Operation story: 5-3

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Agent
Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member
Lungmen Uptown Rainy

Before operation

Ch'en and Hoshiguma set out to rescue the informant, Phal.
<Background 1>
11:11 A.M Weather/Drizzle
Outside of Muk Wo Warehouse, Sam Cheong Chai, Central Lungmen
Hoshiguma The scouting is more or less complete. Our observation spot is stealthy enough, and there's nobody around the warehouse.
Ch'en Looks like it's an abandoned construction site with piles of construction materials left behind. There are traces of things being dragged around.
Reunion must have set up an ambush here.
Hoshiguma Ch'en, is Phal your informant?
Ch'en ...Yes. Did you overhear our conversation?
Hoshiguma I tried my best not to.
I'e[sic] known him for a long time, more than 10 years. There's no way I wouldn't recognize his voice.
When did you make him a informant?
He was infected more than a year ago. At that time, he disappeared from his bar, leaving the glasses he cleaned every day unattended and covered in dust.
Ch'en Maybe even before that.
Hoshiguma You at least should have told me about it.
Ch'en Looks like it's about to rain. Let's get started and chase the enemies out of their ambush spots.
Hoshiguma Sigh...
We're too late. He's going to bleed out.
I'll draw Reunion's fire. The rest of you should seize the opportunity to surround them and end this battle quickly.
Ch'en Too dangerous.
Hoshiguma But it's the fastest way to win. You can trust me on this one.
Ch'en I always trust you.
Follow Hoshiguma's instructions. Make it quick.
L.G.D. Agent Yessir!
[The L.G.D. officers move out.]
<Background fades out and in>
Ch'en I'm ready, Hoshiguma.
Hoshiguma That's more like it. I'm going to flush them out of their ambush spots. Give me three minutes.
Ch'en Doing all that by yourself in three minutes? That's way too reckless!
If you show any signs of needing help, we're going to attack.
Hoshiguma No, just give me my three minutes.
Ch'en ...It's all I'm going to need.
Hoshiguma Here we go.

