Operation story: TW-1

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Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Rebellious Townsfolk
Leithanian Square
Mansion Room

Before operation

After arriving in the Leithanian town of Wolumonde, Folinic and Suzuran encounter the local military police captain, Severin. However, the latter is obviously hiding something from Rhodes Island. During the conversation, the Infected appear throughout the town and start a riot.
Background-Leithanian Square.png
2:10 P.M. \ Clear
Wolumonde, Leithanien. Once a bustling hub of commerce, this nomadic town is now rarely seen by outsiders.
<Background 2>
Councilor Schultz Severin Hawthorn, where have you been?
How are we supposed to get anything done in a strategic planning session without you?
Severin Was I here when you decided my son's fate?
Councilor Well... Tatjana should already have...
Severin Yes, she told me. You had her tell me. I'm only reminding you what you've done.
What's the situation?
Councilor The Infected are still protesting. They've even started chasing off Infected newcomers.
Severin What do they want?
Councilor They... they believe the fire was part of some kind of plot. They demand an explanation for Dr. Atro and the dead Infected.
Severin A plot? An explanation? Great, someone must be riling them up.
Even the Infected wouldn't stoop that low. Most of them are from Wolumonde.
Have they had any contact with that militant group out there?
Councilor None, for now.
But the militants have been lingering around the outskirts of the hamlet. I'm worried they might influence the protestors.
[The councilor receives a call.]
Councilor Just a second, it's from the sentry–
Severin Go ahead.
Councilor Two? Infected?
They claim to be from Rhodes Island? I know that name–
Severin That would be Dr. Atro's company. *Sigh.* We knew this was coming.
Councilor Wh-what do we do?
Severin Dr. Atro was a respectable Infected. They may be here looking for her. And they have a right to know the truth.
Let them in.
Councilor ...You heard him. Do as he says.
Hmm, are you sure about this? What if they have something to do with the militants out there?
Severin Between the Great Rift, the fire, and the Infected, do we have the luxury to be suspicious of everyone who knocks on our door?
Councilor What about after they learn the truth? What if Rhodes Island seeks reparations from us? How much is Wolumonde to suffer?!
Severin ...So what should we do?
Lock our doors and send them away? Lie to them? Tell them Dr. Atro took some Oripathy patients out on a hike?
Councilor I know we can't sweep it under the rug. But you don't have the final say in this. We have to prepare for the worst.
Severin No one has the final say on the truth, but... Never mind. Do as you will.
I'm leaving.
Councilor Leaving? Where are you going this time?
Severin ...I have a problem to solve.
My only job is to get this town back on track. The decision-making process? I have little patience for your political games.
Councilor Hey! Wait!
I know you're suffering, and there's so much we could've done better, but we had no choice!
Severin I understand. That's why I'm still talking to you nice and peacefully.
I'll leave Rhodes Island to you. You're good at these things. I'll walk the blocks.
That's the deal.
Councilor Severin! Severin Hawthorn! You are this town's Schultz! You can't be running all over the—
Ugh! Must he always...
Forget it. Tatjana, Severin, Thor. They're all tragic figures, really.
Let's get this place cleaned up. Rhodes Island will be here soon.
Arrival at Wolumonde.png
[Folinic and Suzuran arrives at Wolumonde.]
Suzuran Wolumonde. Its name means "The Eighth Moon," and together with seven other nearby towns, it makes up Leithania's flourishing northern trade network–
That's what the book said, anyway.
Folinic From what I'm seeing, "flourishing trade" isn't exactly how I'd describe it.
Suzuran Could it be because of the "Great Rift" thing?
Folinic Yes. A Catastrophe of that scale is rare. It could be more than a thousand meters deep, with exposed active Originium on the cliffsides. I shudder just thinking about it.
Suzuran But, Miss Folinic... You were very curious what would happen if you lobbed a shell into it...
Folinic Nay, that was just my academic curiosity speaking. Realistically, one wrong move and the entire plateau could get cleaved in half.
