
Operator Oliver Nothing!
Outcast If everyone's ready, let's go.
Remember, your own safety comes first. You've got lots of contaminated ground to look out for, and enemies to keep in mind too.
Given the situation, forces on either side won't be too friendly to us.
<Background 2>
[The city is now in ruins with Originium crystals sprouting everywhere following the atrillery shelling. Bagpipe tries to look for MacMartin amidst the rubble.]
Bagpipe Mr. Chef! Mr. Chef–
Ugh, where to start? We've got wounded everywhere.
[The bombardment continues, though not as intense as before.]
Bagpipe *cough*, *cough*...
No, I have to find Chef! He should be around here. I need to get him out of town!
I... Ugh, what's got my leg?
Dublinn Soldier ......
Bagpipe A... a hostile?!
No, you're out like a light. No threat to me.
Dublinn Soldier Kill... me...
Bagpipe Later. Let me move this rock that's got your leg pinned first.
There we go! Oh, it's all mush... And these black crystals... Looks serious.
Dublinn Soldier Kill... me!
I can't...! The Infected... are dirty... I mustn't be sullied like that!
Bagpipe Oh, wheesht. Nothin' wrong with hangin' in there to live another day, is there?
Dublinn Soldier You... don't get it...
This is a fate... worse than death...
Bagpipe Alright, I don't get it, fine then. I'm lookin' for someone. No one's got help for you now.
Mr. Chef! Mr–
Dublinn Soldier Hngh...
Bagpipe What are you tugging my leg for this time? This... This apron! Mr. Chef–!
(The rock crushed Chef too. No wonder I couldn't find him.)
(The intel's still here.)
(He tried his best to protect it till the very end. I can tell.)
Mr. MacMartin. I don't know your real name–but I will remember you for what you've done.
Rest in peace, my friend in arms.
Your bravery won't go to waste.
And you. I need to thank you, nameless hostile.
I should give you what you want. But I can tell, you'll be gone soon even if I don't do a thing.
Any last words?
Dublinn Soldier ...The Leader.
Bagpipe You're about to peg out, and your leader's what comes to mind?
Dublinn Soldier Hah... hahahaha!
We... will give rise... to... a fire of rebirth!
Bagpipe Where're you looking a–
[More and more enemies appear from the ruins.]
Bagpipe Reinforcements?!
The cannons didn't do a thing...
Captain... They're all gonna be in danger!
I need to regroup with them–
My mission's a failure. In that case, takin' the communications center's our last chance!