Operator trivia: Sesa

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  • His name derives from Shesha (शेष), the king of all nāga and the servant of Vishnu in Hinduism.
  • Sesa's background, as seen from his files, bears many similarities to that of Alfred Nobel:[1]
    • Both have a younger brother who helped them out and died in an explosion.
    • Both are engaged in arms industry but later despises warfare.
    • Both are deeply into philosophy and literature.
  • Sesa's background is also similar to that of J. Robert Oppenheimer, who shares the same birthday of April 22:[2]
    • Both have a less accomplished younger brother.
    • Both came from a wealthy family.
    • Both had connections with a secrect national project on a weapon of mass destruction (the Manhattan Project for Oppenheimer's case and Columbia's secret weapon project in Sesa's brother's case).
    • Both are pacifists who tried to stop the inevitable impact of modern wafare.
    • Both are also deeply into philosophy and literature; Oppenheimer notably quotes Bhagavad Gita during the Trinity test, with the most famous being "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
    • Sesa being named after a Hindu creature likely refers to Oppenheimer's obsession with Hinduism.
