Tutorial: FC-TR-1

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[Dublinn soldiers are spotted in the marshes.]
<Game paused>
Dobermann Stay alert, folks. We'll be simulating a swamp environment.
Beagle Enemy sniper spotted. Support requested... hey, where did Kroos go?
<Game unpaused>
[Kroos is deployed.]
<Game paused>
Kroos Right here. Leave these enemies to me.
Dobermann <The tile where Kroos is deployed, which is a Reeds, is highlighted> Reed beds give Operators Camouflage, giving you an edge in battle.
<The Reeds where Kroos is deployed is highlighted> Operators with Camouflage will not be targeted by normal attacks as long as they are not blocking, but this will not help them avoid splash damage.
<Game unpaused>
[Kroos engages the Dublinn Scout while the Snipers circling the area behind her does not spot the Cautus thanks to the Reeds' camouflage. Beagle is then deployed close to Kroos.]
<Game paused>
Beagle Argh, my feet got caught in the mud.
Dobermann <A nearby muddy tile, which is a Mire, is highlighted> Be careful of the marshes. They will slow enemies and reduce their attack speed as they pass through it, but our attack speed will be affected as well.
Beagle I'll protect the others. Let's get the job done!
<Game unpaused>
[Another Dublinn Scout shows up and moves through the Mire-covered path; note that the Scout's speed is gradually reduced as he moves through the Mires, giving Kroos the opportunity to shoot him down as a Dublinn Flamechaser Soldier appears.]
<Game paused>
Kroos <The Flamechaser Soldier is highlighted> Something doesn't seem right with this one...
Dobermann <The Flamechaser Soldier is highlighted> They appear to be dead bodies under the control of Originium Arts. Be careful.
<Game unpaused>
[Kroos takes down the Flamechaser Soldier, but it turns into a floating Ember of Resentment that is invisible, preventing Kroos from firing at it.]
<Game paused>
Dobermann <The Flamechaser Soldier's Ember of Resentment is highlighted> They leave behind Originium ember when they're defeated, which will resurrect them if not cleared quickly.
Embers do not deal damage even when we are in contact, but they have Invisibility and must be attacked several times in order to remove them.
Beagle Understood. I'll stop them here. What about the other side?
Melantha I'll be there soon.
<Game unpaused>
[The Ember of Resentment eventually resurrects the first Flamechaser Soldier as a second one spawns and Cardigan, Hibiscus, and Melantha are available for deployment. (The player deploys Hibiscus above Kroos and Cardigan on the Mire beside the lower Protection Objective and Melantha on her upper right) Beagle blocks the first Ember of Resentment, revealing it, as Kroos defeats the second Flamechaser Soldier and destroys the first's Ember before it could resurrect the Soldier, then defeats the remaining Flamechaser Soldier and its Ember as it is blocked by Beagle. On the right side, Cardigan blocks the Snipers as they are bogged down by the Mire, lowering the harm she received as Melantha takes them out.]