Operation guide: Unequal Split

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One of the (Emergency) Operations in the 2nd floor of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Unequal Split features mostly enemies from Episode 05, including Spec Ops Caster (Leader)s that has better defenses that normal Casters, and are accompanied by (Shielded) Senior Casters which deals AOE Arts damage. Not only this, Crownslayer is back onto the show, and while having lower RES, she has higher ATK from before, but what makes her annoying is her "blink" ability which allows her to waltz through the defense line if left unchecked.

  • To deal with elite enemy Casters:
    • They have low DEF, so using Snipers or Guards can take care of them easily.
    • Holes are present in this Operation, which means one may also use Specialists to Shift them into the holes.
  • To deal with Crownslayer:
    • Before moving, she'll stop at F2, which allows the player to weaken, if not, outright defeat her at the spot.
    • She'll move onto B5 before heading into D1, which allows the Specialists to Shift her right into the hole.