Operator overview: Bison

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Bison is a 5★ Protector Defender who specializes in Defense (obviously) and the welfare Operator of Code of Brawl, awarded as one of the first clear rewards of CB-5 with Bison's Token.png Bison's Token awarded by collecting Top Tier Penguin Medal.png Top Tier Penguin Medal at the following thresholds: 12 Top Tier Penguin Medal.png, 16 Top Tier Penguin Medal.png, 22 Top Tier Penguin Medal.png, 28 Top Tier Penguin Medal.png, and 32 Top Tier Penguin Medal.png. Since the rerun of Mansfield Break, Bison can be obtained through Record Restoration.

As a Protector Defender, Bison can block up to three enemies and have high HP and DEF, allowing him to last longer than other Operators, though this comes with the cost of having low ATK and short range of the tile where he is deployed.


Interlocked Shield slightly buffs Bison's DEF and that of the friendly unit on the tile behind him if they are a Guard or Vanguard.

  • Combined with a Centurion, Instructor, or Lord Guard, Bison can improve their survivability while they engage enemies he is blocking or those which managed to get past him.
  • Interlocked Shield can also be counter-intuitively used to buff a frontline Operator's DEF by deploying Bison facing against them.


  1. DEF Up γ buffs Bison's DEF while active.
  2. Intensified Defense disarms Bison but buffs his DEF more than DEF Up γ with friendly units in the adjacent tiles to Bison also having their DEF buffed by a lesser degree and has Bison Taunt enemies while active.
    • Intensified Defense has a good uptime and the Taunt can be useful to mitigate errors in the deployment order of friendlies which makes them (particularly ranged Operators due to their low HP) more vulnerable to attacks.
    • Never use Intensified Defense to Taunt groups of enemies with ranged Arts attacks since they can quickly knock out Bison instead!

Operator Module

The PRO-X Module, "The Journey Thus Far", increases Bison's DEF by 20% while he is blocking enemies in addition to increasing his maximum HP and DEF. Once upgraded, Interlocked Shield's DEF buff is increased and at Stage 3, it applies to any Operator deployed behind Bison, not just Guards and Vanguards.

Base skill

MountainDash Logistics increases Trading Post order acquisition rate by 20% while Bison is assigned to one. At Elite 2, MountainDash Logistics becomes Young Master with a higher order acquisition boost of 30% and also increases the order limit by 1.


Bison is a solid Protector Defender who can be considered a "sidegrade" of Cuora; while being a close match to her nearly impenetrable defense, his ability to taunt his enemies and boosting the defense of his allies means that Bison provides greater utility while still capable of tanking enemy attacks well.