Operation guide: Sandsea Remnants

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Sandsea Remnants guide.png
#8 (Dawnseeker) Rotating Site (Day 1 and 2, and 14)
#9 (Deepness) Rotating Site (Day 5 and 11)
#10 (Ashring) Rotating Site (Day 7 and 12)
#11 (Fake Waves) Rotating Site (Day 3)

Sandsea Remnants has a rather wide open area and features mostly mercenary enemies from A Walk in the Dust who can make use of Air Support Drones to assist them in combat in various ways for a limited time:

  • The Tactical Crossbowmen can call in Scraps before attacking a target, which provides covering fire with twin grenade launchers that also halves the targets' DEF.
  • The Tactical Defenders can call in Anvils upon falling below half HP, which provides aid by healing nearby enemies and buffing their DEF.
  • The War Phantoms combine the Tactical Crossbowmen and Defenders' abilities in addition to speeding up Scraps and Anvils while they are present.
  • The Anti-Armor Infantry are worth mentioning, as they carry a single-shot RPG launcher that deals massive area-of-effect damage from long ranges but will only use it once, after which they resort to use melee attacks but moves much faster.

The main problem of Sandsea Remnants lies in the following Contracts:

  • The Drone: Strengthened Armor Contracts makes all Drones more durable by buffing their HP and DEF, extends the duration of Anvils and Scraps, and improves the former's HP restoration and the latter's DEF debuff, which can render whatever enemies Anvils are supporting invincible if the Operators' DPS are not high enough to outdamage their healing and friendlies suppressed by Scraps, even Defenders with high DEF, to become even more fragile.
  • The Drone: Energy Boost Contracts makes all Drones hit harder and more difficult to shoot down in time by buffing their ATK and speed, and extends their attack range which can be problematic for Scraps that also have their attacks' DEF debuff both enhanced and extended.
  • The Objective: Firepower Upgrade Contract greatly increases the damage dealt by Anti-Armor Infantry's RPG attack, to the point most Operators are unable to withstand RPG to the face from even a single Infantry!
  • The Environment: Firepower Support Contracts cause additional enemies to join the party, consisting of several Arts Masters A1 whose speed and ranged Arts attack can be threatening, and more Tactical Crossbowmen and War Phantoms.