Operator trivia: Penance

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  • Her codename is a Christian term referring to "any act or a set of actions done out of repentance for sins committed."
  • Her surname and her judiciary career are direct references to Giovanni Falcone, a significant Italian magistrate who spent most of his career in overthrowing the Sicilian Mafia through the Maxi Trial but was eventually assassinated by them in the tragic Capaci bombing.
    • The Capaci bombing happens on May 23, 1992; Il Siracusano which introduces Penance was released in the Global server on May 23, 2023, coinciding with the 31st anniversary of Falcone's death.
  • Being a judge, Penance has noticeable elements from jurisprudence:
    • Her standing posture in her Elite 2 artwork is based on Justitia, the Roman goddess of justice who is better known as "Lady Justice" in modern judicial system. The Italian word for justice, giustizia, is also engraved in the background of her artwork.
    • She has thorns as decorations, and thorns usually symbolizes hardship in Christianity. Similarly, the study of jurisprudence is like a path of thorns as attested by the words of Karl Llewellyn.
    • Her chain hammer is shaped in the style of a gavel.
  • Her idle animation when her first skill is fully charged has become a sort of meme in the community because she swings her hammer airborne nonstop.
  • Penance is the second Defender without a shield, after Mudrock. Interestingly, both of them are Juggernaut Defenders.
  • Prior to a flash update, Penance's height was 161 cm which contradicted her in-game story images.