After operation

Though Ch'en and Hoshiguma move quickly, they are still one step too late.
Saying his last words, Phal slowly closed his eyes.
<Background black>
Reunion Member Why is everyone running away?!
Attack her with Arts! Stop running!!
S-stop! She, she's coming this way! Stop her!
Where are all the others?! Why...
[Hoshiguma approaches the lone Reunion soldier.]
Hoshiguma You're the last one.
Reunion Member Aaaaah...!
Demon... S-someone save me...
Hoshiguma ...You planned to stop me like this?
Reunion Member No, I... No...
Hoshiguma You planned to stop me... like this?
Reunion Member Spare me! Please!
Hoshiguma You're not even worthy of being food for my Hannya.
Reunion Member Noooooo!!
<Background 1>
L.G.D. Agent Holy... We haven't even launched our attack yet.
She destroyed Reunion alone, in just two and a half minutes.
She truly is a demon.
Ch'en Just be glad that you didn't meet her five years ago. It's been a long time since I last saw her fight like this.
What about the stragglers?
L.G.D. Agent They've already been captured by our various squads.
...Madam Ch'en, Inspector Hoshiguma seems to be waving at you.
<Background fades out and in>
[Ch'en and the L.G.D. officers regrouped with Hoshiguma.]
Ch'en Medic, come with me!
Hoshiguma, what else did you ask those Reunion members?
Hoshiguma I asked them if the warehouse was rigged.
Ch'en If the entire warehouse is hooked up with explosives...
Hoshiguma We'll throw them in, one by one.
Ch'en So?
Hoshiguma Nothing. Phal made his way here after he was ambushed. Reunion originally was set up around here.
Hoshiguma Ch'en, pull on the door's right side. I'll get the left.
[Ch'en and Hoshiguma tries to open the door, but it won't budge.]
Ch'en ...It seems to be jammed and won't budge. Let me try cutting a hole first.
Hoshiguma No need, I'll just tear it apart.
[Hoshiguma rams the door.]
Ch'en It's open!
<Background 2>
Ch'en XR02, tell me your location! XR02!
Informant Madam Ch'en... I hear fighting outside. The warehouse door... was busted open. It might be Reunion. I'll take care of it myself...
Ch'en Stop, that's me! Don't hang up!
Informant Is that you, Madam Ch'en? That's a relief... I'm... all the way in the back.
Wounded Phal.png
Ch'en That wound... what happened to your eyes?
Informant I wasn't careful enough, got hit by Arts. Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter now. This... *cough*... is for you.
Ch'en Medic, staunch his bleeding!
Informant No... Madam Ch'en, there's no need. I've already accepted...
Ch'en Stop talking!
Informant It's true. Do you see how many times I've been shot? I'm blind, and don't want to move anymore. I've had enough of the pain. I'm so tired.
<Background 2>
Informant Take it, Madam Ch'en... S249TA, F106.
Ch'en 49. I've memorized the location.
Informant Details are on the paper. The intel about Reunion's infiltration was not sent to the other leaders, but just to one party... There must be a reason behind it. You must look into it, the sooner the better.
Ch'en I will.
Informant *cough*... It was no easy task for me to get this... Anyway, Madam Ch'en, I didn't expect things to end up like this.
Even though I was finally able to make a contribution, I didn't think this would be how I did it...
Ch'en None of us did. Thanks to your bravery, we now have a chance to stop the enemy.
Informant Haha... *cough*... I never liked Lungmen, and Lungmen never liked me.
But now, I've finally managed to do something for Lungmen. Not bad for a bum like me, right...
Ch'en You're calling one of the Chung Shui Big Three a bum?
Informant Compared to you, Madam Oni, I'm nothing more than a bum.
...Madam Ch'en, how's Madam Oni doing? Is she still working as Inspector?
Ch'en She is. She's been my partner for a long time.
Informant Madam Ch'en, Madam Oni... is too honest and frank. No one in the gang... *cough*... dared to challenge her.
But she is no match for those Lungmen moguls. Please keep an eye on her.
Don't let anyone demean her. I won't let those stuck-up plutocrats insult her because of her background!
This is the only favor I ask of you. Just one... *cough* *cough*...
Ch'en Don't worry about that. Hoshiguma is very strong. No one can hurt her.
Informant No matter how powerful, everyone has their limits.
Ch'en The entire L.G.D. stands with her.
Informant Good, that's a relief. Madam Oni, Madam Ch'en, I have no regrets now.
Madam Ch'en, are you still here?
Ch'en I am.
Informant Am I a good person?
Ch'en A few years ago, a bit hard to say. But now you are, without a doubt. Lungmen is proud of having citizens like you.
Informant Hahaha... *cough*... Haha... a pathetic Infected can be a good citizen?
Ch'en Some people in Lungmen are indeed obsessed with Oripathy, but you'd be better off asking Lungmen directly.
Informant How do I do that? Will a city answer me?
Ch'en Heh. I will, on its behalf.
And it says, "I don't mind."
Phal, you have always been – and always will be – one of Lungmen's best.
Informant Thank you, Madam Ch'en. Thank you so much.
Madam Chen, there are two things I'd like you to relay to Madam Oni.
Ch'en You should tell her yourself.
Informant What do you mean? Are you saying...
Hoshiguma It's me. I'm right here.
Informant Madam Ch'en, you should've told me sooner.
Ch'en She chose to not say anything.
Hoshiguma and Phal.png
Informant Boss, did I do a good job?
Hoshiguma Not good enough. You can't call it a good job until you survive to see things through.
Informant Well damn, haha... I've already used up my luck to have you carry me on your back, Boss.
Hoshiguma Anywhere you want to go? You always refused to tell me where you came from.
Informant Here, Lungmen. As a matter of fact, I've never been to other cities. If possible, just bury me in that old place.
Hoshiguma The hideout? But... that place is a complete wreck now, long deserted. To be honest, I'm not sure how I'd clean it up.
Informant It's okay. As long as I'm... with the others.
Hoshiguma I will.
Informant Boss... Even though we've always been scared of you, we've also always... cheered you on.
We've always... cheered...
Hoshiguma Same here.