Operation story: 4-5

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RI Guard icon.png
Lungmen City

Before operation

Meteorite's team was not the only one that was attacked. The other recon squads had all been attacked.
Even Ch'en was forced to admit that the situation could afford no delay.
<Background 1>
Amiya Frostleaf? Frostleaf?!
What's going on...
Guard Amiya! This is the 2nd Recon Squad....
We're currently retreating! But, the enemy...
Amiya It cut out again?
3rd Recon Squad! Do you copy? 3rd Recon Squad!
Ch'en ...
Kal'tsit Amiya.
Amiya Dr Kal'tsit! It's me! Did you get––
Kal'tsit I've been continuously monitoring them from the bridge.
I need you to ask something to that officer next to you.
Ask her...
"How long does Lungmen intend to keep playing dumb?"
Ch'en I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
But, we certainly don't have time to waste.
Hoshiguma What happened? I just went to grab some forms, and you two look all serious now.
...A new mission?
Ch'en Correct.
Amiya Everyone... Gear up. It's about time for us to head out.
Madam Ch'en, I'm am formally requesting that the L.G.D. provide assistance to Rhodes Island on this rescue mission.
We may even be dealing with Reunion's new temporary headquarters...
Ch'en ...
Amiya Furthermore, I believe that our recon squads are still out there fighting, even if we can't see them...

After operation

Ch'en finally stops being stubborn and agrees to cooperate with Rhodes Island.
After communicating with Kal'tsit, Amiya decides to rescue Meteorite's team.
<Background 1>
Amiya At this point... we're out of other options. Madam Ch'en, if you deny my request...
Rhodes Island will act alone.
These actions don't violate any of the terms of our cooperation.
Ch'en Of course we'll be there.
Amiya ...Is that so...
In that case, thank you on behalf of Rhodes Island...
I know that Lungmen still sees us as Infected...
Ch'en It's not a big deal.
However, I'm not sure if our squads will be able to make it into the ruins.
We'll have to play it by ear.
If the situation allows, we will definitely help.
However, our top priority is still to eliminate Reunion.
Amiya That... that's enough for us.
...Thank you, Madam Ch'en.
Ch'en Sorry, I have my own duties.
Did you hear me, Doc?
We will join up with Rhodes Island.
Kal'tsit Amiya, be careful.
This won't be a simple task.
Amiya I will.
Kal'tsit Right, I've managed to put together some pieces of intel.
Rhodes Island has already deployed rescue squads to assist the other recon squads.
But Meteorite's squad is too far and we cannot reach them.
This is where you come in.
Amiya Only Meteorite's squad...
I understand. I'll go look for them.
Kal'tsit I'll send you the coordinates later.
Remember, safety is your top priority.
Amiya Understood.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoshiguma So, when are we heading out?
Ch'en Right now.
Hoshiguma I'll go get ready. Notify the other L.G.D. members.
Ch'en All right.
Amiya, we'll leave from here in ten minutes.
Amiya Okay.
<Background black>
Amiya Please be safe...