Operator story: Heidi

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The Victorian Feline named Heidi Thomson is the daughter of Mr. Thomson, a well-known businessman and poet at Toron County who wishes to resolve the unpeaceful succession crisis, and a close acquaintance of Kal'tsit who befriended her father. Thirteen years ago, in the year 1084, she attended a party at Count Vincent's mansion in order to send her a secret message, and the party almost became a disaster due to the presence of an Emperor's Blade. Before the two's separation, Kal'tsit promised her that she will be useful someday in the future. Indeed, such promise has been kept for the years to come.

By present day, the adult Heidi has become a famed romance novelist writing many notable works and a freelance journalist working with her colleague Golding. On the other hand, her status is a mere façade that helps her intergrade into the Victorian aristocrat circle to gain intel for Rhodes Island regarding the dwindling empire. She also acts as a Messenger for Eartha the "Self-Salvation Corps" who help make alliance between the two. Thanks to Heidi's help, R.I. is able to infiltrate the capital of Londinium and work together with Eartha to help resolve the crisis.

Heidi, when she was still a child, first appeared in A Walk in the Dust before being introduced as an Operator with the release of Episode 10.


A Walk in the Dust

Heidi and Kal'tsit enjoying the night party together

Heidi's arrival at Count Vincent's manor was a surprise to others, including the Count himself. Although she tried to join in the conversation between other nobles, she was too young to understand their topics. Being bored and disappointed, she proceeded to have a private chat with Kal'tsit in the backyard, where she could pass along the letters to her.[1]

As the snow was getting heavier, the two decided to return indoors. While the two were watching the snowfall, Kal'tsit suddenly noticed the black ones, a sign of the arrival of an Emperor's Blade. Heidi was assigned to maintain the party's order and forbid anyone entering the backyard while Kal'tsit was dealing with the Blade. After the Blade's departure, Heidi immediately provided first aid to her injuries. Knowing that the situation might be worsen, Kal'tsit decided to leave the party, not before promising Heidi that they will meet again somewhere in the future.[2]

Years later, Heidi sent Kal'tsit a package containing desired intel.[3]

Episode 10

Episode 11

Heidi: The First Letter

May: The Great Detective's Case Files - Volume I
