Operator overview: Sesa

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Sesa is a 5★ Artilleryman Sniper who specializes in AoE and Debuff. As a Artilleryman Sniper, Sesa's attacks do splash damage affecting enemies in the adjacent tiles to the primary target with a long range of 3×4 tiles with a 1-tile extension ahead at Elite 1 or 3×5 tiles at Elite 2 and high ATK at the cost of high attack interval and DP cost, the latter of which increases in every promotion.


Vulnerability Deconstruction amplifies the Physical damage taken by enemies who are being blocked while Sesa is deployed.


  1. ATK Up γ buffs Sesa's ATK while active.
  2. Delayed Concussive Parts has Sesa fire concussion grenades in each attack that detonates after a delay of 2 seconds upon impact, dealing more damage and reduces the ASPD of enemies caught in the blast for a short time while active.

Operator Module

The ART-X Module, "Soul Resonance", increases Sesa's ATK against enemies that are being blocked to 1.1× in addition to increasing his ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, Vulnerability Deconstruction's damage amplification is increased.

Base skills

Sesa's base skills improve the efficiency of upgrade material processing while he is assigned to the Workshop.

  1. Pragmatic Minimalism halves the morale drained when an upgrade material which drains 4 morale is processed.
  2. Industrial Design increases the byproduct rate of upgrade material processing by 75%.


Like other Artilleryman Snipers, Sesa can be useful in operations featuring hordes of enemies, especially Annihilation, and he sets himself apart from other Artilleryman Snipers with the ability to fire stronger time-fused concussion grenades and making blocked enemies more vulnerable to Physical attacks.