Operation guide: TW-TR-1

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TW-TR-1 guide.png

A special tutorial operation in the Twilight of Wolumonde event, TW-TR-1 gives an insight on the usage of L-44 Gramophones featured in most TW operations.

At first Dobermann explains about Gramophones with Ansel pointing out of an enemy Caster (Leithanian Whisperer) doing something on the sole Gramophone on D5. Dobermann then explains that the Whisperer is attempting to capture the Gramophone (to be exact, by draining 1 SP every second from it; the Gramophone usually starts with 50 SP, and should the Gramophone's SP reaches 0, it will become hostile), and the Rhodes Island must capture the Gramophone for themselves by deploying units in the corresponding Gramophone's Protocol Entries; a Gramophone's Protocol Entries are usually adjacent to it, unless if the tile is undeployable (to be exact, the Gramophone generates 1 SP for every friendly unit deployed on a Protocol Entry; should a Gramophone's SP is maxed out at 100, it will become friendly).

Once Dobermann finishes her explanation, Ansel, Beagle, Cuora, and Hibiscus will be automatically deployed at D4, E5, B4, and C5, respectively as more enemies which includes Leithanian Rebels and Winterwisp Hounds show up. Note that the Gramophone rapidly generates its SP due to the Operators deployed on its Protocol Entries at C5, D4, and E5. Just as a second Leithanian Whisperer appears from E10, Jessica, Melantha, and Projekt Red are available for deployment. To wrap things up, deploy Jessica on D6 to further speed up the Gramophone's capture process and use Melantha and Red as necessary; note that the Gramophone will eventually be captured and starts attacking enemies as well as healing friendlies within its range.