Operation story: 5-4

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Agent
Reunion Member
Lungmen Uptown Rainy
Ch'en's Room

Before operation

Ch'en and Hoshiguma arrive at the location indicated by the intelligence and plan out their next action.
The two spring to action after discovering Reunion activity.
<Background 1>
Ch'en Hoshiguma?
Hoshiguma Huh?
Ch'en You don't look so good.
Hoshiguma I'm fine, I was just thinking.
Ch'en ...I didn't think he'd get dragged into this.
Hoshiguma Don't worry, you know how I am. It's all in the past now, or as we say in Lungmen, such is fate.
Ch'en Do people in the Far East believe in fate?
Hoshiguma Having been through so many things, even if I didn't believe it before, I have to accept it now.
Is the intel accurate?
Ch'en Without a doubt. Here's the location indicated by the intel.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoshiguma Those Reunion members skulking around... are they our targets?
By the looks of things, they don't know that we've completely surrounded them yet.
They seem to be building something around the entire block.
Ch'en If I'm not mistaken, this is one of the central hubs that connects Reunion's various bases.
If we destroy the communication facility here, we can deliver a crippling blow to their forces in this area.
That would put us one step closer to recapturing the L.G.D. Headquarters.
Hoshiguma Your call.
Ch'en Also, I can't stop thinking about the details of the intel report.
Hoshiguma You mean, that part about Reunion's objective not just being the construction of a forward base?
Ch'en That's right.
"Enemies are secretly looking for an extremely high-value target. It is necessary to determine their actions first."
Hoshiguma What are they doing in the wealthy districts? What kind of high-value target are they trying to find there?
Ch'en It seems a bit fishy to me as well. According to our previous plans, all the buildings here should already have been evacuated.
If Reunion is planning to kidnap one of the moguls, they probably won't find them here.
Hoshiguma When are we going to make our move? Scouting doesn't seem to be Reunion's strong suit, so we can carry out our raid at any time.
Ch'en They're probably used to always being the hunters, not the prey.
Hoshiguma Now that it's their turn to be the prey, they'll be hunted down in no time.
Let's continue observing them carefully for now. Our priority is to find out what their objectives are, not to engage them.
Ch'en It's easy enough to go in and destroy them, but it'll take patience to find out what they're after.
Hoshiguma Understood.
[The L.G.D. quietly takes out Reunion soldiers nearby.]
<Background fades out and in>
Hoshiguma Wait! Ch'en, are they about to break the door of that house down?
Ch'en Has the target already been confirmed? Assemble, quickly!
Hoshiguma To minimize the loss of civilians, huh?
Ch'en Of course! Snipers, take aim!
L.G.D. Agent Understood.
<Background fades out and in>
Reunion Member ...!
It's Lungmen's army! Fall back!
We need to contact...
Ch'en Snipers! Shoot down that person with the radio equipment! Stop that transmission!
Hoshiguma They're supposed to be defending the base, so how come they're running away from us? They're up to something!
Ch'en Let's see how far you can run!

After operation

After defeating the Reunion members there, Ch'en realizes that she has come to her old home.
Ch'en reflects upon past events, but her mood soon improves as she gains some more clues.
<Background 1>
Hoshiguma All the Reunion members have been captured. None of them knew anything about the specific instructions...
Ch'en? What are you looking at that has you so absorbed?
Ch'en Didn't this used to be University Road?
Hoshiguma Hmm? Seems so. Its name was changed later.
Ch'en I think this is where my home used to be...
Address Plate.png
Hoshiguma Wasn't your apartment in Tai Bo?
Ch'en This was the estate that belonged to my biological father's clan. Looks like it's been renovated. So much time has passed that I barely recognize it anymore.
Hoshiguma Did you live here before studying abroad in Victoria?
Even though I've heard that both you and Mister Wei were born to Yan aristocrats, it's really quite astonishing to see a mansion this big.
Ch'en Aristocrats? They were, but I'm not.
Hoshiguma But, your mansion here... How should I call it?
Ch'en Hmm, the Ch'en Estate will do...
<Background 1>
Ch'en Come in.
Hoshiguma Huh?
[Ch'en cuts open the door into her old home.]
Hoshiguma Woah woah, isn't this your own house? Why'd you slice the door open?
Ch'en I forgot to bring the key. Besides, Reunion also just opened a hole along the side wall. They might have caused some unexpected damage.
Hoshiguma That doesn't mean you should— Ah, forget it. If you say so.
<Background 2>
Ch'en No need to take off your shoes.
Hoshiguma Are you serious? Ch'en, answer me honestly, do you hate your old man?
Ch'en He doesn't deserve to be my father.
Hoshiguma Okay.
If I remember correctly, you joined the L.G.D. right after you graduated from Victoria and returned to Lungmen.
Ch'en I was living in the dorms at the time.
Hoshiguma So, you never returned here after that.
Ch'en I have no lingering attachments to this place.
Hoshiguma People who say stuff like that usually have a lot more going on in their mind.
Anyways, do you have any ideas about what this high-value target might be?
[Ch'en stood still in silence, seemingly thinking of something.]
Hoshiguma ...
She's deep in her own little world again, huh.
Ch'en, I'll be waiting by the door. Call me when you're ready to go.
<Background fades out>
Keep all the toys orderly.
Do not go outside.
Do not talk to anyone without permission.
Do not make eye contact with adults without permission.
<Background fades in>
Ch'en ...
You really kept this room clean all this time.
Hmph. How generous of you to keep a tidy bed for me. Or is this some kind of malediction because you think I'm bad luck?
Wait, the photo... Right, the photo...
<Background black>
You shall receive no love from me, not in the slightest.
Sorry. I'm sorry, but I can't stand you. Just seeing you makes me want to peel my skin off my arms.
I cannot tolerate any of you. I am too selfish, but I can't live like this anymore.
One day, all of you will understand. If you hate me, so be it. Because I hate you too. And that's how it should be.
An Old Photo.png
Ch'en Here it is.
A photo from such a long time ago... I thought it had been lost.
Wait, no... could this be what they're searching for?
What's going on? Why would they be after this? Have you lost your marbles as well?
I'll certainly help you, but what are you thinking? Why here, why now?
Ah... What'd I expect. Of course you won't answer me.
<Background 1>
Hoshiguma Ah, are you finally ready to go?
Ch'en We're going.
Hoshiguma Did you get any leads? Or did you want to play with the balls of yarn a bit longer?
Ch'en Hard to believe you're still in the mood to crack jokes.
Hoshiguma I think your mood is just a tiny bit better than it was before though.
Ch'en It's as you said. Maybe I did have a bit too much on my mind.
Hoshiguma That's right, according to the reports, Reunion is scattered throughout this entire area, and the forces we deployed earlier are driving them out.
Ch'en That's good. That makes our job easier, and we're getting closer to our goal.
L.G.D., get into formation and move out! We're going to take back Lungmen!