Considering the detour we had to take, looks like this town won't be moving an inch.
<Background 1>
Townsfolk Visitors at a time like this? And such strange clothes. I hope this isn't an ill omen...
Look at her tails. Oh, and the crystals on her shoulder! Is she Infected?
But those clothes look familiar... Where have I seen them before...?
Suzuran M-Miss Folinic, can we really just walk down the street like this?
Folinic The prevalence of Originium Arts in Leithanien have brought two major benefits: first, the incredible music scene, and second, a broad tolerance of the Infected.
There may be restrictions on your personal freedom, but should you want to live, you can win back that right as long as you're willing to pay the price.
Suzuran ...Price?
Folinic At least it's something affordable.
Wolumonde may be in the boonies and have its fair share of problems, but at least the Infected have a place to live... That's what she told me anyway–
–Oh, someone's coming.
Severin ...Hm?
Suzuran (Hm? That man's uniform...)
Folinic (Is he with the Wolumonde Gendarmerie? Should we ask for directions?)
Suzuran (He's coming toward us. Is this the welcoming committee?)
Folinic (I'm not sure...)
Suzuran (Oh, he lit a cigarette.)
(He put his lighter into his pocket. Now he's holding the cigarette with his other hand. He switched hands again–)
(&ndashHe walked away without looking back! Miss Folinic!)
Folinic Excuse me–!
Severin Hm.
Folinic Hello, we're–
Severin Ah, Rhodes Island, I take it?
The Rathaus is just up ahead, right in front of the tallest tower. You see it? Good. Someone will meet you there.
Folinic Er, thanks. Can I ask your name...?
Severin Me? I'm off duty.
Folinic Um, what?
Severin I'm off duty. And I really don't want to talk so much when I'm off... I have my own business to deal with.
That's the deal. Later.
[Severin leaves.]
Folinic And he's gone?
Suzuran He was kind of rude, but I think he's been through a lot...
Folinic Hah... as if we're not tired!
But at least he told us where to go. Let's go talk to the local–
[Tatjana rushes into Severin.]
Tatjana Schultz! There you are!
The Infected are protesting again. The Gendarmerie are already on the scene, but they need you there leading them–
Ah! You're smoking! Did the shopkeepers get to you again? Please, you have an image to maintain. You wouldn't want to lose the trust of the people–
Hm? What is it?
Severin ......
Folinic ......
Suzuran ...That's a... Schultz? A "Schultheiß" is like a local leader?
Tatjana Is something wrong, Schultz?
Severin No. You're always working so hard, Tatjana. I admire you.
Tatjana Do you? Thank you–
Now, about those two, they're not from around here, are they? Could they be the doctors from Rhodes Island?
Folinic Oh? Well, yes. We are indeed. I am Folinic and this is Suzuran.
Suzuran (Doctors?)
Folinic (I think we count.)
Suzuran (Even me?)
Folinic (I'm a fully-fledged operator assigned to the Medical Department. And Lisa, you've... studied with Dr. Kal'tsit, so we can call you a medical intern. I guess.)
Tatjana I see... Oh! You two must be on your way to the Rathaus? I'm so sorry to get in your way!
Of course it should be the Schultz who receives you, but he really is needed at Zwölftontechnik Strasse... Er...
Folinic Oh, really, he can–
Severin Ahem! Very good, Tatjana, you take them. I'll go look into this Infected situation.
You two.
Folinic –Yes?
Severin I know why you're here. But our situation is dire.
Do you know what happened to Wolumonde?
Folinic The Great Rift.
Severin Yes. I get to skip over so much when dealing with smart people.
So now the Infected are more riled up than ever before. If you don't want to get mixed up in that, stay away from Zwölftontechnik Strasse.
Folinic We are experts at dealing with the Infected.
Severin I know. We had a Dr. Atro from your company working closely with us.
Folinic So you know we can help.
Severin We don't need it yet. It wouldn't be right to drag our guests into this mess as soon as they've arrived. That would get us into trouble too.
