Operator story: Penance

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Lavinia Falcone the Siracusan judge has been known for her fairness and justice who gives fair verdicts to any convicts she comes across. She has been detesting the current Siracusan legal system which has been ineffective thanks to the mafia influence, hence putting the commonfolk in an awkward situation where they have to rely on the famiglie to resolve legal issues. However, she deeply knows in her heart the risk of openly declaring opposition against the famiglie which led to the tragic assassination of her lawyer parents, not to say that the Siracusan law is the absolute embodiment of the mafia's sole Capo Signora Sicilia, and rebellion will bring onto herself bloody disaster.

"For the law is absolute and shall be above all things;" this is a creed Lavinia has been carrying in her heart regardless of circumstances.

To protect herself and her career, she had been supported by the Bellone famiglia behind the scene. Surprisingly, the famiglie's don, Bernardo Bellone, who aims to end Siracusa's mafia tradition, quietly allowed her to carry on her own judgement without his interference, including giving verdicts onto his own Bellone members. In turn, she formed an uneasy friendship with the Bellones including having frequent contact with the famiglia's heir Leontuzzo. Nevertheless, Lavinia acknowledges that her support by the famiglia could not bring true justice and reform of the current law but an obstacle by becoming a pawn for the Bellones. Her only goal is that justice could be manifested to everyone, whether the mafiosi or the commonfolks, where they can seek help from the law without the fear of persecutions and manipulations.

After the Volsinii incident, Lavinia was finally freed from the Bellones' yoke following its disbandment. She willingly accepted the Signora's challenge to build a whole new legal system without the influence of the famiglie, hence resigning from her job to become a legal consultant for Leontuzzo in the building of Nuova Volsinii, the first Siracusan city that is free of the mafia's influence. By chance, she registered herself as operator "Penance" of Rhodes Island under its logistic sections as a student traveling around and learn new knowledge. Lavinia puts her hope to fulfil her grand vision in jurisprudence by walking onto the thorny paths.


Il Siracusano

Vigil: Future Coming