Arknights Terra Wiki:Layout guideline

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The layout guide describes how the Arknights Terra Wiki's content should be arranged on an article page to be clear and exhaustive.

On structure

One of the most important parts of wiki editing is how to structure an article. Structure dictates what information the reader reads and when he or she reads it. It can influence what people contribute, where they put it and how it is written. Good structure is likely to produce high quality articles.

Organize sections in an article in a hierarchical structure like you would an outline. Try using a shallow structure rather than a deep one. Having too many nested sections usually leads to a confusing or unreadable article.

If an article is divided into multiple subpages, the following templates must be added at the top of each page to allow an easy navigation between subpages:

Operator articles

Example: Amiya

In general, Operator articles should have the following subpages and sections, in the following order (bold elements are a must-have):

  • Operator: the Operator's information.
  • File: the Operator's files.
  • Story: the Operator's story information, if the play a major role in the storyline.
  • Overview: the Operator's gameplay overview, describing the Operator as they actually behaves in-game.
    • Introduction: if the Operator does not have a dedicated Story subpage, put their gameplay introduction here; otherwise, put the introduction at the beginning of the subpage.
    • Talent(s): if the Operator has two talents, separate them with a numbered list.
    • Skill(s): if the Operator has more than one skills, separate them with a numbered list.
    • Operator Modules: if the Operator has more than one Modules, separate them with a numbered list.
    • Base skills: if the Operator has two base skills, separate them with a numbered list.
    • Strategies: specific strategies that works best with the Operator.
      • Synergies: explains other Operators which would make great synergies with the subject Operator.
    • Summary: the summary of the Operator's capabilities
  • Dialogue: a list of the Operator's dialogues, using {{Operator dialogue head}}, {{Operator dialogue cell}}, and {{Table end}}.
  • Gallery: all images related to the Operator, such as icons, sprites, skins, etc. go here, using {{Operator gallery}}.
  • Trivia: Miscellanous notes that don't fit anywhere else; to be used sparingly.

References: the references heading, together with the Reflist template should be placed at the end of the article if any <ref> tags are used.

Categories: To be placed at the end of the article; see here for details on categorizing articles.

Enemy articles

Example (normal and elite): Soldier
Example (boss): FrostNova

In general, enemy articles should have the following subpages and sections, in the following order (bold elements are a must-have):

  • Enemy: the enemy's information
    • {{Enemy infobox}}: the enemy's key information
    • {{Enemy description}}: the enemy's in-game description and abilities (only if the latter are listed in-game)
    • Overview: strictly gameplay-related section, describing the enemy as they actually behaves in-game
    • Stats: the enemy's stats, using {{Enemy stats}}
    • Navbox
  • Enemy (alternate): if the enemy have alternate versions (e.g. FrostNova and FrostNova, "Winter's Scar"), they are to be included as the main enemy's subpages
  • Background: the enemy's background and story information, if they have a major role in the game's story
  • Gallery: all images related to the enemy, such as icons, sprites, skins, etc. go here
  • Trivia



Operation articles

Example (regular): 0-1
Example (Contingency Contract): Broken Path

In general, Operator articles should have the following subpages and sections, in the following order (bold elements are a must-have):

  • Operation: the operation information
    • {{Operation info}}: The operation's key information.
    • {{Operation data}}: Information of the operation's drop, enemy, and guest Operators, as well as the Challenge Mode condition (if present) are added here.
    • Navbox
  • Guidelines: the operation's guidelines.
  • Gallery: all images related to the operation, such as videos and screenshots, go here.
  • Trivia



Contingency Contract operations

  • Operation
    • {{CC operation info}}: The operation's information, including a list of enemies and contracts (on a separate subpage transcluded directly into the article).
    • Navbox
  • Guidelines
  • Gallery
  • Trivia

