Operation story: DM-2

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Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior
Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior?
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior?
Cold Forest

Before operation

After taking care of their "comrades,", W, Hoederer, and Ines decide to split their forces. W and Ines meet first, exchanging words before crossing swords. At this time, the transport team quietly arrives.
<Background 1>
[The barracks are under attack.]
Sarkaz Warrior Tsk... Those are the same goons as last time– How'd they find us here?!
Hurry up and retreat! Don't waste time!
W They've got us surrounded. And outnumbered.
Sarkaz Warrior Then we gotta find a way to break through!
W Their scouts took out all our sentries. We're in the dark here...
Sarkaz Warrior Bullshit! Are you gonna stand around and wait for their Casters to fry you?
Hey, you... You're with Hoederer... What are you doing here?
Where's Hoederer? And his men? He's supposed to be–
[W cuts off the radio held by the Sarkaz warrior.]
Sarkaz Warrior Wh-what are you doing to my comms?! What gives–!
W ...Would you shut up already?
Remember how I was on patrol here? That made it real easy to plant bombs all over your camp.
Sarkaz Warrior ...You! Hoederer! You sold us out...!
W Don't make it sound so bad.
We're headed out on a long, long trip. And wouldn't you know it? Some guests showed up just as we're leaving. So someone's gotta stay behind to hold the fort.
Now if we leave some snacks out for our guests like a good host, maybe that'll get them to stop chasing us?
Gotta say, I appreciate all you're doing for us~
Sarkaz Warrior Damn you... You knew they were coming the whole time... And you're just going to leave us here to die–?!
[Another attack hits the barrracks.]
W Hmmm...
Well, at least try to put up a bit of a fight. The more you struggle, the bigger our head start.
But seriously, thanks a kiloton.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoederer I ordered you to help the teams that didn't have time to escape, but...
...Why didn't anyone else make it out?
W They volunteered to stay behind.
Don't worry. I left them a little gift... So they were more than happy to help us hold off the bad guys.
Ines ...I doubt anyone here would be willing to sacrifice themselves.
No need to lie about it. Nobody's going to blame you for sacrificing others to save your own squad.
But lying to your commander is another story.
W ...
Ines You can't fool my eyes, W. You're on thin ice here.
Don't forget how green you are.
W ...I'll be sure to reflect upon my actions, Captain Ines.
Because we'll be working together... for a very long time.
Ines So, what's the plan now?
Hoederer No harm, no foul. What's done is done, and it was probably going to turn out like this anyway.
W might have made the right call.
Ines ...Do you seriously believe that?
Hoederer The Sarkaz over there have nothing to do with us.
Who they were, what they did. How they lived, how they died. None of our business.
W Brutal.
Hoederer Let's talk work first. Ines, you and W split up and lead your teams away. Messengers stay radio silent, then regroup at the rendezvous point.
...I'll catch up later.
Ines ...
W ...
Hoederer ...One more thing.
I don't care what kind of mischief you get up to, how one of you exploits the other or whatever, but I won't stand for you actually, directly fighting.
Ines But indirectly is fine?
W Pretty lax rules.
Hoederer ...*Sigh*.
I really hope it doesn't come to that. But it's not like I could stop it either.
For now, at least, if you plan to stay alive, make good use of every last Sarkaz you have.
<Background black>
Hoederer has always been like this.
He thinks very little about what actually matters, and wastes so much brainpower on the pointless stuff.
...Nobody says W isn't a great fighter. But there's a lot she's missing.
If she really is just an incredible Sarkaz warrior...
<Background 2>
W It's not even dark out. And you still gotta hide over here by the fire?
Maybe you just like fire?
Ines I definitely don't like people bothering me.
Your team is three hours late.
W That ambush... did you and Hoederer plan that?
Ines Go ask him.
W He doesn't know anything about it.
Ines ...Then it must've been a coincidence. All mercs are a pain in the ass to deal with. You cross their path, and they're gonna give you shit.
W Oh, that's all? Here I was worried Hoederer sold out my position.
Ines You think that's what he should've done?
