Operation guide: DH-TR-2

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DH-TR-2 guide.png

The second special tutorial operation in the Dossoles Holiday event, DH-TR-2, titled No Escape, introduces the player to Deep Water Zones; basically fixed versions of High Tides.

At first Indigo is already deployed on C11 and two Dockworkers spawn, one from D1 and E1, with the second moving through the Deep Water Zones covering lanes 3 and G. Notice that the Dockworker loses HP rapidly and moves slowly; as with tiles submerged by High Tide, enemies in Deep Water Zones will suffer from Erosion which causes them to lose HP over time and have their speed and ASPD reduced, with the Dockworker in particular losing more HP when affected by Erosion. The Dockworker is eventually defeated, causing the other to despawn by heading to C1.

Not long afterwards, however, a Dockworker Motorboat spawns from C1, and notice that it can safely move through Deep Water Zones, as it is unaffected by Erosion. Ernesto Salas then points out that he should make use of the platforms; as with tiles submerged by High Tide, friendly units cannot be deployed on Deep Water Zones, but this can be circumvented by using Custom Floating Platforms which does as its name suggests by allowing friendlies, regardless of whether they are melee or ranged units, to be deployed over Deep Water Zones.

To demonstrate this, a Custom Floating Platform is deployed on C8 and F5, followed by Istina and Podenco, respectively. The two Decel Binder Supporters will be able to slow down the Motorboat and inflict enough damage to allow Indigo to finish it off; once she does, notice that a Dockworker spawns from the Motorboat upon its destruction; Dockworker Motorboats will eject a Dockworker when destroyed who continues its path, essentially making it having to be defeated twice. Luckily, the poor Dockworker will quickly succumb to Erosion as he bails out right on a Deep Water Zone; be sure to exploit this to the player's advantage, especially as the Deep Water Zone will drown enemies to their defeat in some DH operations instead.

Two more Dockworker Motorboats will spawn one at a time, one from B1 and another a bit later from F1. Deploy Custom Floating Platforms on E6, G7, and D5, followed by Cardigan, Steward (facing left), and Mousse (facing right), respectively, on them. This way, the first Motorboat will be taken out by Podenco and Steward, while the second will be dealt with by Istina and Mousse; keep an eye out for Cardigan's HP and be sure to use her Regeneration α when she takes too much damage, or she will fall before the Motorboats.