Operation story: CB-5

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Mafioso icon.png
Slum Dweller
Lungmen Back Alley
Lungmen Streets

Before operation

Seeing that Bison is about to catch up with the others, Gambino incapacitates Bison with a single strike, using this as a threat to force the members of Penguin Logistics into a decisive battle.
<Background 1>
Exusiai Yahoo!
Croissant Eyes on the road, Exusiai! Hands on ten and two!
Texas I finally caught you.
Sora Texas... please... slower next time...
Texas S– sorry. I was holding back as much as I could.
Exusiai But at least we're all back together. Now we gotta go find the boss.
Wait, why do I feel like we're missing something?
Texas Huh?
...where's Bison?
Exusiai What? Wasn't he with you guys?
Texas ......
Sora ...We didn't leave him back there did we?
Texas ...We're so used to doing things our own way, leaving him behind was kind of inevitable.
Sora So then we should probably go back and get him?
Exusiai Isn't Mostima here? I think he'll be okay.
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Hey! W- waait up! *Cough* *hack*
Sora ...A bicycle?
Croissant Wowee! If you'n keep up with Texas on a bicycle, yer somethin' else, Bison!
<Background fades out and in>
Mafioso Hey! Which alley'd he go down?!
Mafioso That way!
Exusiai He's got a lot of guys on his tail.
Texas Let's not be too hard on the kid who shook off a crew of armed mobsters on a bicycle.
...No, it's an ambush. Exusiai!
Exusiai A little late for that!
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Nng!
I did it! I caught them!
Gambino Sure did. Thanks for leading the way.
Bison Who—
Gambino Good night, sweet prince.
[Gambino knocks Bison unconscious...]
Bison Oof.
[...just as the Penguin Logistics crew gets to him.]
Texas Damn. A second too late.
Gambino Good evening, Penguin Logistics. I am Gambino Ricci, head of the Family.
And it looks like I've got a hostage.
But you ain't gonna make a scene over a little thing like this, eh?
Exusiai We left him behind...
Croissant Ain't that the honest truth.
Texas What do you want?
Gambino Hmph... I'm sick of you scuttling around like cockroaches, getting into my business, makin' yourselves a real pain in my tail.
That's the value of the little prince here. I got a hostage and all you can do is take me head on.
And that'll save me a lotta trouble. That turns my little penguin problem into a very solvable problem.
Penguin Logistics got nowhere to run.
Texas Yeah, okay. Great. Just the way I like it.
Gambino ...What?
Texas Turns out we're thinking in the same direction.
Croissant, Sora, form up.
Exusiai, cover us.
Let's get our Bison back.

After operation

The enemy attacks the residents of the slums to get information about the Rat King. A passing-by Waai Fu witnesses the injustice and springs into action, only to learn that the next target is Uncle Tung, master of fishballs.
<Background black>
8:52 PM \ Cloudy
Lungmen Slums
Mafioso A Tell us where the Rat King is and nobody has to die!
Slum Dweller Wh- what?! What's a Rat King... I don't even know what that is!
Mafioso A I dare you to say "what" again...!
Mafioso B Hey, Mr. Capone said not to rough up civilians...
Mafioso A Does this piece of shit look like a civilian to you? I bet you're Infected, ain't you, cazzo? You still wanna play dumb?!
Slum Dweller P– please! Don't hurt me! I really don't know anything!
Mafioso A Cat got your tongue?!
Slum Dweller Ng... gah... glehh...
Mafioso B C'mon, forget about this one. It ain't worth it.
Checking our list, looks like the next lucky contestant is some poor finball hawker. Lives right around here.
Mafioso A Sounds like a waste of time.
Slum Dweller Gah... aaagh! They broke... my arm... those sons of...
I have to... tell them...
<Background 2>
Mafioso A That's him. Over there.
[The mafiosi approaches Fillet and Waai Fu.]
Fillet ......
Waai Fu ...Can I help you?
Mafioso B (Hold up. Check the mug over there. I got a bad feeling about him.)
Mafioso A (Some Lungmen triad? Mr. Capone says they're a bunch of pushovers.)
I got a question for ya.
We don't want any trouble, right? Just give us a clean answer and we'll be on our way.
Fillet ...There's blood on your knuckles.
Mafioso A Oh, pardon me. I was cleaning out the trash earlier.
But a couple of upright citizens like yourselves, you ain't trash, are you?
Waai Fu Is that a threat?
Mafioso A You're a smart girl, you can figure it out.
Waai Fu Then I refuse to help you.
Mafioso B ...refuse?
I think that came out wrong, girly.
It sounded like you said you were dumpster garbage eager to get beaten half to death in that alleyway over there?
Fillet Waai Fu, I'm pretty sure that scream I just heard was...
Waai Fu Was "garbage," the word you just used?
Because one must be thorough and prepared for all eventualities, I will ask one more question: is that how you refer to the people here?
Mafioso A I don't got time to waste talkin' shit with you, start talk—
[Waai Fu attacks the mafioso...]
Mafioso A Wh- what was that?!
You better—
[...with her martial arts...]
Mafioso A Gah?!
[...knocking him out cold.]
Waai Fu Next.
You know what, the kind of scum you are, I'll take you all on at once.
Not once in recorded history has evil triumphed over justice, and you evildoers who indiscriminately prey on the weak are not even worth a mention.
[Waai fu attacks the rest of the mafiosi.]
Mafioso B What is this?! How does she move like that?
Mafioso A Just shoot her alrea—
Fillet ...not so fast.
Mafioso A Gah! Hey! Let go of me!
Fillet You know what you remind me of? A rotten finfish three days after the freezer lost power.
Mafioso A What are you talking about?
Fillet ...nothing. I shouldn't try to copy Waai Fu's battle banter. I'll take the direct approach.
Mafioso A S– so strong! Agh! Y– you're gonna break my arm! Stop!
Fillet Drop your weapon. And get out of my sight.
Mafioso A Al– alright already! Just let me go!
Fillet ...I should probably break a bone or two just to be safe. You've got a real dangerous weapon there, after all.
[Fillet breaks the arm of the mafioso he is grabbing.]
Mafioso A Aaagh! P– please stop!
Mafioso B Wh– what's the deal with these two? Nobody warned us about any targets around here!
Mafioso A Just get the hell outta here first. We'll talk later.
I don't care what crew you guys are with, next time ain't gonna go your way. Damned Lungmenites.
[The mafiosi flees the scene.]
Fillet Come on, we're not triads. Why do they always have to judge a book by its cover...?
Waai Fu Forget it, there's people to save. Over there!
Fillet Oh, right.
[Fillet and Waai Fu comes to the side of the person being tortured by the mafiosi earlier.]
Fillet Don't move! We're here to help!
Slum Dweller Ah Fil?
Fillet You're fine. It's just a flesh wound. Sit still and I'll go get a doctor. I won't be long.
Slum Dweller Ah Fil! Don't worry about me. You have to go find Uncle Tung!
That's where they're going next!