Operation guide: Separation and Unity

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One of the possible Dreadful Foes in the 3rd floor of Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, Separation and Unity pits the player against a "Tidelinked" duo of a Bishop and an Archon, the former is a Church of the Deep bishop using a strong ranged Arts attack with very high RES while the latter is a strong Sea Terror melee attacker with high DEF that also inflicts Corrosion Damage. On their own, the Bishop and the Archon aren't much of a trouble due to their simplicity in addition to the former's weakness to Physical damage and the latter's weakness to Arts damage; it is when the pair works together that makes for a rather respectable force. However, the Tidelinked duo's tricky part is that should the HP of either drops to 0, they will enter a comatose state for a short time after which they are revived with full HP, that could render them potentially unkillable... unless if the Bishop and the Archon are put into coma at the same time, where both will perish.

The Tidelinked duo is backed up by Mortar Gunners and Sea Monsters, and be on the look out for the former due to their long-ranged attacks.

General strategies

  • A squad comprising of both Physical and Arts damage is ideal for dealing with the Bishop and the Archon since the former has great RES but low DEF, while the latter has high DEF but lacking HP and RES.
  • Despite the Mortar Gunners' low defensive stats, their ATK can still allow them to inflict high damage to most ranged friendly units, Casters. Unless the player has a strong multi-target healing sources beforehand, spreading out the formation is a key to lessen the damage they can cause.