Operation guide: RI-TR-1

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RI-TR-1 guide.png

A special tutorial operation in the The Great Chief Returns event, RI-TR-1 gives an insight on Giant Mushrooms.

Melantha is initially deployed on E6 facing left. She will be able to handle the incoming Hounds with ease, but after a while, an Originium Slug will show up from B1 and C1 and move through lanes B and C respectively after stopping in B2 and C2 for a while. At this point Gavial asked Tomimi to have some of her tribesmen clearing the giant mushrooms, and four Rhodes Island Temporary Employees are available for deployment with one additional R.I. Temporary Employee deployed on E7 facing down. Deploy an R.I. Temporary Employee on E3, E4, and E5, all facing down, and note that they will start to "cut down" the Giant Mushroom within their range by attacking them; once the Giant Mushroom's HP reaches 0, it will turn into a Stump which is treated as a ranged tile, allowing ranged units to be deployed on it, while the R.I. Temporary Employee retreats in exhaustion. Do note that certain RI enemies, notably Tiacauh Shredders and The Big Ugly Thing, can destroy Giant Mushrooms along with the Stump, making it unusable.

Once the Giant Mushroom on D7 is cut down, Jessica will automatically be deployed there, facing down, and takes out the Originium Slugs. After this, Gitano, Lava, and Steward will be available for deployment; deploy them on the Stumps (after the Giant Mushroom on top of it is cleared, of course) to take care of the rest of the Originium Slugs. Note that Giant Mushrooms increase the DEF of friendlies in the adjacent tiles to it, so sometimes it's best to keep them intact instead of cutting them down.