Folinic ...So what is Atro doing here?
Tatjana Um...
Severin She's not here right now.
Folinic So where is she?
Severin She...
Townsfolk Oh no! Fighting has broken out!
Th-those Infected have weapons! What's going on?!
They've got blades! Are they going to kill us?
Tatjana Schultz!
Severin ...I know.
You two are Infected experts, yes?
Come with me.

After operation

After resolving the Infected-instigated riot, Rhodes Island's party is welcomed to Wolumonde. However, the mission seems to reach an impasse as parties withhold information, and Folinic starts to grow suspicious, hoping to find the whereabouts of Atro quickly.
<Background 1>
Rebellious Townsfolk Wh-why are those outsiders sticking their noses in our business?!
And you, Severin! Your son died in that fire! How can you still aid those incompetent swine?!
Severin ...Put down the blade and tell me who pushed you to do this? Who gave you those weapons?
Final warning.
Rebellious Townsfolk Gah–!
[Severin incapacitates the armed townsfolk.]
Severin That's assault with a deadly weapon. You think you can just go back to your homes? You'll get a knock on your door soon enough. The Gendarmerie will hold you accountable.
Folinic Just "hold them accountable?"
Severin I don't have to explain our accountability processes to a couple of tourists.
Folinic Do you have anything at all to tell "a couple of tourists" then? "Schultz?"
Severin I do. You're strong. Stronger than I'd expect a doctor to be. Impressive.
And... thank you for the assistance.
Folinic Usually, we go by "Operator."
Now can you tell us where Atro is?
Severin It's not safe here. Let's talk somewhere else.
[Severin takes Folinic and Suzuran to the Rathaus.]
Folinic ......
Suzuran Good work, Miss Folinic.
Sorry I'm not much help in battle...
Folinic It's fine. You did your best. If I'd known what was happening in Wolumonde, I wouldn't have brought you along.
Even if we're just helping resolve some disputes, you're too young to be dragged into–
Suzuran Miss Folinic!
Folinic –*Sigh* ...Fine, fine. Little Lisa's all grown up now. Did you get hurt?
Suzuran No, I'm fine.
But you were spacing out back there. What's wrong?
Folinic The quarantine zone is right near here. Everything seems to have gone back to peace and quiet after we drove off the protestors.
Suzuran Mm... It doesn't seem that different from any other place.
Folinic You're right, it's not that different. They have shops, cafés, ads for music halls and art salons...
No one's getting rounded up by guards and sent out to the tundra to die. They get to live pretty ordinary lives... You might even say they live well.
The Infected get treated so differently all around the world.
Suzuran If every place was so good to the Infected...
Folinic We'd be out of a job.
Suzuran Wha?! I mean, that's true, but I'd be really happy about it! E-even though I just became an operator...
Folinic I'm kidding... The fact that Infected can roam the streets freely only serves to underscore how special the situation in Wolumonde is.
...They're hiding something from us.
Suzuran Huh? Where did that come from–
Folinic Shh! Lower your voice! We'll talk once the officer is gone!
The Infected rebels are acting really weird. And they keep talking about a "fire" and a "doctor," right?
Add in that officer who definitely knows who we are, and who really doesn't want to tell me anything about Atro...
And I can't shake the feeling that something rotten is brewing in this town.
Even Leithanien wouldn't go so far as to let the Infected riot in the streets. Where are the guards? Why isn't anyone stopping them?
Suzuran Now that you mention it...
Folinic I've got a bad feeling about this.
Suzuran M-maybe everyone's just a little on edge? Considering what the town's been through...
Folinic ...I pray that's all it is.
<Background fades out and in>
Tatjana I'm so sorry to have dragged you into all this just as you've arrived. It's shameful...
Folinic Oh, don't worry about it.
Are you part of the local Gendarmerie?
Tatjana Not really. But everyone in Wolumonde undergoes military training. When the time comes, we have a duty to take up arms...
