Operation guide: Patrol Squad

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One of the (Emergency) Operations in the 2nd floor of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Patrol Squad is identical in all but name and tileset to Beast Tamer in Ceobe's Fungimist, but features Tiacauh Braves in place of Butchers alongside Avengers, with the former reduces the blocker's and their DEF and only take damage from the blocker when blocked, and the latter gains increased ATK when in low HP, both of which can force through the defense line if left unchecked.

  • To deal with Avengers:
    • They have low DEF, so using Guards or Snipers can dispatch them easily.
    • Defenders are recommended to tank their attacks if they started to move.
  • To deal with Tiacauh Braves:
    • They have low RES, so using Casters can handle them.
    • If one must block them, use Guards instead of Defenders to cut through their weakened defenses.

For the Emergency Operation version, it is not recommended to face the elite enemies head on due to their increased ATK. Instead, it is recommended to use Decel Binder Supporters to slow them down so other ranged Operators can finish them off.