Tutorial: TR-22

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<Game paused>
Siege <The DP counter is highlighted> For this special operation in Norport, we'll start with limited initial deployment resources.
<Game unpaused>
[Notice that the DP stays at 20 and stops generating automatically, indicating that the cap is reduced to 20. A Norport Civilian spawns; note the white magnifying glass icon over them as they entered Orchid's attack range.]
<Game paused>
Siege <The Civilian is highlighted> Fortunately, Victoria's citizens will come to our aid and replenish our deployment resources once they enter our protection zone.
However, there are spies hidden among them.
<The Incursion Point is highlighted> Our operators will begin to identify any unidentified civilians once they enter their attack range or become blocked.
After some time has passed, we will be able to ascertain whether they are spies.
<Game unpaused>
[The Civilian starts moving, and notice that the identification icon turns blue as they approach Siege and she blocks them. Another Civilian then shows up and moves just as Siege let the first one pass as the identification icon changes into a moving person figure.]
<Game paused>
Siege <The confirmed Civilian is highlighted> Legitimate civilians will no longer be blocked once their identity has been confirmed.
But keep in mind that only identified civilians will replenish our deployment resources once they enter our protection zone.
<Game unpaused>
[The Operators identified the second Civilian as genuine just as the first made it into the Protection Objective; notice that the DP starts generating automatically as normal until it hits 22 after the Civilian escapes, indicating that the cap has been raised. Two more Civilians then show up as Kroos is deployed next to Siege.]
<Game paused>
Kroos <One of the Civilians is highlighted> Hey, that guy looks kinda sus. Is he a spy?
Siege You can often tell a spy from a civilian by subtle differences in their behavior.
<Game unpaused>
[The suspicious Civilians start to move as the second carries on. Kroos keeps a close watch on one of them until the identification icon over said Civilian turns red instead of blue.]
<Game paused>
Siege <The Civilian whose identification icon turns red is highlighted> Look! We've detected signs that that one's a spy!
<Game unpaused>
[The really suspicious Civilian moves as the other one is identified to be genuine and the previous one leaves. As another Civilian spawns, the really suspicious Civilian reveal themselves as a Pathfinder Spy in disguise!]
<Game paused>
Siege <The Pathfinder Spy is highlighted> Suspicious individuals reveal their true colors a little while after they're identified.
Stop the spies!
<Game unpaused>
[Cuora, Haze, and Sussurro are available for deployment. [The player quickly deploys Cuora next to Kroos to block the Patfhinder Spy and the rest at their discretion] The first Spy does not get far as he is stopped by Cuora and taken out by Kroos with Haze and Sussurro's support. More Civilians show up with three Pathfinder Spies in disguise among them, but Kroos managed to blow their cover and the Operators take them out.]