Folinic The middle-aged smoker who really doesn't want to do his job? Too bad, but that irresponsible disregard for duty doesn't exactly come off as mysterious.
Tatjana There's a reason he is the way he is–
No... never mind...
Oh right, how should I call you two?
Folinic Call me Operator Folinic, and this is Operator Suzuran.
Tatjana Folinic, Suzuran... these are code names?
Folinic Where we come from, most people prefer not to use their real names at work. Just like "Atro."
Tatjana Dr. Atro...
Folinic Seems you're acquainted.
Tatjana Yes... Sorry. I know you have your doubts, but the Schultz will give you the answers you need. It's not my place to say.
Tatjana Now, come with me please.
Folinic Of course.
<Background 2>
Councilor How much did you tell them?
Severin Not much. Not enough to upset anyone.
Councilor I... I've put forward some unreasonable ideas, but you're always free to reject them.
Severin That's a creative way to dodge responsibility. But you'll get no comfort from me.
If I stood here and told them the whole, unadulterated truth right now, would you be happy? Would that make everyone happy?
Councilor I represent the people, but you're the leader of Wolumonde. What does it matter if we're happy or not?
Severin I don't want to make things difficult. Especially when I'm hosting guests at the same time the Infected are stirring.
Councilor *Sigh*... Put it away. You want to make a good impression on Rhodes Island. Now's not the time to be lighting cigarettes or playing with crossbow bolts.
Severin I think we're well past any good impressions...
Councilor You—Wait, are they the two young girls out there?
Severin Young girls? Hah, wait until you see them fight. Then you'll start wondering if Leithanian schools focus too much on the arts, just like those bureaucrats.
Tatjana Sirs, they're here.
[Folinic and Suzuran meets Severin and the Wolumonde councilor.]
Councilor Ah, it's the doctors from Rhodes Island! Welcome to Wolumonde! I am so sorry you had to get roped into our local affairs like that. Let us make it up to you with an evening–
Folinic Thank you for the offer, but we're only here to establish Dr. Atro's whereabouts. We don't intend to stay long.
So, where is she?
Councilor Erm, well–
Folinic The local Infected seem to know "Dr. Atro." You're stalling, and I'd prefer you not.
Councilor Doctors, I'm very sorry, but things in Wolumonde are very complicated right now. We need some time to give your company a proper explanation, in order to guarantee–
Severin She disappeared.
Suzuran Wha?!
Folinic ...Sir, when it comes to matters such as this, you might want to shed that flippant attitude of yours.
Severin The truth is flippant. It's simple. No need to sugar coat it. You're angry now, but you're not surprised. You already guessed it, didn't you?
We received the Infected doctor who called herself "Atro." And we greatly appreciate her help caring for the many Infected residents of Wolumonde during this difficult time.
Folinic And you show your appreciation by telling us "she disappeared?"
Severin No need for hostility here... *Cough*, *hack hack*–
Suzuran Sir, you look unwell. You should quit smoking.
It would probably be a good idea to get a physical examination, as it could be–
Severin ...No thanks, but I appreciate the concern.
Back to business, after Wolumonde steered over here to avoid Catastrophe, Dr. Atro set up camp on the edge of town. She was housing some Infected residents.
But not long ago, there was a fire in her camp.
Tatjana ......
Councilor Er...
Folinic ...A fire?
Severin I know what you're thinking. But according to what we currently know, it seemed to be an accident.
Dr. Atro left town after that. And we don't know where she went.
Folinic How can you act like this is all no big deal?!
Suzuran Miss Folinic! C-calm down!
We... We'll investigate ourselves. But you tell us she just disappeared after a fire like that's not going to upset us!
Severin ...I'm very sorry.
If I'm not going to talk lightly, all I can give you is "I'm very sorry."
Dr. Atro is a good egg. She's got no Leithanian blood. No connection to us at all, really. And yet she's nobler than anybody around here.
And when the Catastrophe struck Wolumonde, she didn't run away. She offered us help.
