Operator overview: Projekt Red

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Projekt Red is a 5★ Executor Specialist who specializes in Fast-Redeploy and Crowd-Control. As an Executor Specialist, Red has a base redeployment time of just 18 seconds instead of other Operators' 70–80 seconds; combined with her low DP cost of 7 (9 at Elite 1), Red can be deployed, retreated, and deployed over and over again every time the situation calls for it. Compared to other Executor Specialists, Red has high ATK but low HP and DEF, making her more oriented on the offensive and a "glass cannon" (capable of dealing high damage but can't take as much) Operator.


Chill increases the minimum damage of Red's attacks to a set percentage of her ATK.


  1. Execution Mode buffs Red's ATK and gives her a chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks for a short time after she is deployed.
  2. Wolfpack deals Physical damage to adjacent ground enemies (and only ground enemies) and Stuns them for a short time when Red is deployed.

Operator Module

The EXE-Y Module, Mystery Prop Pack, increases Red's ATK by 10% if there are no friendly units in the adjacent tiles to her in addition to increasing her ATK and ASPD. Once upgraded, Chill's minimum damage buff is increased.

  • Mystery Prop Pack significantly improves Red's DPS and is worth equipping when she is to be used for assassinating priority targets (since she would usually be deployed away from friendlies in such cases).

Base skills

  1. S.W.E.E.P. has Operators in the Control Center (including Red herself) recover 0.05 morale per hour while Red is assigned there, which stacks with other similar base skills.
  2. Tracker increases the clue search rate by 25% while Red is assigned to the Reception Room.


As one of the few Crowd-Control Operators, Projekt Red is best dropped in the middle of a swarm of enemies to clear them out, although she can also be dropped next to high-value targets and eliminate them, and pulls out once she's finished so that she could do the same again when needed.

In the correct hands, the Wolf Hunter can save Doctors from certain defeat by turning the tables even against the most overwhelming odds.