Operation guide: TR-7

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TR-7 guide.png

The seventh tutorial operation of Arknights, TR-7 gives an insight on the usage of skills and taking on hard-hitting enemies with Defenders.

At first Fang will be already deployed on D6 facing right. The only enemy in this operation, a Junkman, will spawn from D9 and Dobermann points out that Fang won't be able to hold off the Junkman for long due to her meager stats and the Junkman's higher HP and ATK compared to enemies faced before, thus necessitating the use of Defenders due to their high DEF and activating their skills at the right moment to enhance their stats.

That's what exactly must be done; deploy Cuora on D3 facing right followed by Adnachiel on C4 or B5 facing up. True to what's mentioned before, Fang won't be able to do much damage to the Junkman, who KO'd her with three attacks. Cuora should be able to hold back the Junkman as Adnachiel whittles their HP down; remember to use the respective Operators' skills when they are ready to reduce the damage taken by Cuora and improving Adnachiel's DPS to kill the Junkman faster.