I have the utmost respect for the good doctor. I hope nothing happened to her.
But after the fire, you saw it yourself, some of the Infected folks don't have the same ideas.
Not that I blame them. The town's cut off from the outside world. We're short on supplies. And a gang of armed Infected are out there circling.
Folinic Armed Infected?
Severin Outlanders. All of them Infected, all of them armed. Most are Leithanian, but there are a few devils among them.
Folinic The term is "Sarkaz," please. I hope the meaning of the word is not lost on you. Do you have any other information about the armed Infected?
Severin They're merely vultures waiting to pick our bones. And they're not the first.
Folinic Oh? So why didn't they immediately show up to plunder the town? Why are they just "loitering" out there?
Severin Just come out with it already.
Folinic Wolumonde's lack of sensitivity toward the Infected is understandable.
After all, it's a miracle Leithanien was letting infected people live alongside non-infected people for so long–
–But it's also an opportunity for bad actors to take advantage of such leniency.
Severin What do you mean?
Folinic I told you, Rhodes Island isn't just a bunch of doctors. We're also experts at dealing with the Infected.
There are some areas... where I'd rather trust our own judgment.
For example... have you ever heard of the "Reunion Movement?"
Severin Before the Great Rift, I saw that name in the newspapers from time to time. Mostly reports from Ursus, but occasionally in Leithania.
But to a small tourist town, it doesn't mean much. Folks around here would rather listen to the gossip from the next town over than official reports on faraway countries.
What are you getting at? You think Reunion has something to do with this?
Folinic No, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Let's leave it there for now.
Severin Right... *Cough*. Either way, thanks for the info.
Folinic Speaking from experience, I don't think your side of the story will have much influence on our mission.
Severin That's too bad. But honestly, I didn't expect much.
Folinic We may have to do some investigating around town. We need to find out what the deal with this "disappearance" is...
Rhodes Island will demand the necessary compensation from the relevant people.
Councilor Er...
Severin ...Understood.
I've no reason to argue with that face of yours.
You can move about the town freely, as Dr. Atro's associates. You are honored guests of Wolumonde.
Councilor Ah! But of course! Please, make yourselves at home here. Upstairs is the Wolumonde government's finest parlor.
You must be tired from your long journey? Please, take a rest upstairs while we–
Folinic No need. I have something to attend to.
Can we start our investigation now?
Severin We'll prepare the paperwork and notify the residents after the meeting. As you wish.
Folinic Thank you.
Suzuran, let's go.
Suzuran Oh? Er, okay! See you soon, Wolumonders!
[Folinic and Suzuran leaves.]
Severin ...*Sigh*.
Councilor How long can you keep them in the dark?
Severin Did you see her expression?
Councilor I did.
Severin You did. Rhodes Island may not be the type of company to try to extort us, but who knows what they might do to avenge a lost colleague?
The way I see it, it all ends the same.
Councilor But... but, it wasn't our fault. Shouldn't they be after the damned Infected that caused the fire?!
Severin We have no proof.
Councilor But we can't just take the blame either!
We tolerated the Infected as much as we could, and how did they repay us? Ever since the Gendarmerie left, they've completely been running rampant!
Severin ...Indeed. As for the truth, truth is a fickle thing. See this match? Matches are more reliable than the truth.
Councilor The doctor's right. You really should quit. You've got a long life ahead of you.
Severin They're "operators." I only listen to "doctors."
Councilor Touché...
Severin Tatjana, keep an eye on our guests. Make sure they don't get into trouble.
Tatjana Ah, yes, sir! Of course!
[Tatyana rushes outside to watch over Folinic and Suzuran.]
Councilor Her?
Severin That one, what was the name... Folinic. Yes.
Do you know what Folinic's expression of pain and anger reminded me of?
Councilor Don't keep me waiting.
Severin Tatjana. It made me think of her. Why didn't she show me a face like that?
Thor was very nearly her husband. You'd think she'd be a little sad.