Operator trivia: Thorns

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  • Thorns is one of the six Operators teased at the end of the CN server's 1st anniversary livestream. The others are Archetto, Mountain, Saga, Surtr, and Goldenglow.
  • Thorns has the traits of a sea urchin, specifically a black long-spined sea urchin (Diadema setosum), with his codename referring to the spines present in his namesake, and his poison-generating talent referring to the poisonous nature of the spines. This makes him the first (and currently only) echinoderm Aegir.
    • Thorns is one of the few Operators whose animal(s) they are based on are notably absent in their Elite 2 artwork, although the spikes on his sword's handguard have a similar shape with sea urchin's spikes.
    • An official Arknights chibi figure of Thorns feature a sea urchin on top of his head, confirming that he is based on sea urchins.
  • A scene from a short animation shown in the CN server's 1.5 year anniversary livestream shows Surtr stabbing a sea urchin served on a plate while a piece of cabbage is served on a plate for Thorns. In Japan, sea urchins in captivity or cultivation are typically fed with cabbages.[1] As a matter of fact, Thorns eating cabbages has become a joke in the Arknights community.
  • Starting from the CN community, "Thornification," a.k.a. putting Thorns' head and skin color onto other Operators, has become a popular meme in the Arknights community.
  • Similar with Młynar and Rosmontis, Thorns has been often compared with Kakudate Karin in Blue Archive due to their similar (or even identical) skin tones, hair color, and eye color. This is of course part of the widely-parodied "Thornification" by making Karin as a feminized Thorns.
  • The English name of Thorns' third skill was initially translated as "Supreme Arts", a direct translation of its Chinese name (至高之术). The update that went live with the Rewinding Breeze event in the Global server changed the name to the intended Destreza.
    • The name itself refers to a school of Spanish fencing and literally means "dexterity" or "skill" in the Ibero-Romance languages, notably in Spanish.[2] The school's full name is La Verdadera Destreza, which is translated as "the supreme art" – hence its original name.
  • According to the CN server's 2nd Anniversary livestream, Thorns ranked third in a list of top 6★ Operators promoted to Elite 2.