W Why not?
Ines How do you know we're not lying to you?
W You could've killed me a long time ago. Doing it now wouldn't help much, would it?
Ines Hmm...
What were you doing before you found us?
W Huh? After all we've been through, you're giving me the job interview now?
Ines Hoederer never asks about his people's pasts. But I'm not Hoederer.
W Yeah you're a whole different species from us.
Ines Are you looking for trouble here?
W As far as I can tell, "Miss Ines" isn't so good at close combat.
W vs Ines.png
[W narrowly blocks an attack from Ines...]
W —!
Ines A lesson for you: If you want to live a little longer, don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Every Sarkaz mercenary carries a sword.
W Well color me surprised. All this time I thought that was your staff. But...
–Oh, but you, a "Sarkaz mercenary?"
<Background 2>
[...and counters it.]
Ines –Tch...
W I'm still pretty sure I've got you beat at close range, but... Hmm, I admit I got a little careless.
Well, thanks. A scratch on the arm is a pretty cheap price for that lesson.
You and Hoederer are both pretty good at keeping your cards close to your chest.
Ines I'd rather talk about you. High-profile mercenaries like you are pretty much all dead by now.
You've made such big waves in such a short time, but I never heard anything about you before you joined us. That's pretty suspicious.
And you came looking for Hoederer. Why?
W You said it yourself.
Ines What?
W A lot of people in Kazdel are after his head.
Ines You dropped that bomb pretty smoothly. Why'd you change your mind?
W Hmm... I figured I'd get what I want easier this way.
Ines And what is it you want?
W ...None of your business.
Ines You're shook. How funny. Why not make something up to dodge the question?
W ...Your Arts again?
Those damned eyes. My reasons have nothing to do with you.
Ines Same with my eyes.
W ...
[Ines and W felt that people are approaching.]
W What was that?
Ines ...From the east. Something's coming.
There's more than one squad, but only one of them's the real deal. Hmph, they sure are cautious...
W Ehh, sounds like a pretty big gang. Just how many people did they hire?
Ines ...Hoederer was right. This is going to be our biggest battle yet.
We're heading into uncharted territory now.
W You scared?
Ines Hah.
W Hoederer should be here soon with his squad. Tell the Messenger to get back on comms.
Ines I don't remember anyone putting you in charge.
W Oooh, whoopsie...
You just keep guarding this campfire over here. I'll head down to the camp and check on the situation.
Ines ...
That's... Babel's...
[The approaching people includes Hoederer, who returns to Ines and W.]
Hoederer Sorry, had to take a little detour along the way. Ended up wasting a bit of time.
But it's time for us to really get to work now.
Ines Positions, everyone.
Hoederer Hm... And how you doing over there?
W A-okay.
Hoederer ...Judging from the burnt grass and neatly-cleaved mud here, you two have been busy.
W C'mon, we were just sparring a little, as a warm up. Definitely not fighting or anything.
Ines Don't worry. Next time, I'll bury you where they'll never find your body.
Hoederer ...*Sigh*.
Just to reiterate, our job is simple. Don't let anyone near our mark.
Eliminate anything in the canyon that looks at you sideways. Open fire on anyone who approaches.
Any questions?
W So, where's our destination?
Hoederer Can't disclose that. This escort task is to be carried out in stages, and our mapped route has already been passed out. After we reach our destination in three days, someone will connect with us.
Ines ...Hoederer.
What are they transporting?
Hoederer I also can't– Wait, Ines.
It's a breach of contract to use your Arts to probe the transport team. Don't underestimate them! Stop right now!
Ines You said they were a regular old transport team–
I... no, this is definitely a convoy that needs protection.
But this huge thing that they're transporting... I'm only seeing a shadow...
...A landship? No, it's...
...a skeleton?

After operation

The enemy quickly routs the mercenaries, and Ines, upon waking up, is forced to fight alongside W. Ines pretends to abandon W to ambush their pursuers, but they are still surrounded by powerful enemies.
Forests of Kazdel.png
To the north of Kazdel lies a birch forest.
There, the progression of life unfolds. From Spring it begins, and in Winter it ceases.
And only death thrives in the long winters. All living things make their exodus in unison, leaving only the Originium crystals speckled along the ground to reflect the somber moonlight.
...Pale, withered tree trunks hang lifelessly, their slender shadows intertwining and stacking upon empty expanses of snow.
That is the scenery I saw.
<Background black>
...Ines! Tch!
...Screw you!
<Background 3>
W If you're not dead yet, then wake up already.
Ines Huh...?
(My head... what is this pain...?)
What's going on... what happened?
W Nothing happened, but just in case that fall gave you amnesia, I'll give you a quick summary.
We were ambushed an hour ago. They were quick. Our caster had no time to put up a barrier, and our team got split up. We're the only ones here.
Ines ...
And the comms?
W Jammed. I don't know how they're doing it, but we're definitely up against pros. At least more professional than any of our prey before.
But the good news is they didn't go straight for the convoy. Looks like they got a tip or something, but not the details.
Ines ...
W ...
Ines ...Go ahead. Find a way to meet up with the others.
W Oh? I figured you'd doubt me, at least a little.
Guess I'll leave you as bait.
Ines Who do you think would survive if we fought?
W Obviously–
Tsk... You really should do something about that nasty personality of yours. You can tell I'm injured that easy?
Ines Oh... so it hurts that bad, huh?
I figured you had some control over your emotions, like you could fake them. Guess I was being more careful than I needed to be.
W Do you always scan your teammates with Arts as soon as you wake up? Now that's a mark of trust, boss.
Ines Force of habit.
W So that's why, huh? The first thing you do after you open your eyes is surveil your surroundings. What a coward~
Hey! That hurts...!
Ines You said bait, right? Not a bad idea.
No point in dragging along a merc who can't even stand up straight. You stay here for a sec and I'll call in the enemy.
Hope you guys get along nicely. Can't have you dying on me too quickly.
See you later, W.
Oh, one last thing. I never trusted you.
W Hey, you little–!
<Background fades out and in>
Sarkaz Warrior ...I found a mercenary. Just one.
Confirmation. It's W.
W ...That was fast.
Or rather, you've been following us the whole time, huh...?
Sarkaz Warrior Letting a few of them go was well worth it if it means we can get our hands on an HVT like you.
Hmph. I was gonna follow you back to the rest of your team. Never expected them to just abandon one of their own.
Tell me everything you know about them and you might get a quick death.
W Well there's the trouble, huh? ...I'd love for us to be honest with each other, but the truth is that I don't know anything.
Sarkaz Warrior You're badly wounded. And we don't have time to waste. You might die if we torture you on the spot, and I'm sure nobody wants that.
W In that case, you should chase down that woman. She knows more than I do.
Sarkaz Warrior ...Don't you resent her for using you as bait?
You'll have a better time if you work with us.
W ...Bait, huh?
Say... Have you ever baited Originium slugs with industrial residue before?
Sarkaz Warrior ...What are you talking about?
W It's kind of a Kazdel folk thing. We get Originium slug infestations, you know?
Wild Originium slugs are pretty dumb, and they like Originium
–But setting that aside, do you know what happens to the poor slugs that are lured over?
Sarkaz Warrior Don't mince words with–
[An explosion is heard.]
W They get blown apart, just like your buddies over there.
Sarkaz Warrior What?! When did you...?!
W Hey, you even said I was bait. Didn't you think that meant a trap?
Probably should've killed me sooner, or ran off, I guess. Here, I'll give you another chance. Let's take it from the top.
*cough* *cough*—
–So fast?! Have you been chasing us this whole time?
[Suddenly someone puts the Sarkaz warrior at swordpoint.]
Sarkaz Warrior You're insane!!
Ugh... Who's... behind...
Ines Hush. No sudden movements.
It's kind of a beginner sword, but I'm not so good with a blade. If my hand slips, you die.
Sarkaz Warrior When– When did you get–
Ines I'm pretty close with the shadows. Did you really think you'd be able to catch me without a scout?
Speak up. Who's your master?
Sarkaz Warrior I'll... never–
W Easy there. How's a guy supposed to talk if you turn his organs to mush?
Sarkaz Warrior Kazdel will... never... forgive you...
Ines (Kazdel...)
Mm, thank you.
[Ines kills the Sarkaz warrior.]
W You really suck at torture.
Ines ...Damn. You're still alive.
W You could've let him kill me first. Too bad you're so impatient.
Ines Hmph. Of course I'd rather kill them first. These insects have taken too much from us.
When the enemy shows you an opening, any merc worth her salt would kill him, no?
W ...Hah.
You really do have a bit of Sarkaz in you, huh?
Ines Rubbed off on me.
W That wasn't exactly quiet. I bet more of them are on the way.
Ines Isn't that what we want? Keep them away from the objective.
He said he let a couple get away... That means the rest are dead.
He wasn't good enough to take down that many of our people. And he was definitely scared. There's... something else out here.
W Whew.
Ines ...Were you really faking your injury?
W No no, you can't just fake an open wound away.
This is all mind over matter.
But let's talk about you. Did you really know that I had a present ready for them as soon as you woke up?
Ines If I didn't wake up, I would've been the bait.
W I definitely would've waited for you to die before springing the trap.
Ines Hmph...
If one day, you meet someone who actually could read your mind...
You won't be a match for her.
W I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
[Another explosion is heard.]
W Can you feel around with Arts?
Ines ...As if I wasn't going to do that already.
W That's the look that usually means we're boned.
Ines You got that right.
But there's no running now. We press on.
W And you suck at fighting, so it's all up to me?
Ines Head west. We might be able to turn this around with Hoederer and his team.
W And if we can't find them?
Ines Then we die.
<Background fades out>
Sarkaz Warrior? We wiped out half the escort team, but we couldn't stop the convoy before point A5.
Sarkaz Warrior? They threw out a lot of decoys. Some of the most well-guarded ones were fakes.
Either Babel's pulling some next-level strats, or... the real one doesn't even need protection.
Sarkaz Warrior? Yeah, we need to end this fast.
Sarkaz Warrior? Thought we could leave mop-up operations to those scum... Didn't think they'd blow that too.
Their skills are all over the place. Hoederer's team was a lot tougher than I thought.
Sarkaz Warrior? If Babel didn't score them first, would've been nice to get them for ourselves.
Do we keep chasing?
We don't know what's up ahead.
Sarkaz Warrior? ......
Sarkaz Warrior? Understood, General.
<Background fades in>
Sarkaz Warrior We lost them?
Sarkaz Warrior Split up. You go east, I'll take the west.
<Background fades out and in>
[W and Ines comes out of hiding nearby.]
W Phew... phew...
These guys aren't easy marks.
Ines Duh. Hide.
W Knock it off. You've been at it since the beginning. You're gonna go blind. Don't your eyes hurt?
Ines Of course they hurt, dumbass. But we have to find a way out...
Mercenary Aieeeeee! I surrender!
[Ines kills the surrendering mercenary.]
W Ooh, what a nice, clean slash. Did you see that?
They're dressed up as mercs, but these aren't mercs.
Ines Cut the chatter!
W They don't even need to ambush us. They could take us head on in the ruins and we wouldn't be able to beat them.
Ines What are you thinking?
W Huh...
Are you still spying on me? At a time like this?
Ines No. I just haven't gone blind yet.
You've got so many... are those grenades? What are you doing?
Are you gonna blow yourself up with them?
W A kill's a kill, no?
Ines Don't throw your life away for nothing.
W For what then?
What's the point of living? What should I throw my life away for?
Ines ...Sarkaz really are crazy.
W That's why I never trusted you. You're not crazy.
[W leaves...]
Ines Hey, W! Wait!
Gah, come back!
[...and throw grenades around her.]
Ines —!
Sarkaz Warrior Yep. Found one. The one and only W.
The way you toss those Originium grenades around, and such big ones too. That's the kind of crazy that gets my blood pumping.
How do you do it? All my friends incinerated in a flash, and don't have a scratch on you?
W What can I say? Practice makes perfect.
Sarkaz Warrior The General's gonna like you.
Just lay it all out for me. What's Babel got you doing? You can do a lot better somewhere else.
W Why should you trust me?
Why should I trust you?
Sarkaz Warrior Asking the right questions in the right order.
Mercenaries are a tool of war. If we're gonna fight, we gotta have the right tools at hand.
W Don't you think we're more expendable than that?
Sarkaz Warrior That's your call.
We got another one hiding 17 meters out, 4 o'clock. The one with the scouting arts. You can think it over too.
Put the sword down. You can't beat me. Welcome to try though.
Ines ......
What do you want?
Sarkaz Warrior Yeah... this fits. We got W and Ines.
You got maybe 20% of your people left. The scattered remnants can't do much.
Ines What's that you're standing on...?
Sarkaz Warrior Oh? This?
It used to be a person. I guess it's hard to tell at this point.
Sarkaz Warrior You get it now? We're not your regular mercenaries. We're not hitmen either.
What if we do this? There's the two of you, plus your leader. Only one of you three has to die.
The other two bring back a head. I don't care whose. We pin all the losses on the head and take in the survivors.
Not that this is my call. But we have to do something for our fallen men.
Things could've gone a different way if we weren't meeting on the battlefield.
W That's awful nice of you.
Ines Just my luck. I suck at fighting. I probably can't beat this ugly bitch.
W Now we're so honest all of a sudden.
Ines Yeah, so the only other choice is for us to team up and kill Hoederer.
W Yep. Hoederer.
Sarkaz Warrior So—
[W and Ines attacks the Sarkaz warrior.]
Sarkaz Warrior Hm...
Tell me... why do mercenaries insist on getting killed?
W I'm not gonna stay on the side that's getting played. I'd much rather play with someone else's life.
Plus, I'm real sick of listening to you. You're boring. And your shitty little attempt at a death game sucks.
Ines ......
W Oh, and my poor little lamb here steadily going blind...
She's not Sarkaz. You noticed, right? You stepped right into her minefield.
Sarkaz Warrior You know how this will end. You've already lost.
W Oh?
I dunno about that one...
<Background fades out>
Are you really going? The landship is right here.
Yes, I didn't expect them to spot it so soon. Did intel blow this one?
At least we've got the mercenaries.
We put them in danger. They have no idea what's happening.
They're mercenaries. They live for this. And sooner or later... it will be our burden too.
I can save them. I can save some of the men who would die for our mistakes.
You're right, Theresa, but...
There isn't a single Sarkaz, not a single person, who should die for nothing.
...*Sigh*... Then I'm coming with you.
Good. Thank you—
<Background fades in>
[The fighting grew intense as more Sarkaz warriors show up.]
Ines ......
W Wow, reinforcements, huh...? Who are they...?
There's a lot of them...
Ines Hey, you stay with me.
W Sorry... I'm just so... sleepy...
Ines Since when do you know the word "sorry?"
W I had to watch you pass out last time... Now it's your turn...
C'mon, be a team player... I just need a little... nap...
Ines Tch.
Fourteen, fifteen... Still more...
They're professionals. Look how they move... they know the battlefield even better than we do...
...Kazdel... hmph...
[The radio communications are back online.]
Ines —!
Ine... Come in... someone...
Going... to save you...
Ines Comms are back...?
What... what's this feeling...?
Someone's close...!
<Background 3>
Ines ...Hoederer.
Hoederer Ines! Where's W? What are your coordinates?
Ines You lived in Kazdel... before the war... didn't you?
There's something I have to ask...
Hoederer Are you wounded? Catch your breath.
Find a safe place to hide. The convoy is going to call in reinforcements for us...
<Background black>
Ines Just... listen to me, Hoederer.
Hoederer Okay, I'm listening.
Theresa Silhouette.png
Ines The King of Sarkaz... The one who lost Kazdel... Her Majesty...
Is she... a woman